Peace and conflict Flashcards
Outline three reasons why Christian should work towards peace
Blessed are the Peacmakers
Jesus is a peacemaker
It will help get justice in the world
What is the Just war theory?
A war which is fought for the right reasons and is seen as justified.
Outline three points from the Just War theory
If last resort
In self defense
Avoids killing innocent civilians
What is Pacifism?
The belief that war cannot be justified under any circumstances
State three reasons why some Christian may be pacifists
‘Thou shall not kill
Jesus taught to love our enemies
Jesus stopped his own disciples from using violence
What is a Holy war?
Is where religious believers think God is on their side and therefore fighting because it is the right thing to do.
Outline three Christian beliefs on holy wars
God allowed a Holy war
There is evidence of holy wars the old testament
The bible teaches the importance of Peace
What are the three elements of a Holy war?
Authorized by a religious leader
There is a spiritual reward for those who take part
it aims to achieve a religious outcome
Outline three Christian beliefs on weapons of Mass destruction
Sancity of life
Destroys Gods creation and environment
The bible supports peace not war and fighting
Outline three types of reasons for conflicts occurring
Self defense
Outline three Christian beliefs on forgiveness
Jesus forgave others
We are all sinners
Jesus died on the cross to bring forgiveness between god and humanity.
Explain the importance of Jesus as a peacemaker (4/5)
Jesus taught blessed are the Peacemakers
Jesus died on the Cross to bring forgiveness and reconciliation between God and Humanity.
What is a conscientious objector?
a person who refuses to work in the armed forces for moral or religious reasons
What is Passive resistance?
Non violent opposition to something this may involve against certain laws
Describe two elements of the just war theory (4)
Last resort
Self defense
Explain two reason why Christians would not agree on Holy Wars
Quaker Christians may be pacifist- do not support war at all
Blessed are the peacemakers
Describe the positives aspects of weapons of mass destruction (4)
- A threat to deter other nations from starting a war
A stronger and quicker way to win a war
Give 3 points for the statement ‘Peace can be achieved’
Christian organisations that work towards achieving peace
Jesus promoted peace
Blessed are the Peacemakers
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Peace can be achieved’
Organisations have still failed to achieve peace in the world
Religion has caused many wars
Conflict is in our nature
Give 3 points for the statement ‘Forgiveness is the most important path to peace’
-Jesus forgave
Situation ethics
Blessed are the peacemakers
Give 1 points against the statement ‘Forgiveness is the most important path to peace
- Some crimes are too bad to forgive
What is an aggressor?
A person, group or country that is first to attack.
Give three points for the statement’ Pacifism allows aggressors to win’
- Allows innocent civilians to be killed
It is seen as selfish not to fight for your country
Not caring about the existing problems in the world
Give three points against the statement’ Pacifism allows aggressors to win’
Jesus did not use violence when arrested
MLK achieved what he wanted as a pacifist
The ten commandments forbids killing
What does non-nonsensical mean
Having no meaning or making no sense
Give 2 reasons for the statement ‘Going to war for religious beliefs is Nonsensical’
Christians are against war
No evidence their is God
Give 3 points against the statement ‘Going to war for religious beliefs is Nonsensical’
Aims to spread the faith
God allowed a Holy war
There is a spiritual reward if you take part
Give 3 point for the statement ‘No war is ever a just’
Give 3 point for the statement ‘No war is ever a just’
1) Life is sacred, as God created it (therefore you cannot hurting and killing innocent civillians