Peds Flashcards
abx for OM (decreasing order)
amoxicillin augmentin cefdinir (PCN allergic) azithromycin (last resort) r/o mastoiditis, tx with surgical decompression
OE tx
abx drops: cipro
steroid drops
r/o mastoiditis, tx with surgical decompression
sinusitis tx
typically VIRAL
if clearly bacterial: give augmentin
consider foreign body
pharyngitis tx
what to do if bug in ear
Lidocaine to paralyze, don’t shine light! bug will go deeper
blue with feeding, pink with crying + childhood snore
choanal atresia
dx: catheter fails to pass, or fiber-optic
tx: surgical
if see croup that does not improve with racemic epi, think?
bacterial tracheitis may be toxic appearing dx: tracheal culture tx: IV abx f/u: ENT scope
epiglottitis vs retropharyngeal abscess
both extend necks, will see tender u/l neck mass with abscess and LAD
dx: CT scan
tx: I/D or aspiration + IV abx
how is peritonsillar abscess different
older kids (10+)
see uvular deviation
dx: clinical
tx: drain + abx
extrathoracic vs intrathoracic FB
intrathoracic: expiratory wheeze
extrathoracic: inspiratory stridor
look for “coin sign”
if in trachea, will be A-P oriented, so see face of coin on lateral
if esophagus will be lateral
bronchiolitis tx
peaks 3-4
may not be able to eat so keep in hospital
f/u: hypoxemic resp. failure, ARDS
seizure tx
levetiracitam (keppra)
simple febrile seizure
3/3 of the following
1x in 24 hrs less than 15 minutes generalized tx: benzos, acetaminophen if less than 3/3 it's complex, w/u with EEG, LP or MRI and tx: AEDs
infantile spasms
less than 1 yr, not generalized, no fever, symmetric jerking dx: EEG shows hypsarrhythmia tx: ACTH f/u: MR associated with tuberous sclerosis
tuberous sclerosis
angiofibromas, ash-leaf, afebrile seizures
dx: neuroimaging
intussusception dx
KUB: will see perf or obstruction
U/S next: sn, track resolution, “target sign”
dx/tx: air enema, need surgery if fails or peritonitis or perforation
“colon cancer” presentation in adult, think?
Meckel's i.e. painless hematochezia or FOBT+ or iron-def. anemia dx: technicium-99 scan tx: resection f/u: teenager: CT scan is better
GI bleed distractors
babies swallow moms blood (Apt test)
iron pills, beets, medications
give reassurance
other GIB stuff
IBD (UC more bloody) infectious colitis (stool cx) milk-protein allergy (change to hydrolyzed formula)
dev. dysplasia of hip
dx: U/S after no resolution for 4 wks
LCP (avascular necrosis)
6 yo
dx: XR, tx: cast
13 yo
frog-leg XR tx: surgery
transient synovitis
hip pain after viral illness
+/- inability to bear weight
tx: supportive, ddx from septic joint with Kocher criteria (fever, ^WBC, ^ESR, (^CRP), non-weight bearing)