Peace Treaties - Terms Flashcards
Central Powers
The coalition of countries in opposition to the Allies in the First World War; they included Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria and Turkey
The coalition of countries in opposition to the Central Powers in the First World War; they included Britain, the Commonwealth, France, Russia, the United States, Serbia and Italy
Relating to the creation and extension of an empire of territories and possessions controlled and administered for economic gain
Arms Race
An escalation of arms development by nations seeking to ensure that each side has more powerful weapons than the other
A soldier who did not volunteer for service and is serving a period in the armed forces as mandated by the government
Sealing off a place to prevent people or goods arriving or leaving
League of Nations
An intergovernmental organisation founded as a result of the Paris Peace Conference, it was the first international organisation whose principal mission was to maintain world peace
To agree to or support; to give formal confirmation of a treaty or agreement
Biased or misleading information used to influence people towards a particular point of view
A harsh settlement unilaterally imposed on a defeated nation
The collective term for all the weapons of war - guns, tanks, aircraft, warships etc
The idea that a country needs to isolate itself from world affairs and focus on its own self-interest