Pediatric Ophthalmology Flashcards
What is the classic triad for congenital glaucoma and the modality of imaging and exam findings to monitor this condition?
Congenital glaucoma triad
• Blepharospasm
• Photophobia
• Epiphora
Imaging and exam findings to monitor the disease
• A scan
• Reversible cupping is seen as the disease process is
treated appropriately
What is a “phoria”?
• Latent deviation that is controlled by fusional
mechanism so eyes remain aligned under binocular
• Apparent when fusional control is lost
What is a “tropia”?
• Manifest deviation that cannot be controlled by
fusional mechanism
• Eyes are misaligned even under binocular conditions
What are the different ways of measuring visual acuity in a preverbal child?
• Blink to light
• Fix and follow
• Central steady maintained
• Teller card
What is the origin of the superior rectus?
Annulus of Zinn at orbital apex
What is the functional origin of the superior oblique?
What is cerebral visual impairment?
● Retrogeniculate visual impairment
● Visual deficits resulting in pathology posterior to lateral
geniculate nucleus
● Common causes
○ Periventricular leukomalacia (most common)
○ Intracranial hemorrhage
○ Perinatal hypoxia
○ Intrauterine infection
○ Structural abnormalities
○ Seizures
○ Hydrocephalus
○ Trauma
○ Meningitis
○ Encephalitis
● Exam findings
○ Variable level of visual inattentiveness
○ Subtle optic nerve cupping (similar to glaucomatous
cupping) in preterm infants
● Work up: neuroimaging
What are the findings in unilateral and bilateral superior oblique (SO) palsy?
Unilateral SO palsy
• Little if any V pattern
• Less than 10 degrees of extorsion in downgaze
• Head tilt toward should opposite side of weakness
• Subjective incyclodiplopia is uncommon unless palsy is
Bilateral SO palsy
• V pattern
• Extorsion is 10 degrees or more in downgaze; >20
degrees is highly suggestive of bilateral involvement
• Chin down position
• Subjective incyclodiplopia is common in acquired
What is an important risk when simultaneous surgery on three or more rectus muscles occurs and its clinical presentation?
● Anterior segment ischemia occurs because majority of
blood supply to anterior segment derives from
anterior ciliary arteries which travel in the 4 rectus
● Clinical findings:
○ Cell and flare (earliest sign)
○ Corneal edema
○ Pupil irregularity
What is the pathophysiology of midface hypoplasia?
Cranial malformation due to premature closure of skull
base suture
What is hypertelorism?
Excessive distance between medial orbital walls
What is telecanthus?
Greater than normal distance between medial canthus
What is craniosynostosis?
Premature closure of one or more cranial sutures during
embryonic period or early childhood
What is plagiocephaly?
● Most common craniosynostosis
● Means “oblique head”
● Cause: external compressive forces, occurring
prenatally or during infancy
● Types
○ Deformational plagiocephaly → due to
intrauterine constraint (oligohydramnios),
ipsilateral occipital flattening
○ Unilateral coronal suture synostosis → also due
to intrauterine constraint. Synostotic side →
forehead and supraorbital rim are depressed,
interpalpebral fissure wider, orbit is often
higher than nonsynostotic side
What is brachycephaly?
• Bilateral closure of coronal sutures
• Wide and flat forehead
What is scaphocephaly?
• Premature closure of sagittal suture
• Long head
Which cycloplegic eye drop can cause the most allergic or hypersensitivity reactions?
• Atropine
• Systemic side effects: fever, dry mouth, flushing,
tachycardia, urinary retention, delirium, nausea,
What is the panum’s area of single binocular vision?
• A visual system that can combine slightly disparate
points within a limited area surrounding the
• Objects in this space on disparate retinal points but
are physiologically seen single
• Objects outside Panum’s area fall on widely
disparate retinal points and are seen as lying in 2
visual directions, results in physiologic diplopia
What is Brown syndrome?
• Positive forced duction (restriction from trochlea
superior oblique complex)
• V pattern
• None or minimal superior oblique muscle overaction
• No torsion
• Negative head tilt test
• Deficient elevation in adduction (due to various
abnormalities of tendon trochlea complex)
What are the clinical findings in inferior oblique muscle palsy?
• Intorsion of hypotrophic eye (due to superior
oblique overaction)
• Positive head tilt test
• Deficient elevation in adduction
What are primary iris stromal cysts?
• Often diagnosed in infancy
• Due to sequestration of epithelium during
embryologic development
• Epithelium lined stromal cysts containing goblet
• If enlarged → associated with blockage of visual
axis, corneal decompensation, glaucoma, iritis due
to leakage of cysts of contents
• Treatment: surgical excision
Polychromatic lenticular deposits (“Christmas tree” cataract) is seen in which condition?
Myotonic dystrophy
What is Myotonic dystrophy and its findings?
• Inability to relax muscles when stimulated
• Ptosis
• Hypotony due to ciliary body detachments
• Peripheral pigmentary retinopathy cardiac
conduction abnormalities
• Christmas tree cataracts
• Sluggish pupils
• EMG (diagnostic) myotonic discharges
•”hatchet face” wasting of temporalis and master
muscle, frontal balding, low intelligence
What is the most common location of a limbal dermoid?
• Inferotemporal limbus
• Associated with Goldenhar syndrome
(oculoauriculovertebral syndrome) = hemifacial
microsomia, ear deformities, upper eyelid
colobomas, vertebral anomalies
What is the difference between atopic keratoconjunctivitis and vernal keratoconjunctivitis?
• AKC: superior and inferior conjunctiva with papillae
and possible scarring. Occurs year around.
Susceptible patient → asthma, eczema, atopic
• VKC: seasonal propensity. Affects superior palpebral
• BOTH VKC and AKC preferentially affect males
What is congenital CN4 palsy?
• Head tilt
• Facial asymmetry
• Large vertical fusional amplitudes
What is JIA?
• Most common cause of uveitis in pediatric age
1. Oligoarthritis (4 or less joints) most likely to have
anterior uveitis, 10 30%
2. RF negative polyarthritis uveitis in 10%
3. Psoriatic arthritis uveitis in 10%
4. Systemic arthritis/Still’s disease uveitis rarely
What is chemical ophthalmia neonatorum?
• First 24 hours, due to silver nitrate, resolves by day 2
of life
What is ophthalmia neonatorum due to Neisseria gonorrhoeae?
• Occurs 3 4 days of life up to 3 weeks after birth
• Most amount of purulent discharge compared to
other forms
• Acquired during passage through birth canal (occurs
with C section if amniotic membranes rupture prior)
What is ophthalmia neonatorum due to Chlamydia?
• Occurs at around 7 days of life
• Can occur earlier if there is rupture of maternal
amniotic membranes
• Acquired during passage through birth canal (occurs
with C section if amniotic membranes rupture prior)
What is ophthalmia neonatorum due to HSV?
• Occurs at 2 weeks of life
• Very rare
• Acquired during passage through birth canal (can
occur with C section if amniotic membranes rupture
What is the cause of CN6 palsy in children?
• 1/3 patients have intracranial lesions
• More common in older children than at birth or
during infancy
• Face turn protective against amblyopia, produce
single binocular image
What is the length of the active muscular portion of the medial/inferior/lateral/superior rectus?
• 40 mm
What is the length of the active muscular portion of the superior oblique?
• 32 mm
What is the length of the active muscular portion of the inferior oblique?
• 37 mm
What are the extraocular muscles with the longest tendons?
• Superior oblique (26 mm)
• Levator (14 20 mm)
What is the longest overall extraocular muscle?
• Superior oblique
• Active muscle (32 mm) + tendon (26 mm)
What is the smallest overall extraocular muscle?
• Inferior oblique
• Active muscle (37 mm) + tendon (1 mm)
An “A pattern” difference in measurement between upgaze and downgaze is AT LEAST how many PD?
• 10 PD
A “V pattern” difference in measurement between upgaze and downgaze is AT LEAST how many PD?
• 15 PD
What does the mnemonic “MALE” stand for, in relation to strabismus surgery?
• Medial recti are always displaced toward “Apex” of
• Lateral recti are displaced toward “Empty” part of
the pattern
What are the ways to correct V pattern esotropia without oblique dysfunction?
• Either:
1. bilateral medial rectus recessions displaced
2. bilateral lateral rectus resections displaced
What are the spiral of Tillaux measurements?
• Medial rectus 5.5 mm
• Inferior rectus 6.5 mm
• Lateral rectus 6.9 mm
• Superior rectus 7.7 mm
What is another name for Neurofibromatosis type 1?
• von Recklinghausen disease
What is another name for Sturge Weber syndrome?
• Encephalotrigeminal angiomatosis
What is another name for Wyburn Mason syndrome?
• Bonnet Dechaume Blanc syndrome
What is another name for tuberous sclerosis?
• Bourneville’s disease
What is another name for Neurofibromatosis type 2?
• Multiple inherited schwannomas, meningiomas,
ependymomas (MISME)
What are the sporadic, non inherited phakomatoses?
• Wyburn Mason syndrome
• Sturge Weber syndrome
At what age is it normal to start making eye contact and react with facial expressions?
• 6 weeks of age
What is the differential diagnosis for ectopia lentis?
• Trauma
• Marfan
• Homocystinuria
• Ehlers Danlos
• Aniridia
• Congenital glaucoma
• Iris coloboma
• Syphilis
• Weill Marchesani syndrome
• Sulfite oxidase deficiency
• Hyperlysinemia
• Ectopia lentis et pupillae
What is sulfite oxidase deficiency?
• Deficient in molybdenum cofactor
• Ectopia lentis, recurrent seizures, hypertonia, deep
set eyes
• Most children die before age 5
What protein is affected in Marfans syndrome?
• Fibrillin protein
What is the enzyme deficiency in hyperlysinemia?
• Alpha aminoadipic semialdehyde synthase
What is the newborn axial length and corneal horizontal diameter?
• Axial length: 15 17 mm
• Corneal horizontal diameter: 9.5 10.5 mm
What is the myelinated retinal nerve fiber layer?
● Focal abnormality in myelination
○ Normally, myelination of retinal ganglion cells
starts at lateral geniculate ganglion and stops at
lamina cribrosa
● Typically incidental and asymptomatic
● Lesions usually follow vascular distribution
● Result in scotoma corresponding to region of
● Can cause pseudopapilledema if it occurs around
optic nerve head
● Can reduce visual acuity due to the following:
Involvement of macula
High myopia
Amblyopia (increased risk refractive
What tests diagnose myasthenia gravis?
• Tensilon test
• Ice pack test
• Anti MuSK
• Anti ACh receptor abs
• Single fiber EMG
What is the differential diagnosis for congenital corneal opacity?
1. Sclerocornea
2. Trauma
3. Ulcer
4. Mucopolysaccharidoses
5. Peters anomaly
6. Endothelial (CHED)
7. Dermoid
What is the Hirschberg test?
• Qualitative test using corneal light reflex that gives
rough idea of what type of deviation is present
Which strabismus surgeries pose the greatest threat to visual acuity if a complication occurs?
• Inferior oblique advancement
• Strengthening of inferior oblique requires
reinsertion more posterior which predisposes
macular to greater danger if scleral perforation
What is iris mammillation?
• Nodules the same color as surrounding iris
• Associated with oculodermal melanocytosis, ciliary
body melanoma, and choroidal melanoma
DDx: Lisch nodules, ocular/oculodermal melanocytosis,
malignant melanoma of iris, Cogan Reese syndrome, iris
What disease is associated with a spontaneous hyphema?
• Juvenile xanthogranuloma
What inherited condition is associated with sphenoid dysplasia?
• NF1
What are the 3 main patterns of nystagmus in congenital sensory nystagmus (due to poor vision from a variety of causes)?
- Searching nystagmus, VA worse than 20/200
- Pendular pattern, most common, VA at least 20/200 in
one eye - Jerk nystagmus, VA 20/60 20/100
What is Harada Ito procedure?
● Advancement/strengthening of anterior fibers of
superior oblique tendon that are most responsible
for ocular torsion
○ Involves splitting the superior oblique tendon
and displacing anterior fibers to superior border
of lateral rectus incyclotorsion
● Useful for CN 4 palsy with excyclotorsion with
ipsilateral hypertropia
● Surgery corrects excyclotorsion with limited effect
on vertical alignment
What is the most common strabismus pattern in craniosynostosis syndrome?
• V pattern exotropia, often accompanied by
significant inferior oblique overaction
What are the tertiary actions for the (superior/inferior) recti and the (superior/inferior) obliques?
• ADDuction is tertiary action for superior/inferior
• ABDuction is tertiary action for obliques
What is congenital dacryocystocele?
• Result of distal (at the level of the valve of Hasner)
and proximal (at the level of the valve of
Rosenmüller) obstruction of nasolacrimal duct that
causes distention of lacrimal sac
• Kinking of common canaliculus prevents
accumulated secretions
• Most also have cysts of distal NLD seen under
inferior turbinate in nasal cavity
• Present at birth or shortly afterwards
• Bluish swelling just below and nasal to medial
DDx: capillary hemangioma, encephalocele, dermoid cyst
What is the normal IOP in a newborn?
• 10 12 mmHg
What is the Bruckner test?
• Shining direct ophthalmoscopy into both eyes to
elicit red reflex OU simultaneously
• Looking for asymmetry of red reflex
• Asymmetric red reflex: lens opacities, strabismus,
• Red reflex dim in one eye, bright in other eye 🡪 brighter eye is the abnormal eye
• Foveation of ophthalmoscope filament dims red
What is the Krimsky test?
• Prisms to quantify decentration of corneal reflex,
placed over the fixing eye
• Useful if there is poor fixation in one eye (due to
dense amblyopia, low vision, blindness) to allow for
cover uncover testing and strabismus measurement
What is Marcus Gunn jaw wink?
•“Congenital Trigemino oculomotor synkinesis”
• Eyelid is variably ptotic and elevates with jaw
• Aberrant connection between CNV3 (external
pterygoid muscle) and CN3 (superior branch)
• Wink phenomenon elicited with thrusting jaw to
contralateral side, jaw protrusion, sucking, chewing,
smiling (i.e. bottle feeding)
What is the surgical management for CN6 palsy?
• Wait minimum of 6 months for any spontaneous
resolution to occur
1. If some LR function is regained then large
recession of ipsilateral medial rectus along with
lateral rectus resection
2. If total paralysis → vertical muscle transposition
What is Jensen procedure?
• A split tendon technique
• Superior, inferior, lateral recti are all split one half
tendon width
• Split is 14mm posterior to insertion
• Suture is placed between adjacent muscle halves
and tied relatively loosely
What is the Foster procedure?
• Full tendon technique, entire tendon of superior
and inferior recti are cut from their insertions and
re inserted next to lateral rectus insertion
• Posterior fixation sutures are placed 8 10 mm
posteriorly which enhances abducting forces of the
transposed vertical recti
What is Sturge Weber syndrome? What are the findings?
• Leptomeningeal vascular malformation which leads
to cortical/subcortical calcifications
• Sporadic inheritance
• Diffuse choroidal hemangioma (fundus appears
• Ipsilateral to port wine stain
• Leads to vision loss due to RPE subretinal
hemorrahge, serous RD, CME, retinal pigment
• Stroke like episodes associated with seizures and
migraines (consider if occurring in young child after
minor head trauma), advised to avoid contact sports
• Port wine stain (positively correlates with
probability of CNS involvement)
• Secondary glaucoma (before age 10 is primary angle
abnormality; after age 10 is increased episcleral
venous pressure) ipsilateral to port wine stain
What are the interventions to prevent symptomatic superior oblique palsy during treatment of Brown syndrome?
- Careful handling of intermuscular septum during
tenotomy - Simultaneous ipsilateral inferior oblique weakening
- Sewing in of inert spacer to cut ends of superior
oblique tendon
What are the features of orbital rhabdomyosarcoma?
• Proptosis (80 100%)
• Globe displacement (80%)
• Blepharoptosis (30 50%)
• Conjunctival and eyelid swelling (60%)
• Palpable mass (25%)
• Pain (10%)
What is congenital motor nystagmus?
• Horizontal nystagmus with good vision
• Typically horizontal on upgaze and downgaze
• ONLY seen in CMN: “paradoxical inversion of OKN
response” right jerk nystagmus with OKN rotation
left will dampen or reverse to become left jerk
What is Botulinum toxin type A and how is it used in strabismus?
• BoTox
• Blocks release of ACh at neuromuscular junction
• Lasts 3 or more months when injected into
orbicularis muscle
• Lasts 5 8 weeks when injected into extraocular
What is dystopia canthorum?
• Abnormality whereby inner canthi and lacrimal
puncti are displaced laterally
• Associated with Waardenburg syndrome
When is chemodenervation (botox) is indicated for strabismus?
• Small to moderate angle esotropia or exotropia
residual strabismus
• Acute paralytic strabismus
• Active thyroid disease when surgery is
inappropriate, no stabilization of TED
• Supplemental to medial rectus recession in large
angle infantile esotropia
When is chemodenervation (botox) is contraindicated for strabismus?
• Large deviations
• A or V patterns
• Dissociated vertical deviations
• Restrictive strabismus
What is cyclic esotropia?
• Rare form of strabismus (1 in 4000 strabismus
• Unpredictable response to different forms of
therapy EXCEPT for muscle surgery which is usually
• Fusion is absent on strabismic days as suppression
often occurs
• “Straight” days, there is binocular function
• Older children who cannot develop suppression, one
may get diplopic symptoms on strabismic days.
• Patching convert cyclic esotropia into constant
manifest esotropia
What are the most common extraocular muscles affected in thyroid eye disease, in order of decreasing of frequency?
• Inferior rectus (most common)
• Medial rectus
• Superior rectus
• Lateral rectus
What is associated with high myopia and symptomatic strabismus?
• High myopes → elongated globe can herniate
between superior and lateral recti, stretching and
dehiscence of intermuscular septum between these
2 muscles
• Can cause inferior slippage of lateral rectus pulley
• These changes result in progressively worsening
hypotropia and esotropia
• Medial rectus is frequently tight → worsening
esotropia called “heavy eye syndrome“
Rx: prisms and surgery to address lateral rectus muscle
slippage by joining superior and lateral rectus muscles
with loop myopexy to reposition the globe and recession
of medial rectus may also be needed
What is optical penalization?
• Involves applying something to sound eye to
potentially augment amblyopia therapy
• Adding plano lens to sound eye with hypermetropic
refractive error on atropine, patient will not be able
to accommodate to focus
• High plus CL (+13.00) applied to sound eye (rarely
done due to risk of infection in essentially
monocular patient)
When no other family history of primary congenital glaucoma exists, what is the chance of an affected parent having an affected child?
• 2%
What is primary deviation and secondary deviation?
• Primary deviation: deviation measured when normal
eye is fixating
• Secondary deviation: deviation measured when
paretic or restricted eye is fixating
• Secondary deviation is larger than primary deviation
since more innervation signals are required to bring
paretic eye into fixation, results in increased signals
to corresponding yoke muscle (Herring’s Law)
What is Alagille syndrome?
• Autosomal dominant, JAG1 gene mutation
• Involves liver, heart skeleton, broaden forehead,
pointed chin, butterfly hemivertebrae, mild
developmental delay
• Posterior embryotoxin, hypertelorism, upslanting
palpebral fissures, ectopic pupils, chorioretinal
atrophy, band keratopathy, cataracts, retinal
pigment clumping, axenfeld anomaly, anomalous
optic disc, myopia, strabismus, choroidal folds,
How does one distinguish between Brown syndrome and inferior rectus restriction?
• Both have deficient elevation on adduction
• Forced duction test: retropulse the globe with
forceps to test oblique muscles; proptose globe with
forceps to test rectus muscles
• Retropulsion stretches the superior oblique tendon,
whereas restriction would be increased in Brown
• In inferior rectus restriction, restriction would be
increased with forceps induced proptosis
What is Marcus Gunn jaw winking syndrome?
- Eyelid elevated with mouth OPENING → aberrant
connection between external pterygoid muscle and
levator palpebrae superioris - Eyelid elevated with mouth CLOSING → aberrant
connection between internal pterygoid muscle and
levator palpebrae superioris
What are the 4 classic features of blepharophimosis syndrome?
- Blepharophimosis
- Ptosis
- Telecanthus
- Epicanthus inversus: prominent fold of skin arising
from lower eyelid and covering medial canthus
Rx: epicanthus inversus and telecanthus are corrected
before ptosis repair, medial canthus reconstruction
often worsens ptosis
What are earliest signs of malignant hyperthermia?
• Elevation of end tidal carbon dioxide concentration
and tachycardia
• Late signs: elevated temp, acid base disorders, renal
failure, heart failure
What is ocular and orbital hypertelorism?
• Ocular hypertelorism: excessive interpupillary
distance, implies orbital hypertelorism
• Orbital hypertelorism: excessive distance between
medial orbital walls as result of lateralization of
orbits, diagnosis made radiographically