family ans relationships Flashcards
Christian response to Contraception
Roman Catholic Church says that the use of contraception is against natural law (which means it is not in keeping with human nature). It is natural that conception may happen with intercourse and therefore this should not be prevented. The only form of contraception permitted is the ‘rhythm method’ where intercourse takes place at a time when the woman is least fertile.
Buddhist responses to Contraception
irth control, contraceptives are seen as a positive as they protect the two partners who do not want a child from the pain of an unwanted pregnancy, and it protects the child itself from being unwanted.
is for the sake of the mother’s life, or for the wellbeing of existing children or a concern for population growth, then contraception would be seen as responsible.
The purpose of marriage
Marriage is regarded by religions as the proper place to express sexuality, develop companionship and provide a secure environment to bring up children in a religious faith.
• The desire for sexual intimacy and children is considered natural.
christian teachings about marriage
Marriage is God’s gift and was ordained by God at creation.
• Christians believe marriage is a sacrament that reflects the love of Jesus, and a covenant before God in which the couple promise to live faithfully together until death.
buddhist teaching about marriage
uddhists believe that every situation they experience should help them to become better people, and ultimately to become “enlightened”.
• Buddhists want to become “enlightened” but they still feel the need to live ordinary lives.
• The Eightfold path gives Buddhists guidelines for good conduct. Right action means having respect for life, property and personal relationships and reflects what the Third Precept says, avoid sexual misconduct.
• Marriage is the best place for sex as long as the relationship is based on loyalty, honesty and faithfulness.
Christian attitude towards Divorce
Jesus taught that anyone who divorced and remarried was committing adultery.
• Jesus said “Anyone who divorces his wife and marries another woman commits adultery against her. And if she divorces her husband and marries another man, she commits adultery.”
Christians believe the vows made in the presence of God are sacred and must not be broken. So, the Christian Church will do all that it can to help couples resolve their problems.
some christian’s believe that the sanctity of marriage vows mean they must be kept no matter what. they think that marriage is a lifelong and cannot be dissolved by civil divorce
Buddhist attitude towards Divorce
Buddhists do not want a marriage to break down, because the responsibilities the couple have to each other are serious and they recognise that divorce will bring great harm and negative karma.
• However, they are realistic and if the marriage has ended and cannot be repaired then divorce may be the only option. The divorce would have to be carried out in the most sensible and sensitive to avoid hurting others.
buddhist see that divorce is seen as the last resort they put more effort into mending their relationships.
Christian opinion about the role of men and Women.
Christianity teaches that men and women are created equal by God. However, they have different roles and this does not mean they value women less. Staying home to bring up children in their faith is seen to be as important as having a career and making money. the couple will more than likely share out the housework and the cooking.
• Childcare will also be shared and children will also attend some form of nursery or childminding once parents return to work.
• Financial decisions are shared as both adults contribute to the upkeep of the home, holidays and home improvements for example.
• The partnership will be seen as equal and so there will be a balance of responsibilities.
what’s a nuclear family ?
(mum, dad and children) is still the most common family in the West (Europe and UK).
what is a extended family
a family where grandparents and other relatives are involved
what is a extended family
a family where grandparents and other relatives are involved
what’s a single parent family
this is a family where one parent brings up the child
buddhist views about the role of men and women
Buddhism teaches that men and women have equal value as we are part of samsara and everyone has the potential to reach enlightenment.
• The traditional view of the gender roles was that women were at home as wives and mothers and the men went out to work to provide for their family. The woman supports her husband by keeping the house clean and tidy, having his diner ready when he comes home and managing the housekeeping money that he gives her. She brings up the children supporting their education and social life.
Christian teaching about marriage.
Marriage is God’s gift and was ordained by God at creation.
• Christians believe marriage is a sacrament that reflects the love of Jesus, and a covenant before God in which the couple promise to live faithfully together until death.
buddhist teaching about marriage
Buddhists believe that every situation they experience should help them to become better people, and ultimately to become “enlightened”.
• Buddhists want to become “enlightened” but they still feel the need to live ordinary lives.
• The Eightfold path gives Buddhists guidelines for good conduct. Right action means having respect for life, property and personal relationships and reflects what the Third Precept says, avoid sexual misconduct.
• Marriage is the best place for sex as long as the relationship is based on loyalty, honesty and faithfulness.
christian attitudes towards sex
they believe that sex expresses a drop loving lifelong union that requires the commitment of marriage. take a vow of chastity to wait until they are married to have sex as it is wrong to us people for sext it is irresponsible to spend sexually transmitted infections and risk pregnancy