Pediatric Pathology Flashcards
Developmental age
age from date of fertilization to date of intrauterine death or live birth
Gestational age
2 weeks more than developmental age
age from LMP to expulsion or removal of conceptus
Embryonal period vs fetal period
period of development of major organ systems - conception to end of 8th developmental week, fetal period is from 9th week to birth
perinatal period
28+ weeks GA - to first week after birth
Spontaneous abortion applies to
fetuses <20 weeks GA, NOT dev age
Still birth
> 20 weeks GA OR fetus >500g
NO sign of life
Causes of spontaneous abortions
1) chromosomal - 50%
2) Implantation - luteal phase deficiency/ectopic
3) infection - chorioamnionitis
4) incompatibility - MHC homozygosity
5) maternal illness
6) placental pathology -
causes of stillbirth
- NOT identified in 50% of cases
- Intrauterine asphyxia
- maternal causes
- placental causes
- Fetal factors - hydrops
Intrauterine asphyxia with fetal demise results in
1- thoracic petechiae
2- visceral congestion
3- Hypoxic ischemic injury
Intrauterine asphyxia with fetal demise results in
1- thoracic petechiae
2- visceral congestion
3- Hypoxic ischemic injury
Intrauterine asphyxia with survival leads to
Hypoxic ischemic encephalopathy -
Toxemia of pregnancy includes
- preeclapmsia
- eclampsia
HELLP syndrome
pregnancy induced hypertension
Shared circulation is the case for
monochorionic diamnionic,
monochorionic monoamnionic
Acute chorioamnionitis is due to
blood-borne infection in mother, causes chronic villitis, due to TORCH organisms
placental abruption is due to
.damage to the maternal spiral arteries
Preeclampsia most common in
3rd trimester
Kleihauer Betke test
estimates the volume of HbF RBCs in maternal circulation