Peds Flashcards
** Peds joint pain differential **
-P: pharm: serum sickness, DLE
-R: rheum: JIA, SLE, SS, SSc, MCTD, vasculitis, DM, sarcoid
-I: infxn: bacterial (OM, diskitis, septic, rheumatic fever, ReA, lyme), viral (hep b/c, hiv, parvo, EBV, herpes, rubella)
-M: metabolic/genetic: marfan
-E: episodic: autoinflammatory (FMF, HIDS, TRAPS, CAPS, BLAU, PAPA, DIRA)
-B: blood/heme: SS, hemophilia
-O: ortho: osgood schlatter (apophysitis of tibial tubercle), Perthes, SCFE
-N: neoplastic: leuk/lymphoma, sarcoma, osteoma, osteochondroma, mets, neuroblastoma
-E: endocrine: hypothyroid, hypercortisol, DM, ricketts
-P: CRPS, fibro
-A: accidental/trauma
-I: inflamm: IBD
N: normal variant (growing pain), hypermobility
** DDX Fever & polyarthritis **
Polyarticular JIA (RF+, RF-)
-Systemic JIA, SLE, MCTD
-ERA, Juvenile PsA, ReA
-Rarely Lyme disease
-Acute rheumatic fever (ARF), Post Strep arthritis
-Parvo, EBV
-Sickle cell disease
-Serum sickness
Organic vs nonorganic joint pain in Peds
Day+night (vs only night)
-Wkend + vacay (vs only school days)
-Interrupts play (vs can carrying normal activities)
-In joint (vs between joints)
-Limbs/refuses to walk (vs bizarre gait)
-Description fits anatomic explanation (vs illogical or dramatic)
-Other signs of systemic illness (vs isolated pain in othewise well)
DDx acute monoarthritis peds
Early rheum dz: oligoarticular JIA, ERA
-Infxn: septic, ReA, Lyme
-Ca: Leuk, neuroblastoma,
DDx chronic monoarthritis peds
JIA: ERA, juvenile PsA, oligoarticular
-Infxn: TB, lyme
-Hemarthrosis: PVNS, hemophilia hemangioma
-Noninflamm: lymphangioma, synovial chondromatosis, lipomatosis arborescens
DDx chronic polyarthritis peds
-Polyarticular JIA, Sjogren’s
- ERA, Juvenile PsA
-Inxn: rheum fever, ReA, Lyme,
-Psueodorheumatoid chondrodyspasia
Synovial fluid findings
– ReA
– Tb
– Septic arthritis
SLE: LE cells
-ReA: Reiter cells
-TB arthritis: acid fast bacteria (shld do biopsy)
-Septic arthritis: low glucose, bacteria, >75% PMN, 50k-300k WBC
Measuring leg length in Peds
ASIS to medial malleolus
When to suspect leukemia causing polyarthritis
High ESR
-LOW platelet
-High LDH, uric acid
-Abnormal smear
Cancer with MSK manifestations Peds
-Ewing sarcoma (monoarticular)
Hip pain ddx Peds
Cancer: osteoid osteoma, ewing sarcoma, leukemia, neuroblastoma
-Infxn: Septic arthritis, OM, rheumatic fever
-Autoimmune: JIA (ERA, JAS), ReA,
-Trauma, Fracture, AVN
-SCFE, Perthes, Protrusio acetabili
Back pain ddx peds
-Acute diskitis (Viral, Staph, Enterobacter, Moraxella)
-Disk herniation
-Spondylolysis +/- spondylolisthesis
-Juvenile discogenic disease
-Cancer (mets, primary bone tumor, leukemia)
** Main types of JIA**
-Polyarthritis (RF+ and RF-)
-ERA/JAS (juvenile spondyloarthropathy)
-Undifferentiated arthritis
** JIA pathogenesis - interleukins involved**
DDx for migratory arthralgia
-Rheumatic fever
-Poststep arthritis
-Gonococcal arthritis
Rashes specific to juvenile arthritis
Erythema marginatum = rheumatic fever
-Lower extremity purpura = HSP (IgA vasculitis)
-Evanescent salmon pink macules = sJIA
** sJIA (aka AOSD) clinical characteristics**
Arthritis in 1+ joints AND quotidian fever x 2+ wks and 1 of:
-Evanescent Rash
-Hepato / splenomegaly
-Serositis (pleural, pericardial, peritoneal)
** Cytokines involved in sJIA**
IL 1, 6, 18 , TNF
**DDx sJIA **
-Autoinflammatory: FMF, cryopyrin assoc’d periodic syndromes, TNF-R assoc’d periodic ever syndrome
Infxn (any causing quotidian fever): endocarditis, bartonella, brucellosis, mycoplasma, rheumatic fever, TB
-Malignancy (solid/heme)
MAS manifestations
Fevers, LN
-CNS: sz, coma, ataxia, PRES
-Liver dysfcn (jaundice), HSM
-Cytopenias, Bleeding, bruising, purpura
-Renal dysfunction
MAS pathophys
Abnormal immune response to infection or autoantigen → exaggerated inflamm response
-Continual expansion of T lymphocytes and macrophages → increased proinflammatory cytokines, IL1/6
MAS causes
-Rheum: SLE, JIA, Kawasaki, DM, APS, MCTD
-Infxn: eg EBV
Cytopenias, DIC (prolonged PT/PTT)
-High TG, Ferritin, soluble IL2R
-Liver dysfunction → transaminitis, prolonged PT/PTT, LOWER ESR and fibrinogen
-LP: CSF inflammatory
-Bone marrow Bx (hemophagocytosis)
-MRI brain
-Viral/Autoimmune serologies
MAS Biopsy
Macrophages show hemophagocytosis in BM, LN, or liver
-Etoposide (chemo)
-Anakinra (Toci if IL1 failure or contraindication)
-Ruxolitinib (JAKi)
-Treat virus/bacteria/cancer
** MAS vs sJIA**
MAS not JIA:
– Cytopenia
– Hemophagocytosis on biopsy
– HyperTG
– CNS symptoms
– Liver dysfunction
– Hypofibrinogen and ESR
– Prolonged PT/PTT
– Bleeding, purpura
– Resp distress: ARDS
Not active:
– SJC<4 = NSAID or IA steroids x1mo → antiIL1/6/TNF, abatacept if refractory
– SJC>4 = MTX/LFN x3mo → biologic as above
-Mild active (physician global <5):
– NSAID → GC, anakinra if activity >1mo
-Moderate Active:
– Anakinra → toci/canakinumab if refractory @ 1mo;
– GC → Anakinra/Toci/canakinumab if refractory @ 2wks (+MTX/LN if persistent)
** Outcome measure for JIA **
Childhood HAQ (CHAQ)
-For longitudinal studies and clinic ax
-JAQQ for prospective studies
** Desirable features of outcome measures for JIA**
Practical, easy to use
-Short completion time by child/parent
-Measures social/psychological fcn
-Measures pain
-Reliable, valid, responsive
-Adaptable for international use
Oligoarticular JIA manifestations
1-4 joints during 1st 6mo of disease
-Asymmetric, knee >ankle > wrist (RARE hip/back)
-Chronic nongranulamtous anterior uveitis (asymptomatic) in ANA+ and girls <7yo
Oligoarticular JIA subtypes
Persistent : never more than 4 joints involved
-Extended: more than 4 joints ater 1st 5 mo
Oligoarticular JIA labs
-Normal WBC
-Mild inflamm markers
Anterior uveitis in JIA
-types and presentation
- complications and screening
Acute: Spondyloarthropathy with HLAB27; pain and redness with few complications and not requiring screening
Chronic: Oligoarticular JIA with ANA; ASYMPTOMATIC → cataract, glaumcoma, band keratopathy REQUIRES SLIT LAMP SCREEN
Poorly localized leg pain sufficient to interrupt sleep and cause a limp, must rule out:
Oligoarticular JIA Tx
NSAIDs and IA steroids → MTX → TNFi
Polyarticular JIA RF+ vs RF- subgroup differences
RF- : insidious/progressive, asymmetric larger joints, TMJ, chronic anterior uveitis, ANA+ (or ANA- symmetrical polyarthritis)
-RF+: faster onset, symmetric small joints (RA deformities), MORE joints, nodules, vasculitis, felty, RA lung dz, ANA+, ACPA+
RF- polyarticular JIA subgroups
ANA+ girls <7yo: oligoarticular JIA but more joints in 1st 6mo, high risk chronic uveitis
-ANA- children >7-9yo: RA like (~RF+ subgroup) w/ symmetric polyarthritis
Differentiate RF-/ANA- and RF+ polyarticular JIA from adult RA
– More hip, shoulder, C spine, DIP than adults
– Fusion of bones, micrognathia, fusion of C spine apophyseal joints
Polyarticular JIA Tx
Low dz = NSAID
-Mod-High dz = DMARD (MTX, SSZ, LFN)
-Biologic (TNF, Toci, abatacept, ritux) if refractory, TNFi monotherapy or in combo w/ MTX