Pediatric Precautions/Activities Flashcards
Muscle Strength
Precautions: Watch for fatigue, shortness of breath, do not offer resistance in the presence of abnormal tone or edema, monitor for pain
1. Use a pair of tongs to pick up pom poms and place them in a bottle (Remedial)
2. Go to playground and have child use equipment such as monkey bars, going up stairs to use slides, etc. (Remedial)
3. Do some gardening by digging, carrying some gardening tools, and planting seeds. (Remedial)
4. Tug of war-take a strong piece of fabric or a towel and play tug of war (remedial)
Endurance/Activity Tolerance
Precautions: Watch for fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, orthostatic hypotension, monitor for pain
1. Have dance parties-start with shorter songs and gradually move up to longer songs to dance to (remedial)
2. Play red light green light (remedial)
3. Play jump rope-see how long the child can jump for without stopping. (Remedial)
4. Jump on a trampoline or play hopscotch. (Remedial)
Abnormal Tone-Flaccid
Precautions: Do not offer resistance, watch for subluxation/dislocation, do not overstretch muscles, prevent contractures, no MMT, monitor for pain
1. Tummy time on yoga ball (for infants) Remedial
2. Do kid friendly yoga positions (child’s pose, cat cow, etc) Remedial
3. Fish for puzzle pieces with magnetic fishing rod while standing on a wobble cushion. Remedial
4. Thread beads onto a string (Remedial)
Abnormal Tone-Spastic
Precautions: Do not offer resistance, no MMT, prevent contractures, prevent increase of abnormal tone, do not overstretch muscles, monitor for pain
1. Do slow rhythmic movements in developmental patterns (Remedial)
2. Incorporate gentle massage into a simple activity such as playing with play-doh. (Remedial)
3. Play with soothing textures such as rice, beans or sand (Remedial)
4. Do calming breathing exercises while listening to slow, soft music.
FMC Skills
Precautions: monitor for fatigue, monitor for overstimulation, monitor for pain, monitor for inflammation, prevent joint/movement abnormalities
1. Pick up popsicle sticks and insert them into a bottle through a slit made in the cap (remedial)
2. Roll, squeeze and shape play doh in different ways (remedial)
3. Place cheerios or froot loops on a pipe cleaner. Remedial
4. Have child cut along different lines or shapes. Remedial
GMC Skills
Precautions: monitor for fatigue, monitor for overstimulation, monitor for pain, monitor for inflammation, prevent joint/movement abnormalities, monitor for orthostatic hypotension, monitor for imbalance/falls
1. Have the child throw a ball into a laundry basket, then switch to kicking it in the basket. (Remedial)
2. Crawl through a tunnel to complete a puzzle. Choose 1 puzzle piece, crawl through the tunnel and insert into the puzzle board at the other end. Remedial
3. Play a game of “Simon Says” that involves lots of different movements. Remedial
4. Hop on one foot to take a ball and drop it into a basket. Alternate feet on each pass. Remedial
Visual Perceptual Skills
Precautions: Monitor for vertigo/dizziness, monitor for autonomic disturbance, prevent/monitor for overstimulation, prevent/monitor for fatigue, monitor for safety awareness
1. Have the child copy a pattern made with blocks. Remedial
2. Play a matching game with cards. Remedial
3. Play “I spy” to have child search around the room for different objects. Remedial
4. Scatter puzzle pieces around the room and have the child search for the pieces and insert them into the board one by one. Remedial
Trunk Control
Precautions: monitor for imbalance/falls, monitor for safety, monitor for fatigue, monitor for pain, enforce proper positioning
1. Have the child sit on a therapy ball and have them reach for window stickers, Have them reach to either side to place the stickers on a window (remedial)
2. Wheelbarrow walking race to one end of the room and back (remedial)
3. Have the child lie in prone on a scooter board and retrieve toys scattered across the room. (Remedial)
4. Have the child kneel on a cushioned surface and have them reach for items above their head or to their side (remedial)
Sitting Balance
Precautions: monitor for fatigue, monitor for falls, provide adequate supports, monitor for pain, monitor for orthostatic hypotension,
1. Play a pretend rowing game by using a rope or resistance band and have the child pull it towards them. (Remedial)
2. Play hot potato with a small group to encourage trunk rotation (remedial)
3. Play musical chairs (Remedial)
4. Sit a child in a chair and place a mirror in front of them and have them try to mimic different movements to challenge sitting balance (remedial)
Standing Balance
Precautions: monitor for dizziness, monitor for orthostatic hypotension, monitor for fatigue, monitor for pain, monitor for autonomic disturbances
1. Create a “road” for the child to walk along heel-to-toe. Have them walk to the end of the road to retrieve a preferred item and bring it back with them (remedial)
2. Sing a song and have the child march in place and follow movements with the upper extremities.
3. Blow up a balloon and encourage the child to kick the balloon for as long as they can without letting the ball touch the floor.
4. Encourage sideways walking and introduce small obstacles for the child to step over .
Cerebral Palsy
Precautions: Monitor for abnormal tone, do not offer resistance in the presence of abnormal tone, monitor for fatigue, monitor for pain, monitor for imbalance/falls, monitor for inflammation, watch for aspiration precautions, prevent contractures
1. Do sponge painting with a cut up pool noodle to promote grasp. (Remedial)
2. Hula hooping to promote core strength/coordination (Remedial)
3. Play kid-friendly darts with a felt board and velcro “darts” (remedial)
4. Create a sensory bin with water beads, sand or pom poms (remedial)
Precautions: Prevent/monitor for overstimulation, monitor safety awareness, monitor for reactions to loud environments/loud noises, watch for mouthing/chewing of inedible objects, monitor for behavioral issues (frustration, aggression, etc)
1. Sort candies or fake fruits by color (remedial)
2. Complete an obstacle course by having the child crawl through a tunnel, under a chair, and then jump on a trampoline or couch. (Remedial)
3. Play with magnetic tiles to create a tower (remedial)
4. Put up pictures of different animals all around a room, turn off the lights and use a flash light to find the animals that were scattered around the room (remedial)
Brachial plexus injury
Precautions: Monitor for pain, monitor for safety (numbness), monitor for/prevent contractures
1. Incorporate passive range of motion into an ADL such a dressing. (Remedial)
2. Weight bear into affected limb by pushing up from a therapy ball or crawling from area to another (remedial)
3. Stimulate the affected arm/hand with a soft brush, or soft fabrics (remedial)
4. Use a rolling pin to roll out pieces of play dough (remedial)
Prader-Willi Syndrome
Precautions: Do not offer resistance, watch for subluxation/dislocation, do not overstretch muscles, prevent contractures, no MMT, monitor for pain, monitor for behavioral issues, monitor for issues with sleep, monitor for food-seeking behaviors.
1. Follow a simple recipe to prepare a healthy snack (remedial)
2. Use tongs/tweezers to pick up small toys or pom poms and sort them by color.
3. Place the child in a swing or in a blanket (in supine) and have 2 adults swing the child back and forth.
4. Play a simple card game or board game to encourage turn taking and following rules.
Rett Syndrome
Precautions: monitor for pain, monitor for joint stiffness, watch for issues with breathing, monitor for seizures, monitor for safety awareness (diminished pain response), check for aspiration precautions.
1. Encourage the child to blow bubbles to strengthen oral/facial muscles (remedial)
2. Visual stimulation with black/white activities or toys (remedial)
3. Make a. “No bake” cake in a microwave. Have the child mix the ingredients/pour with assistance if needed (remedial)
4. Use a pegboard to insert pegs and have the child reach to remove them from a vertical surface (remedial)