People Flashcards
ADDIE model
Five-step instructional design process
that governs the development of learning
Study of how adults learn.
Applicant tracking
software (ATS)
Software that provides an automated way
for organizations to manage the recruiting
Relates to technical skills training; often a
partnership between employers and
Assessment centers
Assessment tools that provide candidates
a wide range of leadership situations and
problem-solving exercises.
Auditory learners
People who learn best by relying on their
sense of hearing.
Behavioral interview
Type of interview that focuses on how
applicants previously handled real
Payments or services provided to employees to cover issues such as retirement, health coverage, sick pay/ disability schemes, life insurance, and paid time off.
Blended learning
Planned approach to learning that
includes a combination of instructor-led
training, self-directed study, and/or on-the
-job training.
Brain drain
Exit of educated and skilled citizens from
emerging and developing countries for
better-paying jobs in developed countries
Combining several salary grades or job
classifications with narrow pay ranges
into one band with a wider salary spread.
Career development
Process by which employees progress through a series of stages in their careers, each of which is characterized by relatively unique issues, themes, and tasks.