Peds_Comp_Exam Flashcards
Physiologic Flexion
Turns head to side in prone
Attempts to lift head in midline
1 month
Automatic stepping
Fencer’s posture
2 months
Rolling: supine to sidelying - nonsegmentally
3 months
Beginning midline head control
3 months
Prone on elbows, head to 90 degrees, chin tuck
4 months
Hands to midline
4 months
Unilateral reaching - prone on elbows
5 months
Prone on extended arms
5 months
Pivot prone posture
5 months
Beginning intra-axial rotation
5 months
Rolling prone to supine - segmentally
5 months
Head lifting in supine
5 months
Supine, hands to knees feet; Supine hands to feet; Supine feet to mouth
5 months
Propped sitting
5 months
Supine bridging
5 months
Rolling supine to prone - segmentally
6 months
Ring sitting, unsupported with full extension and high guard
6 months
Transferring objects hand to hand
6 months