Pediatrics Flashcards
Progresses through unique age-related movement stages. Functional goals
Developmental milestones
Created guidelines that children must be cared for in the least restrictive environment
Individuals with disabilities education act IDEA - 2004
Children age 6–21 regardless of disability were entitled to free and appropriate public education
Education of all handicapped children act EHCA - 1975
Characterized by impairments in communication, social, and behavioral domains
Pervasive developmental disorders PDDs
What are the roles of the PT in treating patients with PDD’s
- Address sensory issues
- maximize opportunities for age-appropriate movement
Head tilt towards and rotated away from shortened SCM
Congenital muscular torticollis CMT
Inflammation of connective tissue with painful arthritis
Juvenile rheumatoid arthritis JRA
Affected foot is turned inward and slanted upward
Lateral curvature of the spine
Abnormal development of structures surrounding hip joint
Developmental dysplasia of hip DDH
Severe genetic disorder affecting formation of collagen during development
Osteogenesis imperfecta OI
Defective gene for dystrophin. Only males affected
Duchenne muscular dystrophy DMD
Failure of neural tube to close completely
Neural tube defects
Split on section of vertebral arches
Spina bifida
Separation of spinous process without entrapment of spinal cord. not associated with disability
Spina bifida occulta