Medical Manifestations: Endo/Heme/Onc Flashcards
Endocrine diseases w/ rheum manifestations
-Hyper/Hypo TSH, PTH
** MSK / Rheum complications in DM **
- Charcot joint, diabetic osteolysis
- Diabetic stiff hands (cheiroarthropathy) - prayer sign
- Amyotrophy, Muscle infarction
- Adhesive capsulitis
- Calcific shoulder periarthritis
- CRPS (shoulder hand syndrome)
- Flexor tenosynovitis (trigger fingers)
- Dupuytren’s contractures
- CTS + Thenar atrophy
- Septic joint / OM
** Diabetic cheiroarthropathy pathogenesis**
- Excessive glycosylation of dermal and periarticular collagen
- Decreased collagen degradation
- Increased dermal hydration
** Diabetic cheiroarthropathy risk factors**
-DM duration,
-Glucose control
-Renal/retinal microvascular disease
** Charcot MSK manifestations**
-Midtarsal collapse → Rocker bottom feet
-Painless, swelling, deformity (tarsometatarsal, ankle, knee, hip, spine)
-Bony prominence skin ulcer, infxn
** Charcot radiographs **
- Destruction,
- Debris,
- Density (increased),
- Disorganization,
- Dislocation
** Charcot pathogenesis **
- Sensoral neuropathy + repetitive microtrauma
- Autonomic neuropathy → MORE blood flow
Both of which cause more inflammation, osteoclastic resorption, osteopenia, and #
** Charcot Tx **
- Protected weight bearing,
- Soft casts, good shoes,
- Treat/Prevent skin ulcers
- Neuropathic meds
- Amputation as needed
Diabetic osteolysis
– what is it
– pathogen
Osteoporosis / Resorption of distal metatarsal bones and proximal phalanges +/- acroosteolysis
-Pathogenesis: unknown, ~to charcot
Diabetic amyotrophy manifestations
+what doesnt it have
-Muscle wasting, weakness AND SEVERE pain (proximal muscles: pelvis, thigh, paraspinal, shoulder girdle)
-Distal symmetric neuropathy, autonomic neuropathy
-NO diabetic retinopathy or nephropathy
Diabetic amyotrophy pathogenesis
Injury to peripheral nerves, nerve roots, lumbosacral plexus via:
-Immune mediated microvasculitis
Diabetic amyotrophy
– nerve bx findings
– muscle bx
Nerve: Inflammatory infiltrate of blood vessel
-Muscle: fiber atrophy w/o inflammation
Diabetic muscle infarction
– Manifestations
– Ix
Acute onset pain/swelling thigh or calves
-Elevated CPK
-MRI to r/o infxn, malignancy
-Excisional Biopsy
Dequervain’s tenosynovitis pathogenesis
-Microvascular disease affecting nerves & blood vessels
- Protein glycosylation
- ECM protein deposition in skin/ & periarticular structures
Dupuytren’s contracture pathogenesis
Microvascular ischemia → contractile myofibroblasts producing increased collagen
CTS physical exam tests
CTS manifestations
Nocturnal paresthesias
-Hand pain
-Pain radiating to elbow/shoulder (Valleix phenomenon)
-Thenar atrophy
CTS pathogenesis
Neuropathy due to:
-Extrinsic compression
-Microvascular disease ischemia of vasa nervorum
SSc DM complication mimickers
Diabetic stiff hand (flexion contracture and indurated digits)
-Distal neuropathy ~ Raynaud’s
-Scleredema diabeticorum (thickened skin upper back/neck)
DM meds causing rheumatic manifestations
- Glitazone
- SGLT2 (-flozin)
- DPP4i (-gliptins)
Hypothyroidism MSK manifestations
-Myxedematous arthropathy (noninflammatory; ++viscous 2/2 hyalronic acid)
-Reversible bone marrow edema (~AVN)
-Tunnel (CTS)
-Aching myalgia
-Proximal muscle weakness/stiffness with high CK
HYPERthyroid rheum syndromes
-Myopathy (painless prox muscle weakness)
-Thyroid acropachy
-Adhesive capsulitis (controversial)
Thyroid acropachy manifestations
Soft tissue hand swelling
-Metacarpal and Phalangeal: clubbing & PERIOSTITIS
Thyroid acropachy associated withwhich thyroid disease
IIM vs Hypo/HyperThyroid
-CK, Weakness, Biopsy
IIM: CK up, Mild/severe, inflammation
-Hypothyroid: CK up, mild, N
-Hyperthyroid: CK N, mild, N
Thyroid meds causing rheum manifestations
PTU → sysetmic vasculitis or drug induced lupus
-Methimazole → lupus like syndrome
Primary hyperPTH rheum syndromes
-Myopathy w/ NORMAL CK
-Soft tissue calcifications
-Tendon ruptures
-Osteogenic synovitis from subchondral collapse → OA and reactive synovitis
-Osteitis fibrosa cystica
** 5 peripheral radiographic signs of hyperparathyroid or Osteitis fibrosa cystica
2 axial and skull findings**
- Chondrocalcinosis
- Soft tissue calcification
- Osteopenia, osteoporosis
- Brown tumors (lytic lesions in hands)
- Acro-osteolysis
- Subperiosteal resorption and blurred cortical margins
- Sacroilliitis
- Osteoid deposition at vertebral endplate → sclerotic bands (rugger jersey spine)
- Compression fracture
- Salt and pepper sign - lucencies caused by trabecular resorption
Knuckle knucle dimple knuckle sign
-What disease
Pseudohypoparathyroidism (PTH resistance) w/ skeleta deformity with a short 4th metacarpal
Acromegaly Rheum manifesetations
-OA (knees, shoulders, hips, hands, C/L/S spine), crepitus
-Vertebral fracture
-Prox muscle weakness (normal EMG/CK)
-Rare chondrocal
Acromegaly pathogenesis
Excess GH (tumor, central) causes elevation of IGF1 that affect osteocytes, chondrocytes, and fibroblasts
** Acromegaly radiographic findings **
-Soft tissue thickening
-Spade phalanx
-Skull thickening, enlarged sella turcica
-Increased joint/disk space
-Periosteal apposition (diameter thickening) of tubular bones
Excessive GC rheum syndromes
-Prox muscle weakness (normal EMG, CK, biopsy shows t2b muscle fiber atrophy)
-Steroid withdrawal
Steroid withdrawal syndrome manifestations
Aka slocumb’s syndrome
-Myalgias, Arthralgias
-Noninflammatory joint effusion
-Low grade fever
Familial hyperlipoproteinemia types & associated MSK disorders
Type 1, 4, 5: gout
-Type 2, 3: tendinous xanthomas on digital extensor tendon & achilles tendon → tendinitis; tuberous xanthoma over extensors ~RA nodules or tophi
-Type 2: migratory inflamm arthritis ~rheumatic fever (no cholesterol crystals)
-Type 3: osseous xanthomas in long bones → #
Bloody synovial fluid: hemarthrosis vs traumatic tap
-How to use Hct
Hct ~ peripheral blood = Traumatic
-Hct < peripheral blood = Hemarthrosis
** Hemarthrosis causes**
-Vascular: ateriovenous fistula, ruptured aneurysm
-Heme: Hemophilia, VwD, Sickle Cell, Thrombocytopenia, myeloproliferative dz , hemoglobinopathy
-Infxn: lyme, septic arthritis
-Trauma: injury, fracture, post-surgical
-Autoimmune: Ehlers Danlos syndrome, Pseudoxanthoma elasticum,
-Metabolic: Scurvy, Charcot joint, Post dialysis, Gaucher’s disease
-Meds: Excessive anticoagulation or thrombolytics
-Inflammatory: Crystal disease (hydroxyapatite), Amyloid
-Neoplasm: pigmented villonodular synovitis, tumor mets to joints, 2ndary tumor of synovium, hemangioma
Synovial fluid findings in fracture
- Fat globulesor cholesterol emboli
- Direct visualization or
- Oil red O staining
INR cutoff for joint aspiration
Hemarthrosis Tx
-Therapeutic Tap+/- IA GC
-Ice, compression
-Reversal of supratherapeutic INR
Hemophilia Rheum problems
Acute hemarthrosis
-Subacute → Chronic → end stage arthropathy
-Intramusculaar or soft tissue hemorrahge
-Subperiosteal hemorrhage → Pseudotumor
-Septic arthritis
Hemarthrosis Tx in Hemophilia
Replace deficient factor to >30% (2% increase per unit/kg body weight)
-Rest, Ice, Analgesia, Compression
-PTto prevent muscle atrophy and contracture
Risk factors for septic arthritis coexisting w/ hemarthrosis
-Focus for seeding: Arthroplasty, joint damage
-Portal of entry: previous arthrocentesis, IVDU
-Infection RF: Fever, leukocytosis, HIV
-Persistent activity/pain despite factor replacement
Hemophilia acute radiographic findings
Soft tissue swelling,
-Increased synovial density (iron deposition)
Hemophilia chronic radiographic findings
-OA (cysts, osteophytes and sclerosis)
-Wide intercondylar notch (femur/humerus)
-Inferior patella flattening
-Talar flattening
Chronic hemophilic arthropathy Tx
- Prophylactic factor 8 infusion (factor goal >5%)
-Nonweightbearing periods for synovitis to regress
-PT for joint stability and muscle strength
-NSAIDs (Cox2 specifici eg celecoxib)
-Chemical synoviorthesis with rifampicin
-Synovectomy (arthroscopic if chronic synovitis or radioisotope if factor inhibitor)
Sickle Cell disease Rheum manifesetations
-Muscle infarct and focal necrosis, rhabdomyolysis
-Bone infarct (dactylitis, AVN) - can cause transudative noninflamm effusion
-Chronic synovitis
-Hyperuricemia and gout
-Septic arthritis, OM (Salmonella, S Aureus)
RF infection in sickle cell patient
-Functional asplenia (decreased bacterial clearance)
-Neutrophil dysfunction at lower O2 tension
-Decreased opsonization and IFNg production
SCD spine XR findings and pathogenesis
-Codfish vertebrae (central cup like indentation) from osteoporotic vertebrae weakness from marrow expansion
AVN femoral head Tx
Nonweightbearing to prevent collapse and allow revascularization
-Ortho consult: core decompression of femoral head
-Joint replacement
Hydroxyurea rheumatic mimics
-Hand foot syndrome (Palmar plantar erythrodysethesia +/- blisters) mimics systemic vasculitis
-DM like or SSc like sydromes
-DM like rash
MDS autoimmune syndromes
- Vasculitis: PAN, LCV, GCA, uveitis, GN, pleuropericarditis
-CTD: RP, SLE, Myositis
-Inflamm polyarthritis: PMR,
RA, Sjogrens, R3SPE - Positive antibodies (ANA, ANCA, RF, APLA, Cryo)
-Neutrophilic disease: Sweet’s, pyoderma gangrenosum
-Other: AIHA
MDS autoimmune syndrome pathogenesis
Accelerated apoptosis of maturing hematopoeitc cells increasing cytokine production (IL6, TNFa, IFNg)
MDS autoimmune syndrome tx
Mechanisms of malignancy causing MSK sx
-Tumor invasion
-Treatment related
-Malignancy 2/2 dz activity or immunosuppression
MC cancer causing bone mets
MSK features of leukemia and lymphoma
-Bone pain (subperiosteal infiltration)
-Gout from chemothearpy
-Septic arthritis
XR findings leukemia/lymphoma
- Metaphyseal radiolucent band
- Osteolytic lesions