Musculoskeletal Flashcards
Inflammation of a tendon
Tendinitis – overuse injuries
Degenerative changes of a tendon
Tendonosis- overuse injuries
Inflammation of bursa due to repeated friction/pinching between structures
Bursitis – overuse injuries
Pressure on a nerve causing tingling, pain, weakness or both
Nerve entrapment – overuse injuries
Repeated stress results in pain, inflammation, and dysfunction
Overuse injuries
Result of direct traumato bone, muscle, ligament, other soft tissues
Traumatic injuries
Overstretching ligament can tear resulting in pain and instability of joint
Ligament sprain – Trumatic injuries
Direct trauma to bone causing a break
Fracture – traumatic injuries
Sudden contraction of muscles or excessive stress causing tearing of fibers
Muscle strain – traumatic injuries
Musculoskeletal injuries that require surgical intervention for healing
Surgical conditions
repeated use/rapid overstretching of muscle, can result in tear/rupture
Tendinopathy-overuse injury
Surgical replacement of joint surfaces, typically from degenerative changes
Total joint arthroplasty- surgical conditions
Removal of a portion of an extremity
Amputation- surgical conditions
Isolation/grading of specific muscles
Manual Muscle Test MMT
Assess patients ability to return to PLOF or highest level of function possible
Functional tests