PEPP Glossary Flashcards
Abdominal excursions
The work of abdominal muscles in infants during the breathing cycle
A portion of skin or of a mucous membrane scraped away as a result of injury
To take in or suck up
Abusive head trauma
Seen in abused infants and children. The patient has been subjected to violent, whiplash type shaking injuries inflicted by the abusing individual. This may cause coma, convulsions, and increased intracranial pressure due to tearing of the cerebral veins with consequent bleeding into the brain. (Old term : shaken baby / infant syndrome.)
Acceleration - deceleration event
A type of injury caused when a moving body part, such as the head, stops its forward motion suddenly.
A corrosive substance with low pH.
Excessive acidity of body fluids due to an accumulation of acids (as in diabetic acidosis or renal disease) or an excessive loss of bicarbonate (as in renal disease).
Cyanosis of the extremities; acrocyanosis of the hands and feet may be normal in the infant within the first hour after birth.
Activation phase
First of three phases in disaster response. This is the notification and initial response phase which includes establishment of the Incident Command System organization and scene assessment.
Characterized by sharpness or severity, or having a sudden onset, sharp rise, and short course.
Lymphoid tissue in the back of the mouth and oropharynx.
Synonym for epinephrine. A hormone produced by the body that increases pulse rate and blood pressure, mediates the “fight-or-flight” response of the sympathetic nervous system when the body is under stress.
Adrenergic agents
Drugs that mimic the effects of epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine.
To take up and hold by adsorption.
Afebrile seizure
Seizure not accompanied by a fever.
Something that causes an effect; thus, bacteria that cause a disease are said to be agents of the specific disease. An injury agent is the energy causing the damage, such as thermal energy from a burn. A drug is a pharmacologic agent.
A stub stance that stimulates or activates a specialized receptor on a cell.
Airway adjunct
An artificial device to maintain an open airway.
A strong base with a high pH, usually corrosive to tissues.
The air sacs of the lungs in which the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide takes place.
Amniotic fluid
The liquid contained in the amnion, inside the uterus. This fluid is sterile, transparent, and almost colorless.
the anatomic portion of the anterior trunk below the ribs and above the pelvis; it contains the stomach, lower part of the esophagus, small and large intestines, liver, gall bladder, spleen, pancreas, and bladder
analgesia, analgesic
A drug that relieves pain