Pensions and Income Tax Accounting Flashcards
What is the approach under GAAP for income tax expense?
Asset and Liability approach
How to net current and non-current assets and liabilities?
Current with currents
non-currents with non-currents
Difference between “income tax expense” and “income tax liability”?
Current Income tax expense = taxable income * tax rate
Income tax liability = expense less any tax payments made.. except you less the payments made at the END after calculating the taxable income at TR rate
How to calc. DEFERRED tax expense?
Equal to current period TEMPORARY differences times FUTURE TR
Deferred Tax Asset?
Deferred Tax Liability?
Deferred Tax ASSET: Warranty costs for Future Years (to be calced at their tax rate in that year)
Deferred Tax Liability: EG. Depreciation, prepaid insurance, rent receivable
Deferred Tax EXPENSE = def. Tax Liabilities NET OF def. tax assets.
How to calc for temporary difference?
Subtract permanent difference to arrive at temporary difference
EG equity in investee - dividends in investee (adj. for DRD deduction)
Example Tax J/E
Tax exp - current XX
Tax exp - deffered XX
Tax Liab. - curr. XX
Tax Liab. - Deff. XX
Also deferred tax asset formula:
Net Differences related to balance sheet accounts X future enacted tax rate
Rule about income recognized on the financial statement before being reported as Taxable Income
The rule about income being recognized on the financial statement BEFOREbeing reported as Taxable Income, is that a deferred tax liability should be reported.
What does a “deferred tax asset” represent?
Future Tax Savings
profit in year of, deductible down the line
What is a Pension Plan Agreement?
Agreement in which the employer provides employees with defined or estimated retirement benefits in exchange for current or past services.
They are a form of DEFERRED COMPENSATION paid to retired employees, usually on a periodic basis.
Defined benefit plan
Benefits the employee receives are determined by a formula, and it is the sponsor company’s responsibility to ensure that contributions to the plan are sufficient to pay benefits as they become due.
Defined contribution plan
Empl. retirement benefits based on the amount IN the plan. (EASIER to account for)
Pension Plan:
Prior service cost amortization under US GAAP?
Under GAAP, amortization of unrecognized prior service cost, means you amortize the total Credit to employees for services, over average “Remainder of years left”.
100,000 for services rendered prior to plans adaptation
/ 5 (avg. of 3+5+7)
Components of Pension Period Costs: SIRAGE
the income statement accounting for pension plans
S- Service Cost component (at present val - PBO)
I- Interest Cost component
(also called Discount Rate; multiply times beg. of period PBO)
R- Returns expected on plant assets for the period (either Actual or expected)
A- Amortization of Prior service cost component (unamortized portion goes to AOCI)
(unrecognized net losses less PBO x 10%)… then divide by remaining service life
G- Gain/Loss component
(unamortized portion goes to AOCI)
E- Transition asset or obligation component…
(unamortized portion goes to AOCI)
Plus the amnt of any gain/loss due to a settlement or curtailment.
Pension Plans:
What is accumulated benefit obligation?
Projected benefit obligation? (PBO)
Acc ben obligation: PRESENT value of future retirement payments, attributed to the pension benefit formula to empl. services rendered prior to a date, based on current and past compensation levels
Proj. Ben. Obligations: like accumulated benefit obligation, but based on PROJECTED (or future) Compensation levels, instead of past/present
EG: beg bal, + 10% interest + Current year service costs (LESS) pension benefits paid during the year
What makes up a gain in a pension plan?
(Actual Return - Expected Return) x Net of Tax (e.g. 1-.3)
How to use the BASE formula to calculate “actual return on plant assets”
B - beg plan assets (+) A - Contributions - Actual Return (SQUEEZED) S - (Less) the benefits paid E - Ending plan assets (e.g. given at 525000)
How to know if a pension plan is underfunded or overfunded?
“Funded Status”
Fair Val of plan assets (LESS) PBO
How to calculate “return on plan assets” for the year in pension plans.
Fair val. of assets, beginning of the year X rate of return on plan assets
Pension plans: when calculating amortization related to AOCI account, what must you do?
Multiply by effective TR!!
Aka - (1-TR)
Minimum Recognized Amount to be reported
Unrecognized Gain/Loss (LESS) 10% of PBO…
take the excess, divide by remaining years in service life, to attain Minimum Recognized Amount
Are pension plan investments reported at fair value?
Accruing post-retirement benefits:
Begins when hired,
Through eligible vesting date
(^^ “attribution period”)