Pediatric Infectious And Communicable diseases Flashcards
What is Respiratory Distress Syndrome (RDS)?
deficiency in surfactant lead to unequal inflation of alveoli on inspiration and the collapse of the on end expiration.
What is surfactant?
Surface active substance that reduces surface tension of fluids that line the alveoli and respiratory passages resulting in uniform expansion and maintenance of lung expansion at low intraaleolar pressure
When neonate are unable to keep lungs inflated which diseases can occur?
atelectasis, increased pulmonary vascular resistance, hypoperfusion of tissues, hypoperfusion to lung tissue, hypoxemia, and hypercapnia.
What are some causes of Respiratory Distress syndrome?
decreased surfactant, before 35 weeks of gestation
List some signs and symptoms of Respiratory Distress Syndrome:
rapid shallow respirations (apparent after birth within minutes), BPM 60 or greater, tachypnea (80-120 bpm), audible grunting, intercostal and subcostal retractions, nasal flaring, cyanosis, flaccidly an apnea, respiratory failure
How is RDS diagnosed?
signs and symptoms, cxr, blood gases, acid base values, air filled esophagus
Describe the nursing care needed for Respiratory Distress Syndrome:
immediate o2, ventilation and supportive care, gentle handling, avoid hypothermia, rescue therapy with surfactant (exogenous) with 30% o2 and mechanical ventilation=decreased bronchi pulmonary dysplasia), monitor ABGs and SPO2 (90%), place in incubator, temp 97.9-98.6, PaO2 greater than 50mm Hg, I&O
(cpap prevents alveolar collapse)
What is sinusitis?
infection of the sinus cavity, inflamed sinuses and accumulation of secretions= congestion and infection
What are some signs and symptoms of sinusitis?
facial pain, headache (not before age ), cold more than 10-14 days, low grade fever, thick yellow green nasal drainage, postnasal drip leading to sore throat, cough, bad breath, n/v, irritability and fatigue, swelling around eyes
How is sinusitis diagnosed?
sinus aspirate culture (may get dx as a respiratory infection)
Nursing management for sinusitis include?
ABT therapy, surgery (remove obstruction), decongestants (oral/nasal spray), steam inhalation
What is Nasopharyngitis?
Upper Airway infection, common cold, viral infection of the respiratory tract
What are some common viruses associated with Nasopharyngitis?
Rhinovirus, respiratory syncytial virus, parainfluenza, adenovirus, coronavirus
List some signs and symptoms of Nasopharyngitis:
dry and stuffy nasopharynx, increased clear and watery secretions (nasal, tears), sore throat and hoarseness, headache and general malaise
How is Nasopharyngitis diagnosed?
by presenting symptoms
How can Nasopharyngitis be treated?
hand washing and cleaning (sanitizing), antipyretics, avoid milk products, antihistamines, rest and sleep, nutrition, decongestants, HOB up to facilitate drainage.
What is pharyngitis?
Upper respiratory infection, Inflammation of the pharynx=sore throat
What is the infectious agent seen with pharyngitis?
Group A Beta-Hemolytic streptococci, may lead to acute rheumatic fever or scarlet fever and acute glomerulonephritis
List signs and symptoms of Pharyngitis:
Headache, fever, abdominal pain, tonsils and pharynx inflamed (large red and covered with exudate), anterior lymph nodes enlarged and tender, pain with swallowing
Pharyngitis is diagnosed by?
A throat culture
Describe some Treatment options for Pharyngitis:
Antibiotic therapy (to prevent scarlet fever), PCN and Amoxil, bed rest, cold compress to neck (decrease pain), hand washing
What is Tonsillitis?
Upper airway infection, inflammation of the tonsils (two masses of lymph tissue located within the pharynx)
What is the infectious agent that causes Tonsillitis?
Group A Beta Hemolytic streptococcus
List some signs and symptoms of Tonsillitis:
(can be acute, recurrent, chronic, peritonsillar), expel foul smelling cheesy lumps, fever, chills, bad breath, dry throat, dysphagia, ear pain, headache, fatigue, muscle pain, enlarged cervical nodes, airway obstruction, sore throat pain, fever, drooling, voice changes
Tonsillitis can be diagnose by?
Presenting symptoms
List some treatment options for Tonsillitis:
ABT (PCN, Amoxil), Erythromycin, Clindamycin, Tonsillectomy (surgical removal of tonsils), Increased fluids, gargle with Water and salt
What is Croup?
Laryngotracheobronchitis (upper airway infection), (Heterogenous group of illnesses the larynx, trachea, and bronchi), (epiglottitis, supraglottitis, laryngitis, laryngotracheobronchitis and bacterial tra