People In History ~ The Knight Flashcards
Paragraph 2 ~ A page
A page would start at seven years of age. I Move to the house of the different Lord. I had jobs. These would be little things like waiting at tables, caring for the lords clothes and assisting him in dressing. I received an education and was taught religion, manners, writing, hunting, hawking and strategic games such as chess and backgammon. I would also have practised sword play using wooden swords and shields
Paragraph 2 ~ A squire
A page would become a squire at 14. I then learnt about Chivalry the rules of Heraldy, horsemanship, and practice the use of weapons and skills required to be a knight. I had to enter the social life of the castle and learn courtly etiquette, jousting, music and dancing. I would accompany nights on the battlefield, leading their horses and giving them there armour. Many were killed doing their duty.
Paragraph 2 ~ Becoming a Knight
After serving as a supplier for seven years a young warrior would make a formal entry into Knighthood at A dumping ceremon. At the ceremony the Lord would dub him a knight. Night have to learn how to fight and serve according to the code of chivalry
Paragraph 3 ~ the code of chivalry
Code of chivalry is the rules knights are expected to follow. And I obey his lord. He is expected the show bravey. He is to respect women of a noble birth. He is to honour the church. He is to be honest and fight fairly.
Paragraph 4 ~ food
We eat a lot of meat. We have two meals a day. Dinner at noon and supper is at about 4 PM. The food is served on wooden plates or trenchers. We eat with our fingers. We drink wine or ale
Paragraph 5 ~ entertainment
For entertainment in times of peace, I take part in tournaments. These are staged battles, held outside a castle or a town. It includes the same weapons used in warfare. They could be held to celebrate a coronation, a noblemanโs wedding or a to mark the dubbing of a Knight. Participating Knights could be held prisoner for ransom or killed
Paragraph 1 ~ armour and weapons
I have an iron helmet, chest plate, pauldrons, gauntlets and a lot more.
We also have weapons like and mace,a sword, a lance and a battleaxe.
We ride on horseback so that means the horses need armour.
All the armour and weapons is very expensive. That is why on the sons of logical knights. Most normal people could afford it