Common Pediatric Surgeries - Quiz 2, Part 1 Flashcards
Disease most associated with human dwarfism; its have slight to mod obesity, large heat, short extremities, height of ~4 ft, delayed motor milestones, blowing of lower legs, freq ear infections, and dyspnea r/t airway restriction; they commonly suffer from depression
What is characterized by an “olive-shaped mass” that may be palpated b/t midline and RUQ?
Hypertrophic pyloric stenosis
What is commonly seen on barium swallow in a pt with hypertrophic pyloric stenosis?
a high degree of obstruction of the gastric outflow tract with a “wisp” of barium escaping through the pylorus
What is the renal response to the protracted vomiting of hypertrophic pyloric stenosis?
alkaline urine with Na and K loss and eventually acidic urine after the electrolytes are depleted resulting in worse metabolic alkalosis
Fluid loss and pre renal azotemia (elevated BUN and Cr) may indicate which two adverse events seen in hypertrophic pyloric stenosis?
hypovolemic shock
metabolic acidosis
protracted vomiting in hypertrophic pyloric stenosis leads to what 3 electrolyte/acid-base imbalances?
What is the priority in its with Hypertrophic Pyloric Stenosis
Intravascular volume and metabolic stabilization/correction
In a pt with duodenal and/or ileal obstruction, what is often given to clear viscid meconium plugs, and how does this affect the baby?
Hyperosmolar enemas
may result in SERIOUS SHIFTS IN INTRAVASC VOL –> hypovolemia
Hypovolemia must be treated before anesthetic induction
What disorder is associated with bilious vomiting beginning within the first 24-48 hrs after birth and notoriously shows the “double bubble sign” on radiographs?
Duodenal atresia
You have just administered a spinal for an infantile hernia repair. You have laid the child flat post spinal. The infant suddenly stops crying and becomes apenic. What just happened?
high spinal
Until what age should elective cases on premature babies be postponed? Why?
55 weeks post-conceptual age
premies have a high risk for apnea
Occurs in association with an unborn baby’s gastroschisis and intestinal atresia
What is the difference between the location of an omphalocele vs gastroschisis?
omphalocele is within the umbilical cord
gastroschisis is peri-umbilical (usually to the R or the umbilical cord)
Infants with giant ombpaloceles typically have which two respiratory characteristics?
- small, bell-shaped thoracic cavities
2. minimal pulm reserve
Why might a parent be concerned that their infant undergoing repair of an omphalocele will need a tracheostomy?
repair of omphalocele may –> resp fail which may become chronic–> trach, long-term vent, and ECMO
What measures should be taken pre-op to decrease evaporative volume losses and hypothermia in a gastroschisis pt?
plastic wrap around the exposed bowel
Formation of a silo containing intestine until inflammation has resolved occurs following the correction of which disorder?
True or False: Respiratory distress in a neonate with gastroschisis may be treated by gastric decompression.
although ETT may still be needed
what fluid regimen should be used to minimize/correct ongoing fluid losses in a gastroschesis pt?
- LR or NS IV bolus 20 mL/kg
then - D10 / 0.25NS at 2-3x MIV rate
Defects in the spine are known as _________
Spina bifida
What is the difference b/t a meningocele and a meningomyelocele?
Meningocele contains CSF but no spinal tissue
Meningomyelocele is a meningocele that contains neural tissue
A pt who has a VP shunt for hydrocephalus decompression has a high risk of developing hypersensitivity and/or anaphylaxis to _______
VP shunts usually require many revisions/repeat operations
2 major anesthetic considerations for pts with myelodysplasia
- Position for intubation (doughnut vs lateral decubitus)
2. Blood loss from skin graft to close defect
Major post op concern for a pt with myelodysplasia?
Pt may have diminished or absent ventilatory responses to hypoxia and hypercarbia if a Chiari malformation coexists