P.E.E.L. paragraph Flashcards
P. oint- make your point
To begin with, the transfer of animals from their natural ecosystems and habitat is detrimental and cruel.
E. vidence- support your point with evidence and examples
According to the WWF, when animals are kept captive, they become lonely and bored, leading to a condition called zoochosis. Animals with zoochosis behave awkwardly and might start doing repetitive, annoying acts such as vomiting, hysterical noises, being aggressive towards zoo visitors, swaying, and other nasty behaviours.
E. xplanation- explain how your evidence supports your point
Such occurrences clearly indicate that wild animals belong into the wild; not confinements such as zoos that limit their happiness.
L. ink- link to next point or the main point
When freed into the wilderness and the wild, animals will most likely enjoy their lives and be free. Therefore, instead of or instilling mental and physical torture, animals should be feed from zoos with immediate effect unless kept there for rehabilitation or treatment.