Peadiatrics Flashcards
How is a paediatrics airway different?
Larger epiglottis, more anterior larynx, narrow trachea:
How is a paediatrics cardiovascular system different?
Higher cardiac output per weight. Fixed stroke volume. Immature sympathetic nervous system until 6years old.
How is a paediatrics respiratory system different?
Higher RR and O2 consumption. Higher minute volume. Desaturate quickly
What is the pain assessment numeric for paediatrics?
QUUESTT Question child Use pain rating scale Use words like big and little Evaluate behaviour and physiological changes Secure parents involvements Take cause of pain into account Take action and evaluate results
What are causes of hypovolaemia in peadiatrics?
Haemorrhage, dehydration, burns, sepsis, need MICA
What is waddells triad?
Femur, abdo and head injury
What are the thee main functions of burn treatment?
Prevent heat loss, fluid replacement, be a barrier
At what age do febrile convulsions occur?
3 months to 5 years
What is the salbutamol spacer doses for children ages 6 and up and below the age of 6?
6 and up: 4-12 doses
5 and under: 2-6 doses
What are the ventilation rates for paediatric patients. Infant, small child, and large child?
Infant: 15 to 20 per min 10ml/kg
Small child: 10 to 15 per min
Large child: 8 to 12 per min
How is a paediatrics immune system different?
Immature, deteriorate and recover fast
What are the main differences between croup and epiglottis?
Croup: viral. swelling of tracheal mucosa, peaks at 2 years old. Nebulised adrenaline
Epiglottis: bacterial. inflammation of the larynx, septicaemic, peaks at age 3 to 6 years. Sits forward. Drooling. No cough. Rapid onset. Do not touch. Tx asap
What is the old epiglottis pneumonic?
Snored Septic, sitting forward No cough Rapid onset Expiratory snore Drooling
What are the signs of serious illness in children?
Feeding less than 50% of normal over 24hrs
Breathing difficulty: rib retraction. Accessory muscle use
Less active than usual
Less than 4 wet nappies in 24hrs
At What rate should you commence CPR in bradycardic infants and children?
40 for children
60 for infants