pedi! Flashcards
conjunctivitis with clear discharge and pruritus?
Allergic Conjunctivitis (IgE mediated)
what is radial head subluxation?
axial traction (pulling up on a kid's arm) causes radial head to slip out of the annular ligament clinically- kid will keep arm pronated, to the side, and will cry if supination is tried
what is diagnostic and therapeutic for radial head subluxation?
diagnostic- an audible click when forearm is HYPERpronated or forearm is supinated and elbow is flexed.
these same moves are also therapeutic/the treatment
whats the definition of primary amenorrhea? age + 2ndary sex?
no menses and no 2ndary sex >13
no menses but approp 2ndary sex >15
whats the first step in work up of primary amennorrhea?
a pelvic ultrasound to rule out anatomical abnormalities
what are levels of E, FSH, and LH in Turner’s?
low E b/c streak ovaries
high FSH and LH bc feedback
what are the (3) characteristics of McCune Albright Syndrome?
(1) precocious puberty
(2) unilateral cafe au lait macules
(3) long bone fractures bc of ployostotic fibrous dysplasia
whats the pathophys of McCune Albright?
- mutation in GNAS gene that causes overproduction of pituitary hormone
what does iron poisoning look like
iron tablets are radioopaque and can be visualized on xray. they are corosive to gastric mucosa, and cause GI problems like abdominal pain, hematemesis
it can also cause hypotension and metabolic acidosis
if you see target sign on US of a baby whats the next step?
most likely intusseption
- give air or water soluble contrast enema
Vesicouretral reflux leads to?
recurrent UTIs
renal scarring
medulloblastomas occur mainly in _____
pilocytic astromas occur mainly in _____
cerebellar vermis
cerebellar hemispheres
SCD pts should prophylactically take what med till age 5,why?
- Penicillin
- to prevent S.Pneumo infection due to functional asplenia (vax prevents most H influ and N Meningitidis but many strains of S Pneumo are not protected against)
HSV vs Impetigo location?
- Impetigo can be all over face, but HSV is usuallt restricted to orolabial area.
- both can affect the finger
consequences of Mumps
Aseptic Meningitis, orchitis, and parotitis
how to differentiate a focal (complex partial) and absence seizure
focal - lasts couple minute
absence- last 10-20 sec
focal- cannot be caused by hyperventilation
absence- can be brought on by hyperventilation
what is an SGA baby?
less than 10th percentile of average birth weight.
what are risk factors of SGA babies?
- hypothermia, hypocalcemia, hypoglycemia
- hypoxia, perinatal asphyxia, meconium aspiration, polycythemia
how to tell apart JIA from ARF?
JIA: the arthralgia isnt migratory and has to last >6wk
ARF: arthralgia is migratory (fits JONES) and is preceded 2-4 wks by GAS infection
congenital melanocytic nevus vs congenital dermal melanocytosis vs nevus flameus
CMN- raised hyperpigmented macule with hair on it
CDM- mongolian spots, bluish grey non raised macules
nevus flameus- port wine stain
close contacts of pertussis patients?
need prophylaxis with macrolides EVEN if immunized!
if under 1 only give azithromycin not erythromycin bc it can cause pyloric stenosis
treatment for acute croup
corticosteroids and nebulized epinephrine
how do you diagnose pyloric stenosis?
abdominal US
what is Wiskott Aldrich Syndrome?
recurrent infections
Xlinked recessive defect in WAS gene which causes abnormal cytoskeleton in WBC and platelets
baby who is cyanotic at birth with a single S2 most likely has?
Transposition of Great Vessels
respiratory distress and fluid in interlobar spaces?
Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn
rotavirus contraindication?
personal history of intusseception
newborn with conjugated hyperbilirubinemia dn hepatosplenomegaly most likely has
biliary atresia
painless hematochezia in toddler?
most likely Meckel’s
what is refeeding syndrome
aggressive feeding of a malnourished pt, carbs cause a spike in insulin which causes cellular uptake of Phosphorous, potassium, and magnesium. Low levels of these ions cause cardiopulm failure.
whats hyper IgM syndrome?
Xlinked deficiency in CD40 which causes impaired class switching, so more IgM and less of all the others. increase risk for infection with encapsulated bacteria and PJP
In AIS when should you do the gonadectomy?
do it after puberty if the gonads are stable, bc the benefits of gonad-dependent growth outweigh the risk of gonadal malignancy
retinal hemorrhage in newborn=
child abuse
scaphoid abdomen=
congenital diaphragmatic hernia
1st step of management of congenital diaphragmatic hernia?
- 1st= endotracheal tube
- then you can place an NG or OG tube to prevent abdominal distension
imaginary friends in a 6 yo? is it good or bad?
its totally normal, and can actually help social relationships by being a form of rehearsal
what is gold standard to diagnose DMD?
- genetic studies which show a deletion of dystrophin gene on Xp21, which is Xlinked recessive
whats the causing of non-pitting edema in a baby with turner syndrome
lymphatic dygenesis, causes accumulation of lymph with high levels of protein (therefore nonpitting)
marfanoid habitus (and hyperelasticity) + pale skin + cerebrovascular events
how to evaluate ICP in a child?
CT !
how does an osteoid osteoma present
a benign tumor of the proximal femur, usually well demarcated on xray.
progressively increasing pain, thats worse and night and relieved by NSAIDS
what is Todd Paralysis?
its paralysis of ipsilateral Upper and Lower extremities in the post ictal state (aka following a seizure). it resolved within 36 hours max of a seizure. MRI and CT are negative.
whats the most common type of nephrotic syndrome in peds?
- normal LM, foot process effacement on EM. usually no biopsy req
devpt: age 2 mos
language: coos
social: smiles + recog parents
motor: lift head when prone + hands unfisted 1/2 the time
devpt : 4 mos
language: laugh
motor: sits up w support, rolls
devpt: 6 mos
language: babble and respond to name
motor: hand to hand transfer, rake
social: stranger anx
devpt 9 mos
language: dada and mama
motor: cruise, pull to stand
social: waves bye
devpt: 12 mo
language: dada mama + 1 wd
motor: stands well, and walks with support
social: separation anx, simple 1 wd commands
aplastic anemia vs aplastic crisis
aplastic anemia- problem with the bone marrow so PANcytopenic
aplastic crisis- prob with JUST RBC production. usually secondary to infection like parvo and common in SCD.
tinea versicolor?
hypopigmented plaques that are more apparent after sun exposure. doesn’t have to be itchy
apart from anaphylaxis (duh!) what are contraindications to the pertussis vax?
- encephalopathy within a week
- severe progressive neuro defecits ex: UNCONTROLLED seizure (febrile seizure doesnt count)
whats the difference between metatarsus adductus and congenital club foot?
MA- is common, and usually self resolves. the foot is flexible not rigid, and in neutral position the forefoot deviates medially.
Congenital club foot- needs further workup like karyotype and serial manipulations and casting. the foot is rigid, and both hindfoot and forefoot is deviated.
whats the treatment for impetigo?
- local and nonbullous- MUPIROCIN ( a topical antibiotic)
- widespread or bullous- oral ab like cephelexin or clindamycin, or dicloxacillin
whats selective mutism
child’s refusal to speak in social setting for greater than 1 mo. child speaks normally in other settings. this is not to be considered normal and must be worked up
a maculopapular rash on head and trunk after mmr?
infection with measles live but attenuated from vax. much weaker infection but can still be transmitted so do not go near immunocompromised. – reassurance, no need for serology or any treatment, will self resolve.
if girl has primary amenorrhea, and US shows normal uterus what is the next step in workup? how do the results of this next step affect the differential?
- FSH levels
if FSH is HIGH its most likely a peripheral cause like Turner’s or an issue with the ovaries
if FSH is LOW it is most likely a central cause like a prob with the pituitary
is FSH is NORMAL consider an imperforate hymen
most common sequelae of acute bacterial meningitis
- hearing loss
Minimal change disease work-up
- renal biopsy not required
2. 85% of cases are responsive to prednisone/ steroids
what does mild vs moderate vs severe dehydration look like?
mild- asymptomatic on PE, decreased intake or increased output.
moderate: PE shows dry mucous membranes, decreased turgor
severe- tachy, low urine output, clammy/cold, sunken eyes/fontanelle
whats the follow up for dehydration?
mild- oral rehydration
mod/severe- bolus of normal saline
Hep B + nephropathy?
Membranous nephropathy
treatment for strabismus (nasal or temporal deviation of one eye)
if under 4 mo, no treatment
if over 4mo, use eye patch to cover NORMAL eye
what do you do about vaccines if a baby is preterm?
give vaccines by chronological age (normally) not by gestational age if infant is healthy. the exception is hep B, the first shot should be given when the infant in min 2 kg
trauma to posterior oral pharynx followed by hemiplegia is most likely due to what
ICA dissection
how do you work up signs of early puberty?
- bone scan- to see if its truly precocious puberty or just precious adrenarche and precocious thelarche
- then check LH levels to diff btw central and peripheral
follow up for cat bite in vaccinated child
amoxicillin clavunate
when is the autism screen
18 mo
2 yo
when does the vision screen start
4 yo
when does depression screen start
12 yo
rotavirus is administered at what age
2-8 mo
when is the meningococcal vax
11/12 years and at 16
management of newborn with mom who has HBsAg+
- passive immunization with Immunoglobulin against HepB
- Hep B vax (active imm)
within 12 hours of birth
edwards syndrome trisomy 18
microceph, micrognathia, absent palmar creases, rockerbottom ft, and VSD
how to tell apart thalassemia from iron def?
thal has low retic count and high RDW
iron def has high retic count and normal RDW
kid with bilateral sensorineural deafness who suddenly drops and has FH of sudden death and
Jervell and Lange Neilson syndrome
whats the treatment for Jervell and Lange Neilson syndrome?
beta blocker and pacemaker
HSP symptoms
- non blanching palpable purpura on buttocks and thighs
- GI symptoms
- arthralgia
- renal disease- hematuria
(note there is NO platelet abnormality!!!!)
Tourette’s syndrome is comorbid with what diseases?
OCD (can develop 3-6 yrs after first tic) and ADHD
how is Duchenne’s different from Becker’s muscular dystrophy
sign/symptoms such as Gower’s usually seen earlier in DMD (less than 5yo), BMD has a later onset 5-15.
DMD is more severe because there is NO dystrophin, where as BMD has decreased levels of dystrophin
thrombocytopenia+ anemia + evidence of hemolysis following GI distress is most likely
what is anemia of prematurity
low levels of EPO in premies and frequent blood draws in NICU can cause this–
normocytic normochromic RBC, with normal retic count, and low Hbg levels
what are the 3 broad causes of meningitis and whats in the CSF??
- bacterial
- viral
- TB
- neutrophil predom, low glucose
- lymphocyte predom, normal gluc
- lymphocyte predom, low glucose
whats a superficial infantile hemangioma?
aka strawberry hemangioma
a capillary tumor, should regress, but if it is very disfiguring or harming baby you can given propanalol
whats the management guideline for UTIs in children
if <2 yr need 1-2 wk of antibiotics, and renal ultrasound to work up
if renal scarring seen, if culprit is bug other than EColi, or if under 1 mo, get a voiding cystogram
how to diagnose ADHD?
need evidence of symptoms for >6mo in TWO settings, therefore usually need teacher to complete evaluations.
how can you differentiate between nonclassic CAH and idiopathic precocious puberty?
nonclassic CAH is a peripheral defect, so it either has low LH levels and/or doesn’t respond to GnRH stimulation
idiopathic precocious puberty is a central defect, and DOES respond with increase in LH to GnRH stim
intraventricular hemorrhage
common in underweight neonates and preemies. Can cause decreased absortion from the arachnoid villi causing communicating hydrocephalus. Presents as hypotonia, and acutely increasing HC. Use serial US to diagnose.
nightly pain in bilateral LE in children 2-12?
Growing pains- etiology unknown. Reassure parents, teach stretching, OTC motrin
doll face + lactic acidosis/ hypoglycemia + hepatomegaly?
clean catch urine sample vs urine cath for UA? when would you prefer the cath?
for kiddos in diapers! bc clean catch will not be TRULY clean
systemic onset juvenile idiopathic arthritis
- pink maculopapular rash
- oligoarthritis
- worse in morning
- elevated inflammatory markers, wbc, platelets
- anemia
when should a child babble and respond to her name by?
6 mo
how can you tell if a rhinosinusitis is viral or bacterial?
- bacterial if it lasts >10 days, if it gets worse after initially getting better, or if its VERY SEVERE for >3 days.
- if any of these things are true, treat with amoxicillin+ clavunate.
CMV vs toxo pregnancy exposure?
CMV- no hydrocephalus, intra VENTRICULAR calcifications
Toxo- diffuse intracerebral calcifications, hydrocephalus
most common risk factor for orbital cellulitis ( redness, proptosis, decreased EOM)