Peds Congenital Hearts and Things Flashcards
causes of congenital heart defects
- chromosome abnormalities
- single-gene abnormalities
- conditions during pregnancy that affect the baby
- combination of genetic and environment problems
- unknown causes (idiopathic)
diagnosis of congenital heart defect
- in utero
- found with newborn physical
- cardiac cath, cMRI, CT, TEE, Holter recording
preoperative eval for congenital heart defect
- heart murmur
- functional status, growth and development (are they meeting milestones?)
- review most recent echo/labs/tests
- children with history of CHF, cyanosis, pulmonary HTN, and young age are at a potentially higher risk
characteristics of fetal circulation
- high PVR
- low SVR
- most oxygenated blood from umbilical vein shunts across the ductus venosis and foramen ovale to perfuse the heart and brain
- Hgb F has P50 of 19 mmHg and greater affinity for oxygen than Hgb A
- fetal pH is 7.25-7.35 (slightly acidic)
L to R shunts
- connects arterial and venous circulation resulting in increased pulmonary blood flow
- pulmonary overcirculation
- leads to an increase in RV preload because a large amount of LV output bypasses the systemic circulation, enters the lungs and rapidly returns to the L side of the heart
- pink lesions
R to L shunts
- venous blood ejected systemically
- decreased pulmonary blood flow and patients are cyanotic
- blue lesions
- ASD or VSD with pulm HTN, TET during TET spell
obstructive lesions
- prevent ventricular flow from either side of the heart
- decrease cardiac output
- coarctation of the aorta, aortic stenosis
mixed or cyanotic lesions
- mixing of venous and arterial blood
- these lesions can also lead to pulmonary over-circulation and CHR
- occur when a functional single ventricle ejects the mixed systemic and pulmonary venous return
- the patients are cyanotic and often dependent on the PDA at birth
Eisenmenger’s syndrome
- when large VSDs are uncorrected, the resulting pulmonary HTN can reverse the shunting of blood across the defect
- the previously L to R shunt becomes R to L because of Pulm HTN
- total pulmonary blood flow
- sum of effective pulmonary blood flow and recirculated pulmonary blood flow
- total systemic blood flow
- sum of effective systemic blood flow and recirculated systemic blood flow
single ventricle physiology
- complete mixing of pulmonary and systemic venous blood at the atrial or ventricle level
- blood then equally distributed out to both the systemic and pulmonary beds
three things are true in single-ventricle physiology
- ventricular output is the sum of pulmonary blood flow (Qp) and systemic blood flow (Qs)
- distribution of systemic and pulmonary blood flow is dependent on the relative resistances to flow (both intra and extracardiac) into the two parallel circuits
- oxygen saturations are the same in the aorta and the pulmonary artery
what is normal Qp/Qs?
- 1:1 which has equal RV and LV output
- pulmonary blood flow is equal to systemic blood flow
what is Qp/Qs?
-a ratio of estimated pulmonary to systemic blood flow that is useful in determining over circulation to the pulmonary system or LV workload
formula for Qp/Qs
Qp/Qs = SaO2 - SvO2/SpvO2 - SpaO2
- SaO2 = aortic O2 sat
- SvO2 = SVC O2 sat
- SpvO2 = pulmonary vein O2 sat
- SpaO2 = pulmonary artery O2 sat
- derivation of Fick’s law
how is Qp/Qs measured
cardiac cath, measure oxygen saturations in all four of these areas to calculate
shortcut for Qp/Qs + four assumptions made
- the patient is breathing room air and pulmonary venous blood is fully saturated
- oxygen consumption is normal, resulting in a SvO2 of 25-30% less than SaO2
- the patient is NOT severely anemic (has a normal SVC O2 saturation)
- complete mixing results in aortic and pulmonary artery O2 saturations being equal
- most cases = assumptions valid and allow a rapid determination of Qp/Qs based on SpO2 alone
Qp/Qs <1
- shunt is right to left
- patient will be cyanotic
Qp/Qs 1-2
- shunt is minimally L to R
- patient will be asymptomatic
Qp/Qs 2-3
- shut is moderate L to R
- mild symptoms of CHF
Qp/Qs >3
- shunt is LARGE L to R
- severe symptoms of CHF
- atrial septal defect
- as many as 1 in 5 healthy adults still have a PFO
- often asymptomatic and discovered incidentally (murmur)
- large defect left untreated can cause R sided volume overload (Qp/Qs >2) with RA and RV dilation and increased pulmonary blood flow
- repair can be closure device in cath lab or surgery
- ventricular septal defect
- most common congential defect in children
- leads to pulmonary overcirculation due to L to R shunting in isolated lesion
- large defect –> equal pressure in both ventricles –> PVR 1/6 SVR –> so more pulmonary blood flow –> CHF –> damage to pulm vascular bed
- as PVR falls in firth months of life, flow across the VSD can increase GREATLY (Qp/Qs >3, meaning the L heart has to pump 3xs normal volume to meet the usual systemic demands)
restrictive VSD
small size and limited pulmonary over circulation
unrestrictive VSD
large flow across the septum with balance between SVR and PVR
indications for surgery with VSD
- poor feeding
- reduced weight gain
- increased in incidence of respiratory infection
what is at risk during a VSD repair
-conduction system because it runs along the ventricular septum
- patent ductus arteriosus
- leftover fetal artery connection between the aorta and pulmonary artery
- unrestricted PDA will have significant L to R shunting
- significant diastolic runoff into pulmonary circulation lowers systemic DBP, which compromises distal and coronary perfusion
- closure - commonly done with cardiac cath (coil)
- surgical closure = L thoracic approach, closed by suture tie or metal clip
- complete atrio-ventricular canal
- free communication between all four chambers of the heart
- located where the atrial septum joints the ventricular septum; involves atria, ventricles, tricuspid and mitral valves
- result is formation of a single large valve; the common AV valve; often regurgitant
greatest percentage of kids with CAVC
down syndrome
surgical repair of CAVC
- septum patch and new valves
- usually done < 6 months of age before pulmonary vascular changes develop
- problems can be residual septal defects, AV valve regurg, post-op pulmonary reactivity (esp if high Qp/Qs prior to surgery) and conduction system damage
- narrowing in the aorta commonly occurring immediately distal to the origin of the L subclavian artery
- most often located near ductus arteriosus
- proximal to ductus = pre ductal; distal to the ductas = post ductal
- frequently associated with bicuspid aortic valve
critical coarc
- circulatory collapse
- shock
- acidosis
- because POOR distal perfusion
- PGE1 (prostin) started to reopen ductus and distal perfusion remains ductal dependent until surgery
coarc surgical repairs
- resection and end to end anastamosis
- suclavian flap = subclavian artery used as a flap to enlarge the constricted part of the aorta; bad thing = lose the subclavian to the L arm so needs to be perfused by collaterals
- balloon angioplasty (cath lab)
coarc presentation
- upper extremity HTN
- decreased lower extremity pulses
where is BP measured in coarc
- R arm
- this is because the aortic cross clamp will be proximal to the L subclavian
pulmonary valve stenosis
- narrowing of pulmonary valve that causes the RV to work harder to pump blood past the blockage
- symptoms depend on the severity of obstruction
- often treated with balloon dilation
- usually part of other complex lesions
aortic valve stenosis
- narrowing of aortic valve that causes LV to work harder to pump blood past the blockage
- severe AS in utero may impair LV development
- balloon dilation is an option
- valve replacement at young age may require revisions over time
Ross Procedure
- performed on patients with aortic stenosis as alternative to prosthetic valve replacement
- diseased aortic root resected and the patient’s own pulmonary valve root is excised and implanted into the aortic position
- coronary arteries re-implanted into the neo-aortic root
- RV to PA conduit and valve made with cadaveric tissue
- RV to PA connection may require revision over time but provides better long term solution to the aortic valve
advantages of Ross procedure
- freedom from long-term anticoagulation
- valve grows as the patient grows
disadvantages of Ross procedure
-single valve disease (aortic) is treated with two valve procedure