Pediatrics Flashcards
presentation of systemic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis
> 2 weeks of fever once a day, 1+ jt arthritis, pink macular rash that worsens during fever
tricuspid valve atresia findings
cyanotic infant with L axis deviation. absent R waves in precordial leads, peaked P waves, decreased pulmonary marking on CXR
scarlet fever presentation
fever, pharyngitis, sandpaper like rash, circumoral pallor, and strawberry tongue
Wiskott Aldrich syndrome
eczema + thrombocytopenia + hypogammglobulinemia
X linked
Fanconis anemia
AR, average dx age = 8
progressive pancytopenia + macrocytosis
ass’d w/ cafe au last spots, microcephaly, microphthalmia, short stature, horseshoe kidney, absent thumbs
Diamond Blackfan syndrome
macrocytic pure red cell aplasia ass’d with congenital abnormalities (short stature, webbed neck, cleft lip, shield chest, triphalangeal thumbs)
- -low retic (b/c intrinsic defect of RBC progenitors)
- -no PMN nucleus hyperseg
- -elev fetal Hb on electrophoresis
- -Tx = steroids +/- transfusion
Due to Chlamydia trachomatis ABC
- -follicular conjunctivitis + pannus/neovasc in cornea –> eyelid scarring and inversion of eyelashes –> ulceration –> blindness
- -often presents with concurrent nasopharyngeal infection
- -treat the entire village (azith)
management of newborns born to mother with active Hep B
Hep B Ig followed by Hep B vaccine
which kids with bronchiolitis get palivizumab?
preterm birth <29 weeks gestation
chronic lung disease of prematurity
hemodynamically significant CHD
retropharyngeal abscess
feevr + dysphagia + inability to extend neck + muffled voice + widened prevertebral space on lateral Xray
Friedreich ataxia
AR, excess GAA repeats –> abnorm frataxin protein
neuro (ataxia, dysarthria, loss of position sense and reflexes)
+ skeleteal (scoliosis, hammer toes/feet deformities)
+ cardiac (concentric hypertrophic cardiopmyopathy, degeneration of cardiac muscle fibers -> can cause T wave inversion)
MRI - atrophy of (cervical?) SC and minimal cerebellar atrophy
death-heart and resp complications
TX = PT, psych support
risk factors for jejunal atresia?
prenatal exposure to cocaine and other vasoconstrictive drugs
meconium ileus that causes volvulus and necrosis of bowel
erythema chronic migrans
early, localized Lyme disease rash
tx = oral doxy, amor, or cefuroxime
**amox if <8 yo
Guillain barre syndrome management
- *serial measurements of FVC to monitor respiratory function to predict impeding resp failure and intubation need
- *cardiopulm support
classic presentation of galactosemia
–galactose 1 P uridyl transferase deficiency –> elevated blood levels of galactose
infant/newborn with failure to thrive, bilateral cataracts, jaundice, hypoglycemia
+/-aminoaciduria, hepatic cirrhosis, mental retardation
*increased risk for E coli sepsis
galactokinase deficiency presentation
asym except cataracts
complications of SGA infants (6)
- hypoxia, perinatal asphyxia,
- meconium aspiration
- hypothermia
- hypoglycemia
- hypocalcemia
- polycythemia (from increased EPO secretion in response to hypoxia)
RDS risk factors
- premie
- male sex
- perinatal asphyxia
- maternal DM
- C section w/o labor
McCune Albright syndrome
3 P’s:
Precocious puberty
+ Pigmentation (cafe au lait syndrome)
+ Polyostotic fibrous dysplasia (bone defects)
+/- endocrine disorders (hyperthyroidism, prolactin or GH secreting pituitary adenomas, adrenal hypercortisolism)
*sporadic defect
bug for PNA in CF patients
childhood: staph aureus
adults (20+): pseudomonas
Always treat for both
edema in Turner’s syndrome
due to dysgenesis of lymphatic system –> congenital lymphedema
what fluids should be used for IV fluid resuscitation?
NS (isotonic)
what is the most common predisposing factor for orbital cellulitis?
bacterial sinusitis
complications: blind, abscess, cavernous sinus thrombosis, intracranial infection, death
most common CHD in Down syndrome?
complete atrioventricular septal defect
-load S2
-systolic ejection murmur (b/c incr pulm flow from ASD)
+/- holosystolic VSD murmur