People 42% Flashcards
Task 1 Manage conflic
• Interpret the source and stage of the conflict
• Analyze the context for the conflict
• Evaluate/recommend/reconcile the appropriate conflict resolution solution
Task 2 Lead a team
• Set a clear vision and mission
• Support diversity and inclusion (e.g., behavior types, thought process)
• Value servant leadership (e.g., relate the tenets of servant leadership to the team)
• Determine an appropriate leadership style (e.g., directive, collaborative)
• Inspire, motivate, and influence team members/stakeholders (e.g., team contract, social contract, reward system)
• Analyze team members and stakeholders’ influence
• Distinguish various options to lead various team members and stakeholders
Tâche 1 Gérer les conflits
Interpréter la source et la progression du conflit
Analyser le contexte du conflit
Évaluer/recommander/faire accepter La solution appropriée pour résoudrele conflit
Tâche 2 Diriger une équipe
Définir une vision et une mission claires
Soutenir la diversité et l’inclusion (par exemple, types de comportements,processus de réflexion)
Valoriser le Servant Leadership (par exemple, relier les principes du Servant Leadership à l’équipe)
Déterminer un style de leadership approprié (par exemple, directif, collaboratif)
Inspirer, motiver et influencer les membres de l’équipe/parties prenantes (par exemple, contrat d’équipe, contrat social, système de récompense)
Analyser l’influence des membres de l’équipe et des parties prenantes
Faire la distinction entre différentes options pour diriger différents membres
de l’équipe et différentes parties prenantes
مھمة 1 إدارة النزاع
• تفسیر مصدر النزاع ومرحلته
• تحلیل سیاق النزاع
• تقییم/التوصیة بحل النزاع المناسب/إنھاء النزاع بالحل المناسب
مھمة 2 قیادة فریق عمل
- **تحدید **رؤیة ومھمة واضحتین
- دعم التنوع والاندماج (على سبیل المثال، أنواع السلوك، عملیة التفكیر)
- تقدیر القیادة الخادمة (على سبیل المثال، ربط مبادئ القیادة الخادمة بفریق العمل)
- تحدید أسلوب القیادة المناسب (على سبیل المثال، توجیھي، تعاوني)
- تشجیع أعضاء فریق العمل/المعنیین وتحفیزھم والتأثیر فیھم (على سبیل المثال، عقد بین أعضاء الفریق، عقد
اجتماعي، نظام مكافآت) - تحلیل تأثیر أعضاء فریق العمل والمعنیین
- التمییز بین الخیارات المتنوعة لقیادة أعضاء فرق العمل والمعنیین المتنوعین
Task 3 Support team performance
- Appraise team member performance against key performance indicators
- Support and recognize team member growth and development
- Determine appropriate feedback approach
- Verify performance improvements
Task 4 Empower team members and stakeholders
- Organize around team strengths
- Support team task accountability
- Evaluate demonstration of task accountability
- Determine and bestow level(s) of decision-making authority
Task 5 Ensure team members/stakeholders are adequately trained
- Determine required competencies and elements of training
- Determine training options based on training needs
- Allocate resources for training
- Measure training outcomes
Task 6 Build a team
- Appraise stakeholder skills
- Deduce project resource requirements
- Continuously assess and refresh team skills to meet project needs
- Maintain team and knowledge transfer
Task 7 Address and remove impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team
- Determine critical impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team
- Prioritize critical impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team
Use network to implement solutions to remove impediments, obstacles, and
blockers for the team -
Re-assess continually to ensure impediments, obstacles, and blockers for the team
are being addressed
Task 8 Negotiate project agreements
- Analyze the bounds of the negotiations for agreement
- Assess priorities and determine ultimate objective(s)
- Verify objective(s) of the project agreement is met
- Participate in agreement negotiations
- Determine a negotiation strategy
Task 9 Collaborate with stakeholders
- Evaluate engagement needs for stakeholders
- Optimize alignment between stakeholder needs, expectations, and project objectives
- Build trust and influence stakeholders to accomplish project objectives
Task 10 Build shared understanding
- Break down situation to identify the root cause of a misunderstanding
- Survey all necessary parties to reach consensus
- Support outcome of parties’ agreement
- Investigate potential misunderstandings
Task 11 Engage and support virtual teams
- Examine virtual team member needs (e.g., environment, geography, culture, global, etc.)
- Investigate alternatives (e.g., communication tools, colocation) for virtual team member engagement
- Implement options for virtual team member engagement
- Continually evaluate effectiveness of virtual team member engagement
Task 12 Define team ground rules
- Communicate organizational principles with team and external stakeholders
- Establish an environment that fosters adherence to the ground rules
- Manage and rectify ground rule violations