Biological basis of behaviors Flashcards
What is neuroanatomy?
Neuroanatomy relates to the parts and functions of individual nerve cells, known as neurons.
What is a neuron?
A neuron is an individual nerve cell.
Name the parts of a neuron.
- dendrites
- cell body/soma
- axon hillock
- axon
- myelin sheath
- nodes of Ranvier
- terminal buttons
- neurotransmitters
- synapse/synaptic cleft
Explain the function of the following part of a neuron:
- branch-like arms attached to the cell body
- receive information from other neurons.
Explain the function of the following part of a neuron:
cell body/soma
- the “brain” of the neuron
- making up gray matter, and containing the nucleus.
axon hillock
connects the cell body to the axon
Explain the function of the following part of a neuron:
- tube-like structures
- transmit information (via electrical impulse) from the cell body to the terminal buttons.
Explain the function of the following part of a neuron:
myelin sheath
- fatty layer around some axons
- insulates the electric impulse and allows information to travel faster
- so signals travel just to the intended neuron(s).
Explain the function of the following part of a neuron:
terminal buttons
- where information from the axon ends up
- contain neurotransmitters.
What are synonyms for “terminal buttons”?
end buttons
synaptic knobs
axon terminals
terminal branches of axons
Explain the function of the following part of a neuron:
- chemicals in the axon terminals that attempt to communicate with dendrites on other neurons
- “fit” with dendritic receptor sites to continue to the next neuron.
Explain the function of the following part of a neuron:
- also called the synaptic cleft; between pre synaptic neuron and post synaptic neuron
- gap between terminal button of one neuron and the dendrites of the next.
Chemicals travel within the cells, but are transmitted to other neurons electrically. TRUE or FALSE?
- electric signal within cells
- chemical signal at synapse
Can a neuron fire at different magnitudes?
- fire completely at depolarization threshold
- all or none principle
How is an action potential (or nerve impulse) created?
- charged chemicals enter the dendrite and then the soma
- soma is initially slightly negative charged
- some gets depolarized enough –> action potential
- electric information fired down the axon to the terminal button
Some __________ are excitatory, prodding the cell body to fire, and others are __________, which prevent the creation of a cell’s action potential.
neurotransmitters; inhibitory
Describe the path of information within a neuron from beginning to end.
Dendrite (chemical signals)⇒cell body (become electrical signals)⇒axon⇒axon terminal (become chemical signals)⇒synapse⇒dendrite of next neuron
When neurotransmitters from the axon terminal are released, they attempt to connect with __________ on the postsynaptic dendrite.
receptor sites
the level of depolarization of soma to produce an action potential
What is the function of this neurotransmitter and what problem(s) are associated with too much/too little of it?
Neuro-function: memory learning
Somatic Function: muscle contraction coordination and motor movement
Problem: Alzheimer’s disease linked to acetylcholine deficit
What is the function of this neurotransmitter and what problem(s) are associated with too much/too little of it?
Function: pleasure and pain control
Problem: endorphins are released when pleasure areas of the brain are stimulated, so addictions are linked to endorphins
What is the function of this neurotransmitter and what problem(s) are associated with too much/too little of it?
Neuro function: “reward”, pleasure and motivation
Function: motor movement and alertness
Problems: Parkinson’s disease (dopamine deficiency) and schizophrenia (excessive dopamine), linked to addiction
Dopamineis a monoamine, and part of the catecholamine class.
Function: mood control, sleep, dream, appetite
Problem: deficiency linked to clinical depression
Serotonin is a monoamine, and part of the indolamine class.
What is the difference between afferent and efferent neurons?
Afferent neurons, or sensory neurons, carry informationtothe brain.
Efferent neurons, or motor neurons, carry informationfromthe brain to the body.
What are the subdivisions of the nervous system?
central nervous system - brain and spinal cord peripheral nervous system - somatic - autonomic - sympathetic - parasympathetic
What is the difference between the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system?
central nervous system: nerves in bones.
peripheral nervous system: nerves not encased in bone.
When you want to answer a question in class, what part of the nervous system controls your ability to raise your hand?
somaticnervous system – muscle movements.
When your stomach begins to growl before lunch, what part of the nervous system is activated?
autonomicnervous system
- controls the parts of our bodies that work automatically
What does the sympathetic nervous system do?
Responds to stress -> fight or flight
- accelerates what’s immediately needed
- heart rate, pupil dilation, breathing, sweating
- slows
- digestion, immunity
What is the function of the parasympathetic nervous system?
Counteract sympathetic nervous system
active during also “sex, sleep, sustenance” and recovery
How did Phineas Gage contribute to the field of psychology?
Personality changed after frontal lobe damage
Leads to the study of the area of the brain where emotion is regulated
What are ways in which psychologists study the functions of different brain areas?
accidents and lesions electroencephalogram (EEG) Computerized Axial Tomography (CAT or CT) Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) Positron Emisson Tomography (PET) Functional MRI (fMRI) Diffusion Tensor Imaging (DTI)
Describe the following method of studying the brain:
- Lesions by damage
- study by the impaired function
Describe the following method of studying the brain:
electroencephalogram (EEG)
Detects brain waves in different states of consciousness
Used largely in sleep research
Describe the following method of studying the brain:
Computerized Axial Tomography
3-D x-ray images of the brain;
structures known by different densities of the parts
Describe the following method of studying the brain:
Magnetic Resonance Imaging
uses magnetic fields to image brain density by different molecules vibrate differently, thus structures shown
No exposure to harmful radiation
Describe the following method of studying the brain:
Positron Emission Tomography
- Radioactive substances injected
- Detect for the concentration in different parts to glean the blood flows
- Studies brain activities
Describe the following method of studying the brain:
Functional MRI
- magnetic fields to image the density of hemoglobin in different parts of the brain
- see blood flow during cognitive tasks -> brain activity
Neuro function: arousal, fight/flight
Somatic function: Heart, rate, BP, Appetite
- connects the brain to the spinal cord
- a primitive part
- control basic functions
- respiration
- heart rate and BP
- connects fore brain, midbrain and hindbrain
- helps control facial expression
- the “little brain”
- looks like a smaller brain on the underside of our brain
- partially responsible for mind-body connection (habitual muscle movements)
- located in the midbrain
- believed to be the oldest part
- controls bodily arousal and ability to focus
reticular formation
What are the parts of the brain known as the limbic system, and what function does the limbic system serve?
- thalamus
- hypothalamus
- hippocampus
- amygdala
- septal area
The limbic system is involved in “fight, flight, feeding, and fornication.”
- the “sensory way station”, a relay
- receives info from spinal cord and directs to parts of the forebrain for further processing
- controls the endocrine system
- metabolic functions: libido, body temperature, hunger, and thirst
- convert short-term memories to long-term memories
- controls emotion and fear
Function of amygdala
- controls emotion and fear
- convert short-term memories to long-term memories
- controls the endocrine system
- metabolic functions: libido, body temperature, hunger, and thirst
- the “sensory way station”, a relay
- receives info from spinal cord and directs to parts of the forebrain for further processing
_______ is involved in “fight, flight, feeding, and fornication.”
limbic system
reticular formation
- controls bodily arousal and ability to focus
- connects fore brain, midbrain and hindbrain
- helps control facial expression
- connects the brain to the spinal cord
- a primitive part
- control basic functions
- respiration
- heart rate and BP
Why are our brains wrinkled?
The surface of the brain is covered with neurons, and wrinkles (or fissures) increase the surface area so more neurons can connect with one another to transmit more information.
If you want to kick a soccer ball with your right foot, which hemisphere of the brain controls this, and what principle explains it?
The left hemisphere controls the motor function on the right half of the body and vice versa. This is calledcontralateral control.
Split-brain patients have had their __________ severed, usually to treat epilepsy. What two doctors pioneered this surgical procedure?
corpus callosum
Roger Sperry and Michael Gazzaniga pioneered this procedure.
the nerve bundle that runs through the middle of the brain, connecting the hemispheres.
corpus callosum
corpus callosum
the nerve bundle that runs through the middle of the brain, connecting the hemispheres.
It has been suggested that the right hemisphere of the brain is active during spatial and creative tasks, while the left is activated during logic, spoken language, and sequential tasks. What are the two terms used to describe the differences between the right and left hemispheres?
brain lateralizationandhemispheric specialization
There are four lobes in the brain. Name them.
- frontal
- parietal
- occipital
- temporal
- the brain’s executive functioning center.
- responsible for reasoning and emotional control.
- – long term plans,
- – regulate our emotions,
- – consider consequences.
Prefrontal cortex
What area of the brain allows us to move our muscles to produce speech?
Broca’s area
- located in the left frontal lobe in most right-handers
The top of the motor cortex controls voluntary muscle movements in what area of the body?
The feet and toes
the back of the frontal lobe.
The top of the body is controlled by the bottom of the motor cortex.
The top of the body is controlled by ___
bottom of the motor cortex
The top of the motor cortex located at ___
the back of the frontal lobe.
What is the area in the anterior frontal lobe called, and what is it responsible for?
Prefrontal cortex
- the brain’s executive functioning center.
- responsible for reasoning and emotional control.
- – long term plans,
- – regulate our emotions,
- – consider consequences.
Located in the parietal lobe behind the motor cortex, the __________ receives touch sensations from the body.
sensory cortex, or somato-sensory cortex
Why is the area where vision is processed counterintuitive?
occipital lobe,
- at the very back of the brain,
- far from the eyes
- The left and right halves of the visual cortex process information from the same halves of the retinas (meaning processing is lateralized).
Damage to what area of the temporal lobe would result in an inability to understand written or spoken language?
Wernicke’s area
What sensory modality is the temporal lobe responsible for processing?
Sound coming in one ear is processed by both hemispheres of the brain.
Explain brain plasticity.
Neuronal connections strengthen or weaken to adapt to needed functions to individuals
More pronounced if there’s damage to other areas on the brain
Why is the endocrine system important to the field of psychology?
It secretes hormones that are part of our psychological processes.
Adrenaline by adrenal glands –> fight/flight
Ovaries / Testes produced estrogen/testosterone –> gender differences
Who did the Twins studies?
Thomas Bouchard
Who was Thomas Bouchard and why was his research important?
Bouchard studied identical twins raised in different families versus twins raised in the same home –> nature or nurture argument
Twin and Adoption Research and the nature/nurture argument:
- similarities in personality and IQ to suggest a nature component
- raised in different homes also showed enough differences to suggest that nurture is a major factor in development of intelligence and personality
Explain the function of the following part of a neuron:
nodes of Ranvier
the gap between adjacent myelinated segments on the axon
What are the parts of the mesencephalon (midbrain)?
tectum and the tegmentum.