cytogenetics Flashcards
light bands on chromosomes
GC rich - gene rich
Nondisjunction at M1 leads to
n+1, n+1, n-1, n-1
Nondisjunction at M2 leads to
n, n, n+1, n-1
klinefelters and type of nondisjunction
47 XXY
Either M1 - nondisjunction of paternal gamete (Xy)
Or M2 - nondisjunction of sister chromatids maternal gamete
webbed neck
aortic defect
Hypogonadism, infertile, tall thin
Which syndrome is the most rare?
- high incidence of abortion, >99% miscarriage
Classic signs trisomy 18
- 1/7500 births
- failure to thrive
- severe heart malformation
- clenched fists, overlapping digits
- rocker-bottom feet
Classic signs trisomy 13
- CNS malformation
- arhinencephaly, holoprosenceph
- polydactyly
- micropthalmia
- low chance survival of prenatal period
Triploidy is
non viable
not due to maternal age
Which trimester Amnio vs CVS?
1- second trimester for amnio, vs 1st trimester
Mosaicism if detected prenatally
May or MAY NOT reflect fetal karyotype
- can be from placental cells or amniotic sac not fetus
Somatic mosaicism often associated
with malignancy
Cri du chat syndrome is a
Chr 5 p deletion
cat like cry
facial dysmophism
in reciprocal translocations the carrier is often