Penile Carcinoma Flashcards
What is the differential diagnosis for penile mass?
Squamous cell carcinoma of penis
Verrucous carcinoma (Buschke-Lowenstein tumor)
Condyloma acuminata
How does penile carcinoma present?
Penile mass (50%)
Sore or ulcer of penis (35%)
Irritative/obstructive voiding sxs
Systemic sxs: weakness, weight loss, malaise, fatigue
How do yo make the diagnosis of penile carcinoma?
Must obtain tissue bx
Prepuce → excisional biopsy w/circ
Glans → excisional bx including margin to assess invasion
Shaft → excisional bx including margin to assess invasion
What is metastatic workup for penile cancer ?
CT A/P (most are stages, especially with + nodes on exam)
MRI (if exam of inguinal region difficult due to obesity)
LFTS and serum Ca (hypercalcemia is often related to bulk of inguinal dz)
PET (mets optional)
bone scan (sxs or elevated ALP)
TNM staging for penile cancer
Risk categories for penile cancer for developing nodal mets?
Low risk: pTis, pTa (G1-2), or pT1a (no LVI/PNI, connective tissues)
Intermediate risk: pT1b (+LVI/PNI)
High risk: pT2 +
What are the most important prognostic factor for penile cancer?
tumor stage
lymph node status (most important after stage)
tumor grade
presence of LVI
Describe margins and partial penectomy and progression to total?
remove primary lesion, must obtain negative margin
surgical margins 5-10 mm are as safe as 2 cm, and 10-20 mm provide adequate cancer conrol
if negative margin cannot be obtained or too short → proceed to total with perineal urethrostomy (always consent for total)
Describe partial penectomy surgical technique:
- Minimize contamination of tumor
- Wrap a glove or sponge around distal penis
- Place an occluding tourniquet at base to minimize blood loss
- Make circumferential incision 2-3 cm proximal to tumor
- Carry incision down to Buck’s fascia
- Ligate neurovascular bundles
- Mobilize urethra and corpus spongiosum from cavernosa
- Transect urethra but allow to protrude slightly from penile shaft
- Transect and suture-ligate each corpora cavernosa
- Evert and suture urethral margins to skin
- Insert foley
Describe total penectomy:
- Exclude tumor from field (cover in glove)
- Make circumscribing incision around base of penis
- Mobilize urethral at penoscrotal junction
- Transect the urethra and mobilize it down on GU diaphragm
- Divide and ligate NVBs
- Divide and suture-ligate corporal bodies
- Leave a drain
- Close the incision
Describe a perineal urethrostomy:
- Dorsolithotomy position
- Vertical incision in perineum, or U shaped
- Split the bulbocavernosus muscles
- Mobilize the urethra and bring through perineal incision
- Spatulate and evert urethra
- Sew urethra to perineal skin
- Insert foley
Consequences of untreated metastatic inguinal adenopathy?
- Distant metastatic spread
- Local invasion with skin necrosis
- Infection
- Sepsis
- Hemorrhage from erosion into femoral vessels
- Death from exsanguination
Management of penile lesions?
excisional bx to dx
laser (Co2 or Nd-YAG)
Photodynamic therapy
Topical Imiquimod
5-FU cream
Local excision
T1 (Grade 1-2) invades connective tissue, w/o LVI or PNI
wide local excision
or partial penectomy
or glansectomy (select)
or Mohs surgery (select)
or possibly laser therapy or radiotherapy (2B rec)
T1 (Grade 3-4) → LVI and/or PNI, high grade
wide local excision
or partial penectomy
or total penectomy
radiotherapy (category 2B)
chemoradiotherapy (category 3)
T2 or greater
partial penectomy
total penectomy
radiotherapy (recommendation rated category 2B)
chemoradiotherapy (recommendation rated category 3)
- Category 2B: based on lower level evidence, NCCN consensus*
- Category 3: based on any level evidence, NCCN disagreement*
Important factors when assessing clinical nodes in penile carcinoma?
Diameter of nodes/masses
Unilateral or bilateral
of nodes in each inguinal area
mobile or fixed
relationship to other structures (skin, cooper’s ligament) in regards to infiltration, perforation
presence of edema on leg and/or scrotum
Management of NON-PALPABLE inguinal nodes in penile cancer?
Tis, Ta, T1a → surveillance
Intermediate risk → T1b, any T2 or greater → CT C/A/P → b/l ILND (frozen, if + superficial and deep, ipsi) or dynamic sentinel node bx
Management of PALPABLE inguinal nodes in penile cancer?
Surveillance after primary treatment for penile cancer:
Discuss modified and standard ILND for penile cancer:
Modified: excludes area lateral to femoral artery and caudal to fossa ovalis, preserves saphenous vein and eliminates need to transect sartorious
(NAVEL: nerve, artery, vein, empty, lymphatic)
*removes the superficial cluster of LN around sapheno-femoral junction above fascia lata
Femoral triangle:
Lateral → sartorious
Medial → adductor longus
Base of triangle → inguinal ligament
Apex of triangle → apex of femoral triangle
Sartorious flap: detached from ASIS to cover femoral vessels
Complications of ILND?
- Skin sloughing: flap necrosis w/insufficient subq tissue, make a thick flap, depends on anastomotic vessels the run in Camper’s fascia
- Infection: wound infection and seromas occur in devascularized spaces, closed suction drain, abx
- Bleeding: flap too thin, arterio-cutaneous or venous-cutaneous fistula w/o sartorious flap
- Lymphocele: lymphatic drainage runs in Camper’s fascia, try to preserve and leave attached to skin flap
- Nerve injury: femoral nerve, proper ID key (rare)
- DVT: SCD, early ambulation, AC carries risk of lymphocele
- Lymphedema: Use TED stockings, elevate feet in bed
When do you now to perform a PLND for penile cancer?
if positive pelvic LN
>2 inguinal nodes are positive on frozen
presence of extranodal extension (ENE) on final path
Describe lymphatic drainage of penis?
Prepuce and penile skin → superficial inguinal nodes (above fascia lata)
Glans, urethra, corpora → superficial and deep inguinal nodes, and pelvic nodes (external iliac, internal iliac, obturator)
*SCC spreads via lymph, and penile drainage crosses midline
Prognostic factors for OS in penile cancer?
and site of + LN
tumor stage and grade
size of primary tumor
presence of extranodal extension
Types of penile cancer?
SCC (MC, aggressive, need ILND)
Basal cell (rare, wide local excision)
Melanoma (rare, two thirds occur on glans, poor prognosis, surgery, RT, chemo, immuno)
Kaposi’s sarcoma (50% malignant, bx before tx, wide local excision/partial penectomy, only ILND if palpable nodes)
Metastatic sites of penile cancer?
*sxs can include priapism and local swelling
DDX of penile ulcer?
ulcer firm, raised edges, red, indurated, tender, warm
Erythroplasia of Queyrat (CIS on prepuce/glans)
Circinate balanitis (Reiter’s dz)
Penile carcinoma
Risks for penile cancer?
Phimosis (carcinoma rare in circumcised men, adult circ not protective)
Chronic irritation, poor hygiene
HPV (type 16 and 18)
Describe neoadjuvant chemotherapy. When is it used?
NAC TIP used prior to ILND in patient with > 4 cm ILN (fixed or mobile), if FNA +
Also patient with pT4 may be downstaged
A Tx, N2-3, M0, 4 cycles TIP, stable or responders undergo sx with curative intent
Describe adjuvant chemotherapy. When is it used?
4 cycles, 5-FU can be considered as alternative, also EBRT or chemotRT can be given with high risk features:
PLN mets
Extra-nodal extension
b/l ILN involvement
4 cm tumor in LN
If ILN enlarged, does that mean met?
50% have palpable ILAN at presentation
30-50% inflammation
50% mets
Incidence of micromets in ILN?
In presence of negative nodes, 20% micromets
Stage I, 11%
Stage II, 60%
What are salvage options for recurrent inguinal dz in penile cancer?
very poor prognosis
surgery, systemic chemo, or RT
salvage ILND has been proven beneficial (preferred)
increased risk of morbidity!
clinical trials, monocolonal
T1 Penile Cancer
Glans: Tumor invades lamina propria
Foreskin: Tumor invades dermis, lamina propria, or dartos fascia
Shaft: Tumor invades connective tissue between epidermis and corpora regardless of location
All sites with or without lymphovascular invasion or perineural invasion and is or is not high grade
T1a and T1b Penile Cancer
T1a - Tumor is without lymphovascular invasion or perineural invasion and is not high grade (i.e., grade 3 or sarcomatoid)
T1b - Tumor exhibits lymphovascular invasion and/or perineural invasion or is high grade (i.e., grade 3 or sarcomatoid)
Penile Cancer - Clinical Staging
cNX Regional lymph nodes cannot be assessed
cN0 No palpable or visibly enlarged inguinal lymph nodes
cN1 Palpable mobile unilateral inguinal lymph node
cN2 Palpable mobile ≥ 2 unilateral inguinal nodes or bilateral inguinal lymph nodes
cN3 Palpable fixed inguinal nodal mass or pelvic lymphadenopathy unilateral or bilateral
Penile Cancer - Pathologic Staging
pNX Lymph node metastasis cannot be established
pN0 No lymph node metastasis
pN1 ≤2 unilateral inguinal metastasis without extranodal extension
pN2 ≥3 unilateral inguinal metastases or bilateral metastases
pN3 Extranodal extension of lymph node metastases or pelvic lymph node metastases
In patients with clinical stage T1 high-grade or higher stage tumors, patients can harbor occult inguinal lymph node metastasis in up to ____ of cases.
In patients with clinical stage T1 high-grade or higher stage tumors, patients can harbor occult inguinal lymph node metastasis in up to 50-80% of cases.