peace ans conflict Flashcards
buddhist views on pacifism
buddhist are pacifist because of the 1st moral precept as the teaching of metta and karuna
christian’s views on pacifist
some charities might not be pacifist because there is evidence that jesus was not a pacifist as matthew shows jesus getting angry and turning over the table in the temple
christian views on weapons of mass destruction?
christian’s line that god made us stewards of the earth which they think is wrong as it results in a large number of deaths for example christian’s campaign against nuclear weapons
buddhist views on weapons of mass destruction
buddhist believe that weapons of mass destruction goes against the first moral preparation “thou shall not kill “ as buddhist love that they should follow metta ( loving kindness ) as buddhist campaign against nucleur weapons
christian’s views on forgiveness
christian’s may balibe that forgiveness is impotent part of being a christina’s because jesus died on the cross so that humans sin can be forgiven as jesus taught many times about forgiveness as it says in the teaching “i tell you not 7 times but 77 times “
buddhist views on forgives
they believe if you do not figure that could lead to anger and hatred with are part of the theee poisons as forgiveness also leads to compassion and wisdom
christian views on justice
god is just (fair ) and expects people to be the same
buddhist view on justice
suffering can be caused by injustice poole mistreating others
metta and kaurna teaches to treat all people with living kindness and compassion
general christian attitudes towards geed as reasons for war
some christian might be against the idea of greed as a reason for war because timothy says “for money is the root of all kinds of evil “
what are the three types of reasons for war
greed , self defence,retaliation
buddhist general attitudes towards greed as a reason for war
some buddhist might be against the idea of greed as a reason for war as it is one of the 3 poisons and thus should be avoided if you are trying to pursue enlightenment
christian attitudes towards self defence as a reason for war
some christian’s might be for the idea of self defence as a reason for war because in psalms it says “rescue the weak and the needy ..deliver them from the hand of the wicked “
buddhist attitudes towards self defence as a reason for war
some buddhist might be against the idea of self defence as a reason for war as war leads to violence and causes suffering thus it violates the principle of ahimsa /the first moral precept
christina’s general attitudes towards retaliation as a reason for war
some christian’s might be against the idea of retaliation as a reason for war as the bible says “but i tell you do not resist an eveik person if someone slaps you on the right cheek,turn the left one also”
buddhist views on attitudes towards retaliation as a reason for war
some buddhist might be against the idea of retaliation as a reason for war as it is an example of hate /anger which one of the 3 poisons and thus should be avoided if you are trying to pursue enlightenment.