nervous system overview Flashcards
ventral nerve root
motor (efferent) fibers passing from nerve cell bodies in the anterior horn of spinal cord gray matter to effector organs
dorsal nerve root
sensory (afferent) fibers from cell bodies in spinal (sensory) or dorsal root ganglion that exten peripherally to sensory endings and centrally to the posterior horn of spinal cord
posterior rami of spinal nerves
supply nerve fibers to back, usualy don’t merge to form plexus
anterior rami of spinal nerves
anterior and lateral regions of trunk, upper and lower limbs
paravertebral ganglia
form left and right sympathetic trunks on each side of vertebral column
prevertebral ganglia
are is plexuses that surround the origins of main branches of abdominal aorta
white rami communicantes
carry presynaptic sympathetic (efferent) from lateral horn between T1-L2, from ventral rami to sympathetic trunk, prevertebral ganglia and sensory axons from viscera to spinal cord
possible courses of presynaptic fibers in sympathetic trunk
1) ascend in trunk to synapse with a post-synaptic neuron of a higher paravertebral ganglion 2) descend 3) enter and synapse immediately with a postsynaptic nuron at that level 4) pass through sympathetic trunk w/o synapsing, continuing though an abdominopelvic splanchnic nerve to reach a prevertebral ganglia
gray rami
carries postsynaptic sympathetic axons from the sympathetic chain to the spinal nerves for distribution through the dorsal and ventral rami C1-S5
splanchnic nerves
convey visceral efferent (autonomic) and afferent fibers to and from the viscera of the body cavities
cranial parasympathetic outflow
exit gray matter of brainsterm from cranial nerves III, VII, IX, and X
sacral parasympathetic outflow
exit gray matter of spinal cord S2-S4 through anterior roots of sacral spinal nerves S2-4
phrenic nerve
derives from cerival plexus, C3-5, sensory and postganglionic sympathetic innervation to pericardium and central tendon (and adjacent pleura and peritoneum); motor (lmn) and postganglionic sympathetic innervation to diaphragm
thoracic dorsal spinal rami
includes medial and lateral branch
medial branch of thoracic n
derives from thoracic dorsal rami, sensory and postganlgionic sympathetic innervation the back muscles and overlying skin; motor (lmn) innvervation of back muscles
lateral branch of thoracic n.
derives from thoracic dorsal rami, sensory and postganlgionic sympathetic innervation the back muscles and overlying skin; motor (lmn) innvervation of back muscles
thoracic ventral rami
includes intercostal and subcostal nerves
intercostal nerves (T1-6)
derives from thoracic ventral rami, sensory and postganglionic sympathetic innvercation to intercostal muscles, parietal pleura and skin; motor (lmn) innervation of intercostal muscles; includes lateral cutaneous, anterior cutaneous, collateral, and intercostobrachial nerves
lateral cutaneous branch (T1-6)
derives from intercostal n. (T1-6), sensory and postganglionic sympathetic innervation of skin overlying lateral aspect of intercostal space
anterior cutaneous branch (T1-6)
derives from intercostal n. (T1-6), sensory and postganglionic sympathetic innervation of skin overlying anterior aspect of intercostal space
collateral branch (T1-6)
derives from intercostal n. (T1-6), redundant with remainder of intercostal nerve
intercostobrachial nerve
derives from T2 intercostal n, sensory and postganglionic sympathetic innervation of skin overlying proximal, medial aspect of arm
intercostal nerve T7-11
thoracic ventral rami, sensory and postganglionic sympathetic innervation to intercostal muscles, anterior abdominal muscles, peripheral diaphragm, parietal pleura and parietal peritoneum; motor (lmn) innervation of intercostal muscles and muscles of anterior abdominal wall; includes lateral cutaneous, anterior cutaneous, and collateral branch
lateral cutaneous branch (T7-11)
derives from intercostal n. (T7-11), sensory and postganglionic sympathetic innervation of skin overlying lateral aspect of intercostal space and adjacent anterior abdominal wall
anterior cutaneous branch (T7-11)
derives from intercostal n. (T7-11), sensory and postganglionic sympathetic innervation of skin overlying rectus abdominis muscle
collateral branch (T7-11)
derives from intercostal n. (T7-11), redundant with remainder of intercostal n.
subcostal nerve
derives from thoracic dorsal rami, T12, sensory and postganglionic sympathetic innervation to skin overlying lateral and anterior abdominal wall, parietal peritoneum and muscles of anterior abdominal wall; motor (lmn) innervation of muscles of anterior abdominal wall
lumbar dorsal rami
includes medial and lateral branches