Peace & Conflict Flashcards
What is sexual harassment?
A form of unlawful discrimination but unwanted behaviour of a sexual nature
What is sexual assult?
Physical or emotional violation inflicted on someone without their consent
What is sexual bullying?
Behaviour where sexuality or gender is used agaisnt a person to degrade them single them out or victimise them
What is peacemaking?
The action of trying to establish peace
What is conflict resolution?
Creating peace between two parties that have been at war or in a dispute with each other
What is Non-violent ressitance?
Resisting a goverment without using violence, for example through peaceful protest or non-cooperation
What is justice?
The behaviour or treatment
What is righteous anger?
When a person is angry at all the things that oppose God
What is the views against violent protest?
- it is illegal
- it is ineffective
- innocent people can be hurt or die
- peaceful protest is more effective
What are the views supporting violent protest?
- suffragette movement
- protest in the democratic
- republic of congo
- american civil rights
- positive impact
What is radicalisation?
Where people adapt extreme points of views on different issuess
What is normally drawn to bwing radicalised?
Young people or who feel rejected by their community
What are some of the cause of radicalisation?
Groups that radicative people and that people drawn to their position
What is Martyrs?
People dying for their relgion and for God
What is torture?
The use of severe physical or psychological pain to punish somone or foce them to do or say something
What is terrorism?
An individual, ot a group of people who share certain beliefs use terror as part of a campaign to futher their cause
What is Just War Theory?
A set of rules and guidelines on when it is right to go to war and how to behave at war
What is Just cause method?
A moral reason for a war to be fought
What is the proper authority method?
War that should be gfought by the proper authority a person who is in charge e.g goverment
What is the right intention method?
War that would prevent a greater evil to reclaim peace
What is the last resort method?
Having to use all the methods to make peace first
What is the reasonable chancee of success?
War that shouldn’t be wasted with the lives of brave soldiers be a reasonable chance of success
What is the proportional method?
The good cause of coming to the war that must out the way the harm
What is the behaviour of troops?
- must not target the wrong people
- make sure to control your troops or will lead to war
What is pacifism?
Someone who believes that war is wrong
What are the consequneces of mordern war?
- innocent civillians
- pollution
- environmental cotastrophe
- financial consequences
- infracture
-refugee camps