Peds Chest and Abdomen Flashcards
Meconium Aspiration
Term babies
Hyperinflation (ball-valve –> air trapping)
Coarse, Reticular, Ropy asymmetric perihilar opacities
Risk of PTX
Mortality from severe CLD and Pulm HTN
RDS/Hyaline Membrane Disease
Surfactant Deficiency –> lung collapse
Bilateral GRANULAR opacities
Coarse Interstitial markings
Fluid in fissure
+/- Small Pleural Effusions
Normal to HYPERexpanded lungs
Starts at 6h, peaks at 1 day, resolved by 3 days
Seen in:
C-sections, sedated moms, & with DM
Pulmonary Interstitial Emphysema
Patient on Vent- air dissects out of alveoli into interstitium
Risk of PTX
Can progress to large cystic masses/bullae –> amss effect on mediastinum
PIE Treatment
Place Affected side Down
Change Vent settings- oscillating/high frequency
- lower TV
- higher RR
Bronchopulmonary Dysplasia
Chronic Lung disease (BPD)
Premature, tiny babies
Too long on Vent
2 weeks of Vent –> hazy lungs –> coarse opacities after a few months –> *bubble-like lucencies* or *Band-like opacities*
Blood supply from branch off aorta
Intra or Extra Lobar
INTRA-lobar Sequestration
Recurrent Pna’s in adolescents/young adults
Usually LLL (2/3) or RLL (1/3)
Does NOT have own Pleura
Drains via Pulm Vein into Left Atrium
No associated Devo Abn’s
EXTRA-lobar Sequestration
Presents in infancy
90% in LLL
10% Subdiaphragmatic
Drains via SYSTEMIC veins into Rt Atrium (via IVC or azygos)
Feeding artery can come from outside (i.e. below diaphragm)
Has EXTRA stuff
- Pleura
- Associated Developmental Abns
- Cardiac Abns
- CDH and/or Pulm Hypoplasia
- Vertebral Anomalies
Congenital Pulmonary Airway Malformation
Congenital Cystic Adenomatoid Malformation
- Affects ONE lobe (any lobe)
- Communicates with Airway (unlike Sequestration)
- Air trapping 2/2 ball valve because adenomatoid tissue is in airways
- NOT supplied by systemic artery (that is a Sequestration)
CPAM Types
Type 1
- Most common
- large cysts, 1 or more (1-10 mm)
- malignancy risk
Type 2
- Small cysts, multiple (0.5-1.5 mm)
Type 3
- Microcysts, numerous (appears solid)
Congenital Lobar Emphysema (CLE)
Progressive Overinflation 2/2 Air trapping (more and more lucent lung over time)
Affects LUL (40%)
Also RML and RUL can be affected
Associated with Aberrant Left PA (pulm sling)
Assoc with Congenital Heart Defects (VSD, PDA, TOF)
Tx - Lobectomy
Swyer James Syndrome
Unilateral Lucent Hemithorax
2/2 Post infectious obliterative bronchiolitis (adenovirus or Mycoplasma) in infancy/young child
Looks like CLE but with Hx of infection
Affected lung tends to be smaller than the other
Neuroblastoma Locations
Adrenal Gland most common
Extra-adrenal RP
Posterior mediastinum/paravertebral symp chain (most common posterior mediastinal mass in kids under 2 yo)
Neck and Pelvis are least common
Likes to grow into neural foramina
Neuroblastoma Mets
Liver and Bone
Posterior mediastinal mass can involve ribs and vertebral bodies
Stage 4S = NB with mets confined to liver, skin, and bone marrow in a patient under 1 yo- better prognosis
If over 1 yo - just stage 4
If mets anywhere else in a child under 1 yo –> stage 4
Neuroblastoma Characteristic Feature
Pepper Syndrome
Neuroblastoma with hepatomegaly 2/2 innumerable liver mets
Hutchinson Syndrome
Neuroblastoma with skeletal mets - particularly skull resulting in PROPTOSIS
Blueberry Muffin Syndrome
Neuroblastoma wth multiple skin mets (blue subQ nodules)
Opsoclonus Myoclonus Syndrome
Dancing eyes and feet related to inflammatpry/autoimmune Neuro d/o
Often paraneoplastic - strong assoc with Neuroblastoma
Dancing eyes, myoclonic jerks, cerebellar ataxia
Askin Tumor
PNET of the Chest Wall
Part of Ewing Sarcoma Spectrum
Heterogeneous with enhancing solid portions
Displaces structures then when it gets big – eats up rib
Pediatric Large Posterior Mediastinal Mass DDx
- Over age 10
- PNET/Ewing’s (with eaten up rib) - malignant
- Ganglioneuroma (round)- benign
- NFs - benign
- Neurenteric cyst- benign
- Extramedullary hematopoiesis- benign
- Under age 10 - Neuroblastoma
- Under age 2 - Pleuropulmonary blastoma
Neurenteric Cyst
Posterior mediastinum
No commonucation with CSF
Fluid attenuation
Assoc. with Vertebral Anomalies
Vertebral Anomalies
Anus (imperforate)
Tracheo - Esophageal fistula
Heart and kidneys most affected
If both limbs –> usually BOTH kidneys too
Coloboma (eye abnormality failure of choroidal fissure)
Heart Defects
Atresia (Choanal)
Genital Hypoplasia
Ear Abnormalities
Vascular Rings and Slings (list)
Double Aortic Arch
R Aortic Arch w/ aberrant L Subclavian
L Arch with Aberrant R Subclavian
Anomalous L PA arising from the R PA (pulm sling)
Innominate Artery Syndrome (controversial)
Double Aortic Arch Findings
Posterior Impression on esophagus
Right arch is bigger than Left
Presents early with Stridor
Most common vascular ring- compresses trachea anteriorly, esophagus posteriorly
Branchial Arch defect causing Double Aortic Arch
Both left and right arches arise from LEVEL 4 Branchial arches
Findings of R Arch with Aberrant L Subclavian
Posterior impression on esophagus by Aberrant L Subclavian which courses R to L behind esophagus
R arch indents trachea anteriorly/right
Ring completed by Ligamentum Arteriosum
L arch and Aberrant R Subclavian Findings
Posterior impresson on ESOPHAGUS
Dysphagia Lusoria
Assoc with Diverticulum of Kommerell
Pulmonary Sling findings
L PA is abberrant and arises from R PA
L PA courses R –> L BETWEEN Trachea and Esophagus
Ligamentum arteriosum completes the ring
Innominate Artery Syndrome
Large thymus –> Innominate artery presses anteriorly against trachea
Controversial if actually causes breathing problems
Low Bowel Obstruction DDx
Long Microcolon
- Meconium Ileus
- Distal Ilial Atresia
Caliber Change
- Colonic atresia
- Imperforate Anus
- Meconium Plug Syndrome
- Hirschsprung disease
High Bowel Obstruction DDx
Midgut volvulus/malrotation
Duodenal atresia
Duodenal web
Jejunal atresia
Annular pancreas
Duodenal Atresia
Double Bubble Sign
No distal gas
Cannulation error
Associated with:
Down syndrome
Double Bubble DDx
- Duodenal Atresia
- Duodenal web
- Annular pancreas
- Midgut volvulus
- Choledochal or mesenteric cyst
- Intramural duodenal hematoma
- RP tumor
- SMA syndrome
Triple Bubble Sign
Jejunal atresia
2/2 vascular insult in utero
Multiple atresia = vascular error