Perception Flashcards
What is the difference between sensation and perception?
Sensation is what happens when our sensory modalities (vision, hearing, taste, etc.) are activated.
Perception is how we understand these senses.
What are the three stages of sensation?
- reception
- transduction
- transmission through neural pathways to the brain
Stimuli from the outside world are converted into neural impulses to be processed by our brains through what process?
What two processes stop you from feeling your shirt press against the hairs on your arms all day?
- sensory adaptation: when the hairs on our arms are constantly being pressed, we simply stop responding to the feeling of pressure
- sensory habituation: the pressure on our hairs stops being novel, so there is no reason for us to continue paying attention to it
If you are zoning out in class and your teacher suddenly uses a swear word, you will snap back to attention. What is the phenomenon called that is responsible for this?
The cocktail party phenomenon/effect
involuntarily focuses our attention on something salient, like hearing our name in a roomful of people, or hearing a teacher curse.
What are the “energy senses” and why are they called that?
• vision
• audition (hearing)
• touch
These senses convert stimuli into energy, like light, sound waves, and pressure.
What are the “chemical senses” and why are they called that?
• taste (gustation)
• smell (olfaction)
These senses take stimuli and convert them into chemical signals to be processed.
What is a human’s dominant sense?
What are the factors in seeing a bright light or a blue sky versus a black jacket?
Light intensity will affect how bright an object appears
color or hue is affected by the light wavelength in the visual color spectrum an object reflects.
Describe cornea:
protective covering of the eye, where light first enters and is focused.
Describe pupil:
The black part in the middle of the eye, the pupil acts like the shutter of a camera, and is controlled by the iris.
Describe iris:
The iris is the colored disc surrounding the pupil that changes its dilation, allowing more or less light in.
Describe the lens
The lens focuses light entering through the pupil (called accomodation), then flips and inverts the image and projects it onto the retina.
Describe retina:
The upside-down and inverted image is projected onto the retina, where neurons are activated to interpret the image via transduction. The retina has several layers of cells involved in transduction.
What are the parts of the retina?
- rods and cones
- fovea
- ganglion cells
- blind spot