Med Flashcards
how to manage acetaminophen overdose?
- if less than 4 hours, give charcoal
obtain acetaminophen serum levels to determine if pt needs N acetylecysteine via Rumack Matthew nomogram.
pt can be asymptomatic for first 24 hours, and liver failure can ensue
environmental risks for pancreatic ca
- smoking
- nonheriditary pancreatitis
- obesity + sedentary
parapneumonic effusion characteristics
- low glucose <60
- low pH <7.2
- high protein
interstitial lung disease due to Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
TLC is decreased
DLCO is decreased
FEV1/FVC is normal
meds that cause hyperkalemia
ACEi and ARBS cardiac glycosides (digoxin) B blocker K sparing dieuretics NSAIDS
how to tell apart venous vs arterial causes for ischemia
venous- red, tender/ painful, not as acute,
arterial- pulseless, acute, sharp pain
what are the 6 Ps of acute arterial occlusion
pain pallor paresthesia pulselessness poikilothermia paralysis
arterial thrombosis vs emboli
emboli is from the heart
thrombus is originated locally
nail changes+ joint deformities + skin plaque
Psoriatic Arthritis
what is the guidelines for PCI after STEMI
within 12 hrs of symptom onset
within 90 mins of medical contact at a medical center with PCI
within 120 mins of medical contact at medical center w/o PCI
acute STEMI treatment
PCI, O2, aspirin P2Y12 inhibitor, NG, BB, anticoagulation
synchronized cardioversion vs unsynchronized cardioversion
synch: persistent tachyarrhythmia which shows signs of hemodynamic instability, ex-hypotension
unsynch: for pulseless tachyarhythmia
how to work up bright red blood in stool
under 40 yo: anoscopy
40-50 : sigmoidoscopy
50+ : colonoscopy
** assuming no other risk factors
Crohn’s labs
leukocytosis, thrombocytosis, elevated ESR
how does adding estrogen pills affect a pt’s levothyroxine dose
oral estrogen pill (patches dont do the same!) cause decreased clearance of TBG, which causes lower concentrations of free T4 in a pt who doesn’t have endogenous thyroid function to compensate. So need to provide increase levothyroxine dose
whats the first step if epidural spinal cord compression is suspected (even if its by cancer)?
IV glucocorticoids even before MRI imaging
how to work up bright red blood in stool
under 40 yo: anoscopy
40-50 : sigmoidoscopy
50+ : colonoscopy
how to treat latent TB
Isoniazid and pyridoxine
what is HIT and what are its dangers?
-antibody mediated thrombocytopenia
can cause increased clot risk
stop heparin and start agatroban or fondaparinaux
whats the first step if epidural spinal cord compression is suspected (even if its by cancer)?
IV glucocorticoids even before imaging
what does a ventricular aneurysm look like on EKG?
usually few months post MI, scar tissue forms convexity, leading to aneurysm
looks like deep Q waves, and persistent ST elevation
dermatomyositis pts have increased risk of ___
post ictal anion gap, what is it? whats the management?
- anion gap due to lactic acidosis
- should resolve in 90 min so repeat abg in 2 hr.
how to tell the difference about the etiology of a rash from amoxicillin ?
- due to EBV: occurs 24 hours+ after dose
- due to HSType1: occurs immediately after.
whats the difference between direct current cardioversion and defibrillation? whats the indication for each?
direct current= synchronized. Gives shock to QRS, used in afib with pulse
defib= unsynchronized, given generalized shock not specific to point at cardiac cycle, used for pulseless or Vfib
widened mediastinum, deviated trachea, widened aortic knob on XRAY is indicative of
descending aortic aneurysm most commonly due to atherosclerosis
what are the symptoms of cushings myopathy?
muscle atrophy, hirsutism, bone loss, wt gain, htt
whats the pathophys of B12 in megaloblastic anemia?
B12 is needed to synthesize thymidylate and purine molecules. defective dna synthesis leads to slow maturation of RBC causing megaloblastic anemia. LDH and indirect bilirubin is also elevated from hemolysis
how to tell apart primary and secondary hypoaldosteronism
general symptoms: fatigue, anorexia/abdominal pain,
primary (adrenal): hyperpigmentation (high ACTH), hypotension (low EPI, NE)
secondary (pituitary): no hyperpig, no mineralocorticoid effects like hyperkalemia or hypotension bc thats regulated by RAAS.
hypertrophic cardiomyopathy is inherited in what fashion?
what are the characteristics of HCM
young man, exertional dyspnea, systolic ejection murmur (crescendo decrescendo) at LLSB which is made better by increasing preload aka squat
whats the difference between DHEA and DHEAS
DHEA= both ovaries and adrenals make DHEAS= only adrenals make
bicuspid aortic valve murmur for regurg?
- early decrescendo diastolic murmur, best heard with pt sitting up, leaning forward, breath held at end expiration
LLSB at 3/4th ICS
AAA suspicion? best imaging for diagnosis?
kidney stone suspicion? best imaging for diagnosis?
US or CT noncontrast
“rocky mt fever without the spots”
tick bite, tx= doxy
elevated LFTs, alt mental status, leukopenia/thrombocytopenia
how to measure osmolal gap? what does it indicate?
osmolal gap= 2Na + glucose/18+ BUN/2.8
if this is elevated from the measured osmolal gap AND you have anion gap= consider ETHANOL,ETHYLENE GLYCOL, and METHANOL as sources
how to differentiate folate vs B12 def via labs
folate:only elevated homocyteine (bc homocysteine becomes methionine with B12 and folate)
B12: elevated homocysteine, and elevated methylmalonic acid (B12 converts methylmalonic to succinyl coa)
how to manage hypercalcemia?
normal saline infusion, calcitonin- acute effects
bisphosph- can decrease ca over 2-4 days
how to work up suspicion of hypoaldosteronism?
- ) morning cortisol level
- ) plasma ACTH (can take a while to come back)
- ) ACTH stimulation test
how do you know if metabolic acidosis will respond to saline or not?
- responsive: low urine chloride (<20), etiology of MA s usually due to low intake/vomitting
- resistant: normal urine chloride
what is Light’s criteria?
pleural fluid:serum protein is >0.5
pleural LDH: serum LDH >0.6
pleural LDH > 2/3 ULN serum LDH
what is SAAG?
“serum to ascites albumin gradient” can help differentiate btw portal htt and nonportal htt causes of ascites.
if the serum albumin:ascites albumin is >1.1 its due to portal htt causes
how do sodium levels correlate with HF?
hyponatremia correlates with severity of CHF
actinomyces tx
how to differentiate primary hyperparathyroidism and familial hypercalcemia hypocalcuria syndrome?
- primary hyperparathy: has normal urine Ca to creat clearance ratio
- familial: has a decreased urine Ca to creat cx ratio
what is a cardiac manifestation of carcinoid?
- fibrous plaques on the tricuspid, causing TR
what medicine do you avoid in STEMI due to cocaine abuse ?
- do not give B Blocker
air under the diaphragm
- pneumoperitonitis, PUD
how to manage caustic ingestion
clean skin, change clothes
get xray
do endoscopy
how to tell apart Grave’s and painless thyroiditis?
- grave’s shows increased uptake of radioactive iodide, painless thyroiditis doesnt bc its releasing preformed T3
PSGN vs IgA nephropathy
both follow URI
IgA is 5 days after, occurs in young men, nl C3 C4 levels
PSGN is 10-21 days after, occurs in children decreased C3 levels
cardiac myxoma vs myxomatous valve degen
myxoma= benign tumor
myxomatous valve degen= etiology of MVP
concerning solitary pulm nodule vs nonconcerning solitary
> 0.8 cm, smoker, spiculated is concerning
duodenal ulcer
cause= Hpylori, NSAID
better with food
heart failure following URI
dilated cardiomyopathy due to acute myocarditis
diabetic gastroparesis
delayed gastric emptying with sx of anorexia,nausea, vom, and poor glycemic control
tx- prokinetics like metoclopromide,erythromycin, cisparide
T/F ACL and MCL have hemarthrosis
F, only ACL has this.
HCM medication
metoprolol 1st line
Ca ch blocker 2nd line
leads for inferior wall MIs
leads for posterior wall MI
V1, V2
only C3 deposits on basement wall is indicative of
membranoproliferative GN, IgG against C3 convertase causes excess levels of C3/ complement activation
suspicion for IE, what next?
do 3 blood cultures
clinical symptoms of gonoccocemia?
- 2-10 pustules, tenosynovitis, arthralgias
wide complex ventricular tachy management
if stable give amiodarone
if unstable give electric cardioversion
TMPSMX common metabolic side effect
management of acute LE arterial occlusion
anticoagulant like IV heparin BEFORE imaging
common extraarticular manifestation of ankylosing spondylitis?
ant uveitis
how does sodium bicarb prevent TCA overdose toxicity?
TCA can bind fast sodium channels in the heart causing arrhythmia and death. the bicarb alkalinizes the blood and the NA displaces TCA from the heart
LFT elevation in pt being treated for TB
INH hepatitis, mild and self limited, keep doing the treatment
hyperkalemia with stroke and cardiac abnormalities whats the tx?
IV calcium gluconate
afib ectopic beat origin?
Pulmonary Veins
Atrial flutter beat origin?
tricuspid annulus
to fix hypokalemia you need to fix what?
magnesium is needed to block ROMK channels in the kidney, these channels excrete K+
paget disease labs
elevated urine hydroxyproline, phosporus, calcium
normal serum calcium, phosphorus
elevated serum alk phosph
prostate ca bone lesions vs MM bone lesions
osteoblastic vs osteolytic
whats hhs?
hyperosomotic hyperglycemic state happens in type 2 diabetics with little ketoacidosis. there is also neurologic defecits due to hyperosmolar state
whats the etiology of spondylarthritis in <40 yo male
inflammatory of the ligamentous insertion leading to articular damage of the SI jt etc.
hypothyroid metabolic abnormalities
hyponatremia, hyperlipidemia, elevated Cr, elevated transam, hypertriglyceridemis
whats a factorial design study group
2+ interventions, with 2+ independently studied variables
what is a blood abnormality seen in EBV
2-3 wks following infection pt may have hemolysis induced anemia and thrombocytopenia with elevated bilis
signs of desseminated mycobacterium avium complex? ppx?
- fever cough nightsweats in HIV CD<50, splenomegaly
- ppx- azithromycin
what pain meds are not effective in osteoarthritis?
acetaminophen opiods (oxycodone)
what electrolyte abnormalities does furosemide cause?
hypomagnesemia, hypokalemia
which can lead to Vtach
pericarditis ekg
diffuse ST elevation except avR which shows depression
Dressler’s syndrome
pericarditis 2-3 wks following MI
tx= NSAIDs
hemochromatosis signs
diabetes, hepatomegaly, jt pain with calcinosis
leukemoid vs CML vs AML
leukemoid - metamyelocyte
CML- myelocyte
AML- myeloblast
leukemoid vs CML
leukemoid- high LAP
CML - low LAP
what anticoagulants are contraindicated in kidney disease?
LWMHeparin (enoxaparin), Fondaparinaux, rivaroxaban
what medication can cause asthma, chronic rhinusitis like symptoms
primary biliary cholangitis side effects?
- osteomalacia/porosis
how to manage variceal bleed
- fluid
- antibiotics
warts on the foot, palm, or genitals think..
chronic prostatitis symptoms
- perineal pain
- pain with ejaculation
- back pain
splenic abscess is most commonly caused by
a type of paroxysmal supraventricular tachy, seen in young people with nl hearts. 2 conduction pathways in the AV node, one slow and one fast, if a PAC happens at just the right moment, the slow pathway can ALSO be activated causing a slow-fast loop
RVMI leading to cardiogenic shock, whats the treatment
problem is with preload, give a BOLUS
CHF renal response
notes decreased RBF, so constricts aff and eff arterioles to maintain GFR
RAAS activated, so decreased Na delivery to CD
suspecting achalasia, whats next?
do endoscopy to rule out pseudoachalasia (due to tumor)
polysaccharide conjugation vs toxin(protein)- polysaccharide conjugation?
just polysaccharide causes t-cell independent B cell response
but conjugating to a protein, allows t-cell dependent B cell response
vfib tx is_____
vtach tx is _____
defib for vfib
synchronized cardioversion for vtach
Spontaneous Bacterial Peritonitis?
cirrhosis w/ mental status changes or fever
hemolytic anemia with evidence of thrombosis (cerebral veins or intra-abdominal)
paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria, usually presents in 4th decade of life
what are the electroyte abnormalities in TLS?
- hypocalcemia
- hyperkalemia, hyperpotassium, hyperuricemia
when giving Nirtoprusside watch out for?
cyanide toxicity
cardiac tamponade symptoms
Beck’s triad: distended jugular, muffled heart sounds, hypotension
the proper diagnosis of a “night owl” is?
Delayed Sleep Wake Disorder
what are haustra? what do they indicate?
- thick indentations/markings that do not extend the entire lumen
- toxic megacolon
IDA vs ACD in labs?
both have low iron
but check the ferritin! ACD has high to normal ferritin, IDA has low ferritin
Anti phospholipid syndrome lab abnormalities
a prolonged PT and PTT are a LAB ERROR common in this syndrome bc Lupus Anticoagulant binds the phosphorus in assays.
patellofemoral pain syndrome
seen in young female athletes, due to overuse, PE shows tenderness at patella, tx- strengthening exercises
how does false positive relate to specificity?
1-specificity= FP
when mech ventilating someone whats the target FiO2
FiO2 is weaned to less than 60 as quickly as possible
why can hepatic encephalopathy be worsened in pts with on dieuretics
hypokalemia and metabolic alkalosis can worsen HE
what are the HIV prophylaxis?
<200, TMPSMX
<50 Azithromycin for MAC
<150 and in a histoplasma endemic area, do Itraconazole
whats a reason RBC will be seen on UA but not urine sediment
UA cant diff btw myoglobin and hemoglobin but urine sediment can, so causes of increased myoglobin in urine is likely culprit
some type of nephrotic syndrome followed by sudden kidney pain, fever, and gross hematuria
caused by renal vein thrombosis. most commonly seen in membranous glomerulopathy
whats the multiple myeloma picture?
hypercalcemia (causes constipation and fatigue), anemia, back pain
60+ yo with painless rectal bleeding likely due to?
mediastinal mass with elevated AFP and bHCG is
nonseminomatous germ cell tumor (bc afp is high)
rouleaux RBC seen in?
febrile nonhemolyticreaction to transfusion occurs 1-6 hrs after?
due to cytokines released by leukocytes can be prevented by leukoreduction
pt with megaloblastic anemia gets folate supplementation what remains?
hematologic abnormalities like megaloblasts will no longer be seen with folate supp. But neurologic abnormalities can get worse.
what are the signs on PE of aortic stenosis
pulsus parvus et tardus
mid to late peaking of systolic murmur
presence of soft and SINGLE second heart sound.
scrotal varicocele, polycythemia, hemturia is most likely is caused by