Per-share numerot ja price multiples Flashcards
Mitä on per-share financial numbers?
Tunnuslukuja, joiden laskuissa käytetään osamääränä osakkeiden lukumäärää.
Key financial statement items are also calculated as per-share numbers
–> A given financial statement number is divided by the number of shares outstanding
Kerro 3 esimerkkiä per-share financial numbereista?
Per-share numbers typically include:
– Earnings per share
– Dividends per share
– Book value of equity per share
Earnings per share (EPS)
Earnings per share (EPS) is calculated as a company’s profit divided by the outstanding shares of its common stock.
Ilmaistaan valuutassa esim 2.10 €.
What is IAS 33?
IFRS standard IAS 33 ‘Earnings per Share’ that describes how earnings are divided by the number of shares outstanding…
IAS 33 requires firms to disclose basic AND diluted earnings per share numbers
-> US GAAP requires essentially the same!
a) EPS (basic)
b) EPS (diluted)
- Earnings: 123 200 000
Weighted average number of shares during the year: - Basic 73 809 855
- Effect of dilutive share-based incentive plans: 189 324
- Diluted: Basic + Effect of…
EPS = earnings per share / number of shares
EPS (basic) = 123 200 000 € / 73 809 855 shares = 1.6691 = 1.67 €
Diluted number of shares = 73 809 855 + 189 324 = 73 999 179
EPS (diluted) = 123 200 000 / 73 999 179 = 1.6648 = 1.66 €
Dividend per share (DPS)
Dividend per share (DPS)
= total dividends paid / weighted average # of shares outstanding
Book value of equity per share (BPS)
Book value of equity per share (BPS)
= book equity / weighted average # of shares outstanding
Mitä yhteistä on tunnusluvuilla:
Book value of equity per share (BPS)
Dividend per share (DPS)
- These per-share numbers are frequently used in financial statement analysis
- They are not regulated by IFRS
Price-to-Earnings ratio = P/E-ratio?
P/E-ratio = Stock price / (forecasted) EPS
It is a price multiple.
It reflects the relative valuation of a stock given the current stock price and EPS.
Price-to-earnings ratio indicates how earnings ‘taste’ for
Why P/E-ratio changes over time?
P/E-ratio changes over time for two reasons:
– Earnings per share (EPS) changes
– Stock price (P) changes
What Market-level P/E-ratio predicts?
• Market-level P/E-ratio predicts long-term stock returns
Does the firm-level P/E-ratio predict stock returns?
There is a huge literature showing that the firm-
level P/E ratio predicts stock returns.
How to use forecasted EPS, DPS and P/E ratio to calculate expected stock return?
- Forecast EPS over next few years
- Calculate the average P/E-ratio over past years
- Calculate the forecasted stock price by using forecasted EPS and P/E ratio
- -> P/E = P/EPS
- -> P=P/E×EPS - Include forecasted dividends (DPS)
- Calculate the expected return
Note: This methodology is very sensitive to forecast errors in EPS, and hence applies only to firms with a very strong and
predictable business!
Past growth rates
Firms like Novo Nordisk have very steadily growing EPS and DPS numbers
– Similar firms are e.g. Coca Cola, IBM, Kone and McDonalds
– These firms have a very strong underlying business
Steadily growing EPS
For firms with steadily growing EPS, you can estimate EPS growth rate from past earnings, and then use the past growth rate as a starting point to forecast future earnings
Does purchasing price matter a lot when calculating expected return?
The level of the purchasing price matters a lot for the level of expected return.
In Feb-March, 2014, stock price of Novo Nordisk was
• If stocks were purchased at that price, the expected annualized stock return would have been: 8.8%
In October - November, 2013, stock price of Novo Nordisk was
• If stocks were purchased at that price, the expected annualized stock return would have been: 18.1%
Timing the purchase by few months earlier increased the expected annual return from 8.8% to 18.1% !!
Stock price increases, but the stock becomes cheaper in terms of its P/E ratio!
= Earnings of the firm (E) increase more than stock price (P)
Stock price decreases, but the stock becomes more
expensive in terms of its P/E ratio!
= Earnings of the firm (E) decrease more than stock price (P)
P/E ratio does not change, but stock price goes heavily up or down
= Earnings and stock price move at the same pace keeping P/E ratio unchanged
If you want to invest, look for companies, where?
Look for companies, where
– Earnings are temporarily low, and/or
– Stock price is temporarily low
- > Double effect expected due to the future:
1. P/E-ratio ’expansion’ and
2. Earnings increase
Avoid investing in companies, where?
Avoid investing in companies, where
– Earnings are exceptionally high, and/or
– Stock price, i.e. pricing of earnings, is also at an exceptionally
high level
-> An excellent company may be a bad investment!
P/D ratio
• The price/dividends ratio is calculated by dividing stock price (P) by the dividends per share (DPS)
– P/D = P/DPS
• The logic of P/D ratio is similar to that of the P/E-ratio
-> Recall that dividends are the part of earnings that is not reinvested to the firm
• Can be used to calculate the expected return on a stock
Can P/D ratio also predict long-term stock returns?
Robert Schiller and many others have shown that the market-level P/D ratio predicts long-term stock returns.
P/B ratio
• Price/Book ratio is calculated by dividing stock price (P) by the book value of equity per share (BPS)
– P/B = P/BPS
• High P/B ratio indicates high growth prospects for the firm
How can firm valuation be performed?
Firm valuation:
- Price multiples
- Valuation models
- > Current stock price is a function of future discounted earnings, cash flows or dividends
Financial statement analysis:
What drives current earnings?
What drives current earnings?
- Profit margins
- Efficient use of capital
- Use of financial leverage
Financial statement analysis:
How to predict future earnings?
How to predict future earnings?
• Growth
Financial statement analysis:
What are the risks related to future
What are the risks related to future
- Liquidity
- Financial leverage
WHY key financial statement items are often reported as per-share numbers?
Key financial statement items are often reported as per-share numbers
b ecause they allow a direct comparison with stock price.
What do price multiples indicate?
Price multiples indicate the relative valuation of a stock.
Price multiples can be used to calculate the expected return on a stock.
What may per-share numbers and price multiples provide you?
Per-share numbers and price multiples may provide you with a very useful short-cut financial analysis of the company