Perek Tes Zayin Flashcards
where did Shimshon go?
who does he see? what does he do?
1) gazi
2) an inappropriate woman
3) goes to her
what do the plishtim say to each other?
what did they do? for how long - saying what?
1) “Shimshon has come here
lets surround him and ambush him all night around the gates of the city”
2) and they plotted all night
3) saying at the morning light we will kill him
what were the plishtim afraid?
what changed?
1) to attack shimshon
2) since shimshon entered w/ no problem they planned to kill him
Rashi: how were the plishtim plotting
how does shimshon enter?
wat does he do? why?
1) in disguise
2) spreads the word that Shimshon is here
3) he wants them to know
וירד תמנתה - what is this showing? where to refrence? what is gaza? what does he do? right or wrong? why?
1) foreshadowing his downfall
2) pasuk yud aleph
3) the place where thing go wrong - actual downfall begins
3) he infaltrates the plishtim (command by HaShem)
4) does it wrong
5) he didnt marry the woman liek he did with first woman w/ the conversion process
he slept with her
did shimshon kniw the plishtim were planning to ambush him
he wanted it to happen
hence why he spread the rumor
why did shimsho go to gaza
bc after 20 yrs the energy of bnai yisrael was weak
bnai yisrael started to desire to be like the plishtim (bad ppl - someone u dont want to become)
now shimshon has to reinfiltrate the plishtim and recognize bnai yisrael
has to live up to his name
ומגן - protect
שמש - energize
how long did shimshon sleep till?
what did he do?
1) middle of the night - gets up
2) grasped the doors to the gates 0f the city and he pulled them up by the bar
and he puts them on hish shoulders and walks them to the top of the mountain facing Chevron
חצי הלילה
whats the signififcance of the middle of the night
mefarshim bring down this was Pesach - seder night night
you have a mitzvah from HaShem to eat the karbon pesach
and shimshon is missing karbon pesach
he felt the mission was so imp that he had to miss a mitzvah
How was shimshon able to stretch his hands and pull out the door posts?
chazzal brings down he was 60 amot wide and thats why he can lift a 100 ft wide door
stroy sounds vry strange
why is this included
ומגן - sending message to plishtim to bacjk off
removes their security
protects bnai yisrael
שמש - energizing bnai yisrael to dissassociate from the plishtim
becomes talk of the town on seder night
stroy sounds vry strange
why is this included
LITERALLY taking the gates on his shouders
saying to bnai yisrael hes shouldering the burden
doing it for you bnai yisrael
protecting bnai yisrael - energizing them
what happened after gaza?
shimshon loved a woman named deliliah
אחר כן
because of what
1) connected to previous story in gaza
2) צרע - pain and hardshp w/ deliliah
3) his experiences in Gaza this leads to the hardships w/ Delilah `
Idea brought down by Chazzal:
מצווה גררת מצווה עבירה גררת עבירה
what does shimshon do in gaza?
One mitzvah leads to another mitzvah
one avrah leads to another
makes a mistakes -> leads to downfall w/ delilah
1) who came up to delilah
2) what did they say
1) the geenrals from the plishtim went up to her
2) seduce him and see from where does his strength come from and with what can we overpower him to tie him up and oppress him
and every plishti man will give you 1100 dollars
ויעלו שוליה
עלה - to go up
it took effort for the plishtim to come to her - to find her
also they were in hiding and still found shimshon and delilah
סרני פּלצתים
top level imp
ואמרו לה
what do mefarshim say
they (plishtim) approached her numerous times
talked to her repeatively
why 1100 dollares
1100 maaser (110) actual amt 990 every person will give her approx 1000 dollars adter she woykd give maaser tempting #
where was delilahs mistake?
she took the money
money is the only idol that has no end
money is the only idol that has no end - meaning
when ppl desire something - there is a lacking
for money there is never enough - never satisfying
compared to food - you can be satisfied for a while but want more
what was Delilahs mistake
(how was she a tzedkaus
what did she lack
1) she gave up everything to convert to judaism to be with her. husband and HaShem
2) at the end of the day the lack of faith is what rlly broke
(worry x2
breaking point
1) worried constantly - wife of superhero under constant threat
2) they were discovered by plishtim -> made her worry into reality
3) midrash brings down they had a son named micha (amplifies the worry)
4) breaking point: she took the MONEY offer -> money is a desire that is neer fufilled
ואסכנוהו -> meaning
how did the plishtim shift delilahs perspective?
1) to subdue(weaken) him
2) Shimshon would be better off with the Plishtim bc he wont hurt others or himself
they will imprison him so they can weaken him
What caused Delilah more susceptable to that challenge? How to avoid it?
didnt tell her husband
shows she made this decision on her on w/o HaShem = lack of faith
she became a convert - took to mych too soon went from 0-100
what did delilah ask shimshon? (2)
tell me from
1) what/where comes from ur great strength
2) and with what can be used to subdue you
how does shimshon respond to deliliah
if you tie me uo with 7 wet strings that have never been dried befire then i will become like the man
what approach did delilah take
trust approach
im ur wife, we’re married -tell me ur deepest darkest secret
as a wife shes throwing a big q
hard to build trust but easy to break
because if person a does something that breaks person bs trust it will be hard to gain that back
how is shimshons response
how couldve he answered
1) indirect
2) directly
couldve said no
couldve said from HaShem
so why did he give an indirect answer
bc sometimes for Shalom bayit its better to avoid the situtaion than face confrontation
did Shimshon lie
it was a play on words to avoid confrontation
what do the generals of teh plishtim bring to Delilha?
7 wet strings that never been dried so she can tie him up with them
where were the enemies sitting?
what did Delilah say to Shimshon?
what happens?
1) in the room
2) “The plishtim are onto you shimshon!”
3) and he breaks the strings as though they had been in fire and his strenth was undiscovered
Premise: what wouldve shimshon done?
1) pretending that this method of tying him up would work in the name of shalom bayis
did shimshon willingly agree to be tied up? he trusted her?
how did the plishtim enter? were they noticed
(דעת סופּרים and מלבים)
דעת סופּרים: Shimshon was awake - saw the plishtim
breaks through strings as defense against the plishtim
מלבים: shimshon was asleep when he was tied up
his wife told him the plishtim r here
doesnt see plishtim
breaks through as an instinct
what thoughts couldve gone through shimshons mind after his wife and the plishtim tie him up
דן לכף זכות - judge ppl favorably
shimshon chose to give delilah the benefit of the doubt and look at the brighter side that this couldve been a coincidence
after the whole incident
what does delilah say to shimshon
behold u deceived me and you lied to me
now tell me please what can i tie u up with
what did shimshon respond with (2nd time)
if you tie me up in new ropes that has no work done on it
then i will become weak like the man כְּאַחַ֥ד הָאָדָֽם:
take 2 of delilah tieing him up:
what does she tell shimshon
what happened
1) the plishtim are upon you
shimshon and his enemy r sitting in the same room
2) he ripped up the ropes as of theyw ere strings
third try
what does delilah tell shimshon
how does he respond
1) until when will u deceive me and tell me lies
tell me in what will be tied
2) if you weave my 7 flocks of HAIR from my gead into a web
why is it dangerous shimshon is leading her to his hair
it is his strength as a nazir
BIG MISTAKE to give up
what did delilah do with his hair?
what did she tell him?
what happened?
1) pinned his hair with a peg
2) the plishtim r upon u
3) awoke from his sleep
pulled out the peg the loom and teh web from his hair
after the hair pegging situtaion what does delilah tell shimshon
1) how can u say u love me when ur heart isnt with me
this is the 3rd time you deceived me and u didnt tell from where ur strength comes from
when delilah says why did u lie to me
how does shimshon react
he apologises saying he didnt mean to decive
doesnt attack her
just apologises - gives new ropes
model husband behavior
making sure his wife feels loved
put his wife first
happy wife = good brachos
a man has to constantly make sure his wife feels loved
when she says this then he is heartbroken bc he is not satsifying her needs
what finally got shimshon to break
how was shimshon feeling
after she hagged him and pressed him will all her words
worn out and his soul begged to die
his soul begged to die simple explanation
the hagging made him so crazy!
his soul begged to die deeper explanation
we have a certain time to accomplish things and shimshon did well - his time was up
so what does shimshon finally do?
what does he say?
1) everything in his heart
2) says a razor! never came on his head becayse hes a nazir of hashem from the womb of his mother
if u cut my hair then my strength would be removed from me and i will become like all the other men
ככל האדם
כאחד האדם
1) truth - like every otehr man
2) play on words
says this the first three times
“a razor” who is shimshon giving credit to
“nazir of hashem” who is he crediting
what do we see
his hair HaShem his humility comes through crediting his strength to his hair and HaShem not taking credit of his strength
after shimshon told her the truth - what did delilah see
what did she do
what did the generals of the plishtim do
1) she saw that he told her everything
everything that was in his heart
2) tells the generals of the plishtim to come because he told here verything that was in his heart
3) the generals of teh plishtim come up to her and they brought with them all the money
how did she know this time was the truth?
he used HaShems names
he was a tzadik
what did she do shimshon in his sleep?
who did she call? what did they do?
and what happened
1) pulled him on her lap
2) called a man and he cut the 7 locks of hair from shimshons head
3) this weakened him and his srength left thim
4 steps of Delilahs downfall - connection to Yetzer Hara
1) the plush Tim bribe her with the fact that they won’t hurt shimshon if she founds out and tells them how to subdue shimshon - yetzer hara attacks on a moment of weakness, it feeds off fear
2) she takes the supplies = creates a desire to succeeed/win
3) plush Tim are not waiting - strengthens that desire to win
4) she infiltrates the truth, calls the plush Tim over and they bring the money - you don’t recognize who u are because you are overcome with that desire to achieve ur goal