Adult Populations-Precautions/Activities Flashcards
Muscle Strength
Precautions: Watch for fatigue, shortness of breath, do not offer resistance in the presence of abnormal tone or edema, monitor for pain
- Re-organize kitchen cabinets (remedial)
- Carry laundry basket to washing machine. (Remedial)
- Make a cake-mix batter (Remedial)
- Push shopping cart filled with groceries (Remedial)
Abnormal Tone-Flaccid
Precautions: Do not offer resistance, watch for subluxation/dislocation, do not overstretch muscles, prevent contractures, no MMT, monitor for pain
- Disco dancing-PNF (Remedial)
- Simple yoga to stretch muscles/prevent contracture (remedial)
- Squat to stand-placing lightweight grocery items from the floor to the counter (Remedial)
- Stand on wobble cushion while placing ornaments on a Christmas tree (Remedial)
FMC Skills
Precautions: monitor for fatigue, monitor for overstimulation, monitor for pain, monitor for inflammation, prevent joint/movement abnormalities
- Insert spare coins/change into a piggy bank. (Remedial)
- Remove dirty shoelaces from sneakers, wash, and re-lace shoes. (Remedial)
- Write holiday greeting cards (remedial)
- Prepare a fruit salad by washing and cutting fruit (remedial)
Visual Perceptual Skills
Precautions: Monitor for vertigo/dizziness, monitor for autonomic disturbance, prevent/monitor for overstimulation, prevent/monitor for fatigue, monitor for safety awareness
- Play a game of velcro darts (Remedial)
- Sort buttons by size (Remedial)
- Grocery shopping-scan for specific items (remedial)
- Measure ingredients for a cooking/baking recipe (remedial)
Sitting Balance
Precautions: monitor for fatigue, monitor for falls, provide adequate supports, monitor for pain, monitor for orthostatic hypotension
- Roll out dough while seated at a table (remedial)
- Wipe down a table while seated in front of it (Remedial)
- Seated tai chi exercises (Remedial)
- Play bean bag toss while seated (Remedial)
Precautions: Monitor for pain, monitor for fatigue, watch for subluxation/dislocation, do not complete PROM if contracture is present.
- Place holiday window decals on windows (Remedial)
- Wipe mirrors down (Remedial)
- Reach from behind to grab towels and place them in a laundry basket in front of patient (Remedial)
- Wash body using long handled sponge (compensatory)
Precautions: Monitor for safety, monitor for pain, monitor for autonomic disturbance, Monitor temperature (not too hot/cold)
- Mold figures using modeling clay (remedial)
- Practice incorporating compensatory strategies for sensory loss during cooking activity (compensatory)
- Put 1 hand in a bin full of warm rice while the other hand folds small towels (remedial)
- Sit on therapy ball while pairing up socks to work on vestibular system (remedial)
Endurance/Activity Tolerance
Precautions: Watch for fatigue, shortness of breath, dizziness, orthostatic hypotension, monitor for pain
- Take Christmas ornaments off the tree and place them in a box. (Remedial)
- Vacuum one small room in the person’s home and gradually increase the area being cleaned (remedial)
- Incorporate EC/WS techniques into household chores such a cooking (compensatory)
- Set up a bowling game with a lightweight ball (Remedial)
Abnormal Tone-Spasticity
Precautions: Do not offer resistance, no MMT, prevent contractures, prevent increase of abnormal tone, do not overstretch muscles, monitor for pain
- Play with soothing textures such as rice, beans or sand (Remedial)
- Do calming breathing exercises while listening to slow, soft music. (Remedial)
- Rock slowly in developmental patterns to relax muscles. (Remedial)
- Apply steady/deep pressure before having patient complete oral facial hygiene (remedial)
GMC Skills
Precautions: monitor for fatigue, monitor for overstimulation, monitor for pain, monitor for inflammation, prevent joint/movement abnormalities, monitor for orthostatic hypotension, monitor for imbalance/falls
- Play a game of balloon volleyball (remedial)
- Stand on one leg while playing a game of catch. Switch legs each turn. (Remedial)
- Carry laundry basket while navigating obstacles (remedial)
- Create a small herb garden outside by digging up soil and planting seeds. (Remedial)
Bed Mobility
Precautions: Monitor for orthostatic hypertension, monitor for autonomic disturbances, monitor for pain, monitor for bed sores, be aware of sitting balance
- Tap a sticky note to each side of the bed by rolling to each side (remedial)
- Squat to put away shoes in shoe rack (Remedial)
- Play musical chairs to strengthen BUE (Remedial)
- Put light up dance pad on the wall and use feet to tap the pad (remedial)
Precautions: watch for mental fatigue, monitor for frustration, give breaks as needed, monitor impulse control, monitor safety awareness, avoid overstimulation,
- Complete a crossword puzzle (Remedial)
- Create a visual schedule to follow everyday (compensatory)
- Play jenga (remedial)
- Memory game (remedial)
Standing Balance
Precautions: monitor for dizziness, monitor for orthostatic hypotension, monitor for fatigue, monitor for pain, monitor for autonomic disturbances
- Play a game of “Horse” (remedial)
- Load dishes into the dishwasher (remedial)
- Tandem walking on a rolled up blanket/towel (remedial)
- Remove pieces of tape from wall/cabinets while standing on tip toes. (Remedial)
Precautions: monitor for excessive pain, monitor for autonomic disturbances, monitor blood pressure, monitor heart rate, monitor for signs of fatigue
- Practice deep breathing
- Use reacher to pick up clothes from the floor (compensatory)
- Cover painful area with a warm pack for 10 minutes and follow with gentle stretches (remedial)
- Practice guided meditation and mindfulness to decrease pain level (remedial)
Precautions: Closely monitor edema to prevent impairment of blood flow, Monitor for infection, No edema management activities in the presence of infection, Protect affected extremities in the presence of edema because it may also contribute to a loss of sensation that will put the extremity at risk for mechanical injury, Observe for sensory changes in the affected edematous extremity because of possible nerve compression
- Use a paint roller to “paint” the wall (remedial)
- Complete sudoku while keeping affected limb elevated. (Remedial)
- Sort kitchen utensils (remedial)
- Paint by number (remedial)