Pediatric Emergencies - Quiz 2, Part 2 Flashcards
4 things that matter with a foreign body aspiration
- the surgeon
- your experience
- the object - what is it?
- location of the object
Where would you anticipate finding a foreign body if the pt is drooling w no airway distress?
Where would you anticipate finding a foreign body if the pt is drooling and coughing?
Upper airway/pharynx
Where would you anticipate finding a foreign body if the pt is in resp distress?
2 drugs that you should give to a child with a foreign body as soon as you have an IV
- Atropine
2. Steroids
What type of induction should a FB child have?
inhaled induction with spontaneous ventilation
Gently take over ventilation and give 100% O2
Things to consider/do with an esophageal foreign body
- It could have moved
- consider it a full stomach
- get an IV
- give an anticholinergic
- have McGill forceps handy
- Intubate
Every fracture is a ____________
Full stomach
- anxiety = gastroparesis
- pain = gastroparesis
- narcotics for pain = gastroparesis
- swallowed spit accumulates (30 m/L/kg/day)
True or false. If a child is having a closed reduction, you can expect less pain post op than pre op
Esp if it is at night, cut the narcs during the surgery so they will breathe and wake up at the end. Exhaustion in kids does count toward MAC
What should you try to never do in a child with a ruptured globe?
Rile them up (you may have to premedicate them)
Theoretical risk of using SCh in a ruptured globe case
Succs increases intraocular pressure (with fasciculations)
2 differences to consider when debating whether to use SCh or NDNMB for RSI
- Side Effects
- How quickly relaxation goes away
Speed of onset isn’t an issue
2 types of sedation that may be appropriate for a ruptured globe
may be less agitating than starting an IV
Why would a deep extubation be appropriate after repair of a ruptured globe?
it avoids coughing and increased IOP
Things to know about bleeding post T&A
- Extent of blood loss
- Rate of blood loss
- Are they still bleeding?
- Vital signs
- Tachycardia, HoTN - give fluid
- Why was it done in the first place? (infection vs sleep apnea)
- Get labs (Hgb and T&C)
How suction should be used in a post T&A pt
Use it a lot if they are bleeding
Don’t use it at all if they are not actively bleeding
What concern would be associated if a child presents in the middle of the night for bleeding post T&A if the T&A was done for sleep apnea?
They probably have an altered resp drive and you are in the ZZZzzzz part of the circadian rhythm
True or false. The more a VP shunt gets revised, the more often it will need subsequent revision
True or False. VP shunt revisions are not emergencies
They are emergencies no matter how they present even if they are awake w just a headache
ICP mgmt for a pt w hydrocephalus
- Acute medical
- Less acute
- Surgical
- Hyperosmolar therapy
- Mannitol
- 3% NaCl
- tracheal intub and hyperventilation
- Diamox
- Tap fontanel
- Shunt - fix or place
In what situation would a VP shunt revision require hyperventilation?
If you need to decrease ICP
In what situation would a VP shunt revision require hypoventilation?
To facilitate accessing the ventricle
2 things to discuss w surgeon prior to VP shunt revision
- expected initial ventilation mgmt
2. what is the problem? proximal vs distal obstruction
True or False. Deep extubation is recommended for VP shunt repairs.
False. The pt should be wide awake at extubation