pelvis notecards Flashcards
os coxa
also called innominate, pelvic, or hip bone, illiac crest sits at about L5
course of internal pudendal artery
exists pelvis via infrapiriformis part of greater sciatic foramen, enters perineum via lesser sciatic foramen, passes via pudendal canal (within obturator internus fascia) to UG triangle
course of gonadal arteries
testicular- passes through inguinal canal and enters scrotum, ovarian- crosses pelvic brim and descends in susgensory ligament of ovary
course of superior rectal artery
crosses over common internal iliac before descending into false pelvis between layers of sigmoid mesocolon
course of obturator artery
runs antero-inferiorly on obturator fascia of lateral pelvic wall, exiting the pelvis via the obturator canal
course of inferior vesical artery
passes subperitoneally in lateral ligament of bladder
course of uterine artery
runs anteromedially in base of broad ligament/ superior cardinal ligament, gives rise to vaginal br, then crosses ureter superiorly to reach lateral aspect of uterine cervix
course of iliolumbar artery
ascends anterior to sacro-iliac joint and posterior to common iliac vessels and psoas major, dividing into iliac and lumbar branches
course of lateral sacrals
run antero-medialy along piriformis to send branches into pelvic sacral formina
pelvic cavity
marked by pelvic inlet (runs from superior portion of sacrum, auricular surface, and pubic symphisis) and pelvic outlet (marked by tip of coccyx, sacrotuberous ligament, ischial tuberosity, and pubic arch), perineum lies inferior to pelvic outlet
pelvic fractures
weakest point is pubic bone, compression from anterior aspect can break all four; falling from great height will drive head of femus into acetabulum
pelvic diaphragm
creates pelvis floor and roof of perineum, includes coccygeus and levator ani
pelvic wall
posterosuperior wall formed by piriformis and lateral wall created by obturator internus
urogenital hiatus
an anterior gap between the medial borders of the levator ani muscle on each side, gives passage of the urethra and in females the vagina
course of ductus deferens
leaves testes and enters inguinal canal through superficial inguinal rings, transverses inguinal canal, and enters pelvis through the deep inguinal ring before passing antero-superiorly to bladder, then moving posterior of bladder (medial of ureters and seminal glands) to join ejaculatory ducts
seminal vesible
provides other material for semens, providing nourishment, duct meets up with ductus deferens to form ejaculatory duct, which then burrows into prostate to open up into urethra
prostate gland
sits inferior to bladder and superior to levator ani, male reproductive accessory gland, provides fluid to activate sperm and aid in transportation of sperm, surrounds prostatic urethra
region in bladder between the two uteral openings and opening to urethra, is rich in strech receptors sending signals that you need to pee
male urethra
intramural part-> prostatic-> intermediate-> spongy-> external urethral orfice
urinary bladder
hollow ciscus with strong smooth muscular wall, apex points toward the superior edge of pubic symphysis when bladder is empty, fundus is opposite the apex, the body is in between and is the major portion, the fundus and inferolateral surfaces meet inferiorly to form the neck of the bladder
orfice of prostatic utricle
a blind duct in between the ejaculatory duct orifices, vestigial remnant of embryonic uterovaginal canal
prostatic sinuses
bilateral grooves within prostatic urethra, in between lies urethral crest, where the ejaculatory ducts sit
colliculus semilunaris
rounded eminence in the middle of urthral crest, where the prostatic utricle is
bulbourethral glands
lie posterolateral to intermediate part of urthra, mostly embedded within the external urethral phincter, the ducts pass through the perineal membrane and open in the spongy urethra releasing mucus secretions into the bulb of the penis during arousal
internal urethral sphincter
in males, contracts during ejculation to prevent retrograde ejaculation of semen into the bladder
benign prostate hypertrophy
happnes with aging, can close prostatic urethra, causes urgency, pain, need to void at night, can go in through urethra and remove part of prostate
female urinary bladder
is poster to pubic symphisis,anterior to vaginal canal and rectum, uterus is usually superior to bladder
pouch of douglas
rectouterine pouch, between uterus and rectum
thick-walled, hollow muscular organ, very dynamic, three layers perimetrium (conncective tissue) myometrium (smooth muscle), and endometrium (grows every month, sheds without implantation), fundus is the rounded part supperior to where the follopian tubes join, corpus is everything superior to cervix, cervix is norrow inferior third
has two parts, vaginal portion and supravaginal, internal and external os are the two openings
female gonads, are lateral and slightly posterior to uterus
ovarian ligament
attaches to uterus at postero-inferiorly junction of uterotubal junction, connects ovary to uterus, a remenant of gubernaculum