Pelvic, Ovarian Disorders Flashcards
Midcycle pelvic pain
Most common cause of chronic pelvic pain?
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (PID)
Ascending infection from vagina or cervix
Usual risk factors
PID bugs
Gonorrhea and clamydia
Tubal infertility occurs in ___% of women after 3 episodes of PID
Ceftriaxone 250mg IM AND Azithromycin 1 gram W/ or W/O Flagyl
PID pts should see improvement after therapy within
72 hrs
Primary Amenorrhea
Absence of menses by age 13
Secondary amenorrhea
Absence of menses for 3-6 cycles w/ previous menses.
No breast development, elevated FSH
Gonadal dysgenesis
Most common uterine dz causing secondary amenorrhea
Ashermans syndrome
Most common cause of secondary amenorrhea?
Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)
Most common cause of androgen excess and hirsutism in women.
Most common hormonal disorder among women of reproductive age
Obesity Oligomenorrhea Amenorrhea Anovulation Acne Hirsutism Infertility Insulin resistance
Acanthosis Nigricans
Seen in PCOS
70% of women with PCOS have
Insulin resistance
Diet and exercise OCP's Spironalactone Metformin Cloniphene (to ovulate)
Most common in teens and early 20’s
Feels like cramping with menstruation
Dysmenorrhea tx
NSAIDS (naproxen)
PMS happens in which phase?
Luteal phase
Premenstrual Dysmorphic Syndrome (PMDD)
Severe form of PMS
Emotional sx more prominent
Hide ya kids
Hide ya wife
Cause they gon find you
Follicular cyst
Ovarian follicle fails to rupture
Ovulation does not occur
Cyst develops
Usually resolves itself
Corpus Luteum cyst
Enlarged corpus luteum
Often presents w/ missed period and lower abd pain
Can ovaries be palpated in childbearing age women?
Yes sometimes
Not in pre or post, however.
Ovarian torsion
Acute, severe unilateral lower abd pain w/ N/V.
Comes on suddenly or w/ change of position