Pelvic Pain And Regenerative Therapies Flashcards
What forms the pubic aponeurosis
- rectus abdominus
- conjoint tendon (internal oblique and transverse abdominus)
- external oblique
What is the purpose of the pubic symphysis
Acts as a fulcrum for anterior pelvis
- hyper mobility of this joint may occur in postpartum women
What is the most common hernia
Inguinal hernia
What is an inguinal hernia
- abdominal tissue pushes through an opening in the lower abdominal wall
Where does inguinal hernia occurs
Inguinal canal
What is an umbilical hernia
Occurs at the umbilicus when a loop of intestine pushes though the umbilical ring
What is a sports hernia aka athletic pubalgia?
Straining or tearing of any tissue in the lower abdomen or groin that also connects to part of the adductors
- most often nothing actually herniates
Where do sports hernia often occur
Near where the abdominals and adductors attach at the pubic bone
What are the symptoms of sports hernia
Activity related lower abdominal and proximal adductor related pain
MOI for sports hernia
- hard sudden planting of the foot with a twisting rotation of the body and a rapid intense level
- hyperextension of pelvis with thigh hyper abduction
- cutting and pivoting motions
- kicking mechanism
- swinging bat mechanism
What are some physical exams for sports hernia
- palpation of sites of injury at pubic tubercle, pubic symphysis, hip evaluation
- pain with resisted thigh addiction
What are the special tests for sports hernia
- resisted sit-up or crunch with palpation of the inferolateral edge of the distal recuts abdominus may re-create symptoms
- valsalva maneuvers
What is osteitis pubis?
Painful chronic overuse condition affecting the pubic symphysis and surrounding soft tissues
- chronic mucrotrauma
What are the symptoms of osteitis pubis
Pelvic pain and local tenderness over the pubic symphysis
What are the main 2 sports where osteitis pubis is most common
Kicking (soccer players)
Distance running