Perception Flashcards
define perception
also psychophysics
- the relationship between physical stimuli and their subjective or psychological correlates
- there is no other way for information to enter the brain - senses and your perception of them is the only way
- determines what we believe is real and mediates everything we have ever learned
what are the senses?
Sight (visual)
Hearing (auditory)
Smell (olfactory)
Taste (gustatory)
Touch (tactile / haptic)
Balance (equilibrioception)
Body awareness (proprioception)
Heat (thermoception)
Classification system of the senses
The chemical senses (gustation, olfaction)
The body senses
- somatosensation (haptics + proprioception)
- equilibrioception
- Apperceptive / associative agnosia: study of people with lesions in their brain - testing them on various tasks and finding patterns of what they can’t do
- phantom limbs/pain
- rubber hand illusion
- alien hand syndrome
Clinical psychology
Eating disorders: body dysmorphia - people systematically misperceive their own body shape
Inability to recognise facial emotion in psychopaths, depressives, autistics, schizophrenics
Forensic psychology
Eye witness testimony - many errors
Illusions of spatial vision
Hermann grit: seeing grey patches
Craik-O’brien/Cornsweet illusion (simultaneous contrast)
illusions of depth
thatcher illusion
illusions of motion
Sensation vs perception
artificial distinction
more sensible to think of the whole sequence of events from conversion of the external energy by the receptors (transduction) to understanding what is seen/heard/felt as the process of perception
the scientific study of the subjective experience of perception
i.e. perceiving not the real world but your subjective impression of it
Sensory systems
Vision - occipital
Hearing - temporal lobe
Touch (somatosensation)
- layers of skin have many different receptors
- these receptors convey information about touch, temperature and ‘pain’
- when the skin is deformed, it causes changes in the neurons which send their electrical signals towards your brain
- receptors convert pressure into neural signals (touch), conver heat energy into neural signals (temperature) but none for ‘pain’ because that’s psychological
somatosensory cortex
at the top of the brain (behind the motor cortex)
organised in a way that matches up to the motor cortex
larger regions in the cortex devoted to areas that are experiencing lots of touch / stimulus
taste (gustation)
mostly in your tongue
collected in clumps called taste buds located on small projections on the tongue called papillae
respond to chemicals dissolved in saliva
different tastes:
- salt, sweet, sour, bitter, umami
traditionally thought of tongue maps, but this is wrong
smell *olfaction
- only dissolved chemicals in the mucus in the nose can activate the smell receptors
- certain smell receptors respond to particular chemicals
- at least 7 primary smell receptors
- odours activate receptors in the olfactory epithelium (top of nasal cavity)
- these receptors synapse directly onto the olfactory bulb
- bypasses the thalamus - going straight to the cortex
balance (equilibrioception)
- vestibular system provides us with information about accelerations, orientation
- in the inner ear on each side (next to the cochlea) - two components = semicircular canals, utricle and saccule
- semicircular canals: provide information about angular (rotational) accerlerations in 3 dimensions (pitch, yaw, roll)
- utricle and saccule: provide info about linear accelerations (including gravity) –> the hair cells project into a thick fluid which remains stationary as our head moves, causing hair cells to bend