Pediatrics Flashcards
What is this injury and what does it represent?
Pediatric corner fractures of distal femur.
Represents NAT
What are fractures highly suspicious for child abuse?
Corner fx
Distal humerus transphyseal fx
Posterior rib fx
Fractures in various stages of healing
Long bone fx in non ambulatory patient
What region of the physis do Physeal fractures occur?
Hypertrophic zone (zone of provisional calcification)
Indications for Physeal bar excision?
>2cm growth remaining
<50% Physeal involvement
What view do you use to measure medial epicondyle displacement?
Humeral axial view
Risks of ORIF proximal radius fractures?
Loss ROM
Try and close reduce if possible, this is needed when >30-45 deg angulation
Treatment algorithm for ped femur fracture?
Signs of compartment syndrome in kids?
Complication of tibial tubercle fracture?
Compartment syndrome (injury to recurrent anterior tibial artery)
Complications of tibial spine fracture?
Late anterior instability (60%)
*intermeniscal ligament and medial meniscus can get entrapped and often block reduction
What is Cozen’s phenomenon?
Late valgus deformity if tibia that occurs ~6 months after proximal tibia fracture. This usually self corrects. But if present beyond 2 years after injury then can consider osteotomy.
Pediatric HALO pin configuration?
6-8 pins at 2-4 in-lbs
Spine flexion distraction injuries typically involve the ——- region and 50% have this associated injury?
Intra-abdominal injury
* Management is extension bracing for stable bony injuries or operative stabilization if ligamentous injuries
Joints with intra-articular metaphysis that are prone to septic joint…
First line test for Lyme disease?
ELISA and then if this is positive next order Western Blot test
- >8 years Doxycycline
- <8 years Amoxicillin
MRI finding consistent with cerebral palsy?
Periventricular leukomalacia
Mechanism of action for Botox?
Inhibits presynaptic release of acetylcholine
Equinovarus foot is caused by…
overpull of posterior tibialis +/- Achilles tendon
Common in spastic hemiplegic CP patients
Myelodysplasia serum marker
Maternal serum alpha-fetoprotein
*risk factors: low folic acid, valorous acid, carbamazepine, maternal hyperthermia, maternal insulin dependent diabetes
Inheritance pattern of Duchennes muscular dystrophy and Becker muscular dystrophy?
X-linked recessive (males affected)
What Cobb angle do you fuse scoliosis in muscular dystrophy ?
When cobb reaches >20-25 deg because risk of loss of pulmonary function
Area of the spinal cord affected by polio?
Anterior horn
(Loss of motor but intact sensation)
*treatment is sub exhaustion exercise to prevent further loss of motor cell function
Posteromedial tibial bowing
Anteromedial tibial bowing is associated with…
Fibular hemimelia/ PFFD/ longitudinal deficiency
Sonic hedge hog gene
Associated with ball and socket ankle and equinovalgis foot