Perek Tes Zayin כא To לא Flashcards
When the plishtim got shimshon what were the things they did to him (3)
1) gauges out his eyes
2) brought him to Gaza
3) shackled him in bronze Chains and made him grind in prison
They brought his down to Gaza which was …..
His place where destruction began
Gauged out his eyes
Eyes =
Which is
How is it those things
1) desire
2) greatest strength and weakness
S - he is precepetive - a spy - a shofat
W - had inappropriate interactions was blinded by his wives antics and his desire to satisfy her that he ignored her negative intentions
Desire = Who did shimshon rely on too much? What didn’t he do? Remove his eyes = 1) P 2) S 3) E
1) haughtiness
2) relied on himself too much
3) approach others for help - too proud to ask for help
4) los independence
Physically - lose his eyes which is hsi greatest strength and weakness
Spiritually - not obligated to do mitzvos
Emo - lost status of being shofat- can never lead Jewish ppl he had blemish
Grind in prison meaning (2) simple and deep (parallel)
1) back breaking labor
2) the men would bring their wives to shimshon so their wives would get impregnated from him with the hopes of having strong babies
Parallels with his prioritizing his desire for pleasure
Now he is forced to use his desire in a demeaning manner
What happened after his hair was cut off
It began to grow back
Why is it important to know that shimshons hair started to grow back
It’s not necessarily the actions that make one holy
But the motivation - connections to HaShem - foo it w a motivate - you what to think what makes u holy
It wasn’t his hair that necessarily made him strong but him reconnecting with HaShem in his yrs of prison
Now he’s looking for HaShem
Striving for the connection despite the circumstances
Head full of hair = full of spiritual ruchnious
Hair grows back = the circumstances he is loooking to HaShem connection
Hair grows back =
Despite the circumstances
He is looking to HaShem to gain strength
Growth connection. - Kedushah - which comes from the growth
Hair symbols Shimshons growth
What did the generals of the plishtim do when gathered together
Sang praise to their avodah Zara and were happy
Saying our god gave shimshon our enemy into our hands
The nation saw the….
What did they do
Avodah Zara
Praised it
“Bc of u our gd who gave our enemy into our hands who had destroyed our land and had caused much destruction
Shimshons perspective
Feels like everything he did was for nothing
His goal of infiltrating the plishtim don’t work - being able to bring HaShems name into the work and it failed
His eyes got gauged out and hesin prison listening to the plishtim praise their gd w excitement thinking they beat HaShem
And it was when …..
And what did they say
And do
Their hearts were happy
Let’s call after shimshon and we will laugh at him
And they called for Shimshons from the prison and they laughed before him
And. They placed him both the pillars
Shimshon is abt to
If everything
Reconnection with
Overcome everything - imprisonment broke him spiritually physically no emotionally
Is taken away from u u will still have. Ur thoughts
HaShem will build him up again
Built himself up
He got knocked down but he is able to do teshuva and build himself up
What did shimshon say to the boy holding his hand
And what did he do
Let me lean against the pillars that the building is standing on
He did it
The house was full with
Watching what
The men and women
The officers of the plishtim
On the roof there were 3000 men and women.
The shimshon entertainment