Pedigrees + inheritance (just key stuff) Flashcards
What is autosomal linkage?
When it is located on an autosome (chromosome 1-22)
What it X-linked/Y-linked?
Gene located on the X or Y chromosome
What is a locus?
The position/site on a chromosome where a gene is located
What is an allele?
Alternate forms of a gene
What is a heterozygote?
Different alleles at the same locus
What is a homozygote?
Identical alleles at the same locus
What is a genotype?
An individual’s genetic constitution
What is a phenotype?
Observed effect of the action of a gene or genes
What is a propositus vs a proposita?
Propositus = A male index case
Proposita = A female index case
What are the 5 patterns of inheritance that we cover?
- Autosomal Dominant
- Autosomal Recessive
- X-linked Recessive
- X-linked dominant
- Maternal (mitochondrial)
What are the characteristics of autosomal dominant inheritance?
- Found in heterozygous stae
- Transmitted from one generation to next
- Can arise thru new mutation
- Can be followed in family tree
- Usually affects males & females equally
- Have a 1 in 2 chance of inheriting from the affected parent
Give examples of Autosomal Dominant diseases:
- Myotonic Dystrophy
- Huntington’s disease
What are the characteristics of Autosomal Recessive inheritance?
- Heterozygotes are healthy –> carriers
- Mutation present in homozygous (double dose of mutation)
- Often cannot be followed in family tree
- Affects males & females equally
- If parents heterozygous for same autosomal recessive condition = offspring 1 in 4 chance of inheriting
- For rare autosomal recessive alleles –> parents of a homozygous may be consanguineous
- Affected person usually born to unaffected parents (parents usually asymptomatic carriers)
What does consanguineous mean?
Mating between 2 closely related relatives
Give an example of an Autosomal Recessive mutation:
Cystic Fibrosis
What happens is a homozygote & a heterozygote for an Autosomal recessive condition mate?
The condition may appear as dominant as children will either be affected or carriers
(in reality the condition is recessive but high chance of inheriting in this fmaily)
What are the 3 ways heterogeneity can occur?
- Locus
- Allelic
- Clinical
What is clinical Genetic Heterogeneity?
Mutations in the same gene that leads to 2 or more different genetic conditions
What is allelic Genetic Heterogeneity?
Differnt mutations within a given gene give rise to the same condition
(Mutation at point 1 or 2 on the gene but both = same condition phenotypically
What is locus Genetic Heterogeneity?
Same clinical phenotype reuslts from mutations at any one of several different loci
When can double heterozgyotes arise?
Double heterozygous parents can lead to a homozygous individual w a mutant allele but at a different locus
e.g. there are at least 16 loci that cause sensorineural deafness