PEOPLE Flashcards
Who is Thomas Aquinas?
(1225-1274) – medieval period. Scholasticism. Very pro catholic. ‘10 arguments as to why god exists’.
Who is Leonardo Bruni?
(c. 1370-1444) – Italian Renaissance. Humanist.
Who is Petrarch?
(1304-1374) – considered one of the first humanists
Who is Galileo?
(1564-1642) – Earth travels around the sun, early enlightenment thinker, late Renaissance thinker. Comes into conflict of papacy if earth revolves around the sun.
Who is John Calvin?
(1509-1564) – predestination. Reformation. Calvinist.
Who is Jean-Jacques Rousseau?
(1712-1775) – Enlightenment, philosophes.
Who is Voltaire?
(1694-1778) – Early French Enlightenment, like Rousseau, one of the best known philosophes
Who is Napoleon?
1769-1821) – General in French Revolution. Directs himself as emperor, spreads French ideals when conquering land.
Who is Sigmund Freud?
(1856-1939) – founder of modern psychology. Scientific Renaissance and thinker.
Who is John of Salisbury?
(1120-1180) – From UK, Enlightenment thinker. Reform education
Who is Christine de Pizan?
(1369-1430) – lower class vernacular and arithmetic education while higher up people should be educated in Latin and Greek.
Who is Erasmus of Rotterdam?
(1466-1536) – from Netherlands (Dutch), Northern Renaissance. Focused on theology. Butted heads with Martin Luther.
Who is Martin Luther?
(1483-1546) – Guttenberg press, first to make use of press. Translate bible into vernacular (German). 90 thesis.
Who is Comenius?
(1592-1670) – religious inclusion, first to teach Greek in Italy. Moruvian brethren.
Who is Marquis de Condercet?
(1743-1793) – came up with all the new French schools during French revolution.
Who is Charles Darwin?
(1809-1882) – theory of evolution, modern biology. Late enlightenment thinker. Survival of the fittest.
Who is Karl Marx?
(1818-1883) – Predates soviet union, ideas were picked up by Lennon, from Germany. Marxism.
Who is John Newman?
(1801-1890) – Anglican clergy member to goes to Catholicism catholic cardinal and theologian.