Christian beliefs Flashcards
What is the trinity?
The idea in the belief in One God who made himself known in three ways.
Outline three Christian beliefs about the trinity
1) The trinity is mentioned in the Nicene creed
2) Christians believe that the three parts of the trinity are equally important
3) The trinity is the idea of the father, Son and Holy spirit.
Outline three Christian beliefs about creation
God created the world in 6 days
On the First day he created Heaven and Earth, light and dark
On the second day he created the land and plant life.
Outline three Christian beliefs about the incarnation
Jesus is God Incarnate
Jesus forgave our sins
Jesus was resurrected after death
Outline three Christian beliefs about the last day’s of Jesus’ life
Jesus had his last supper with his disciples
Jesus was betrayed by one of his disciples Judas and was arrested
Jesus was put on the cross
What is Salvation?
Christians being saved from sin through the belief in Jesus
What is Atonement?
the idea that humans are reconciled and forgiven by God?
What does the Passion mean?
It is the phrase used to describe the last few days of Jesus’ life made up of a few events
Outline three Christian beliefs about salvation
God sent Jesus to repair the relationship between Humanity and God
The bible states that God sent Jesus to atone for the sins of Humanity
Jesus offered redemption for humans by sacrificing his life.
Outline three Christian beliefs about the afterlife
Christians believe they will go either heaven or hell
Christians believe on the day of Judgment God will judge who depending how you have lived your life
Christians believe souls of those who have sinned a lot will be purified in order to go heaven.
Outline three Christian solutions to the Problem of Evil
Everyone has free will to make decisions
The story of Job
Describe the importance of the Trinity for Christians
Christians believe the trinity helps them Understand their is One God who is understood in different ways
Shows that God is always in the world
Describe why creation is important for Christians (4)
Shows that God is Omnipotent
God gave humans the responsibility to look after the world ‘stewardship’
What is the Nicene creed?
Is an important statement of belief about the trinity and different characteristics of each role
Explain the significance of the crucifixion
The death of Jesus represents the dedication to ensure eternal life for humans
Helps Christians understand the sacrifice Jesus made and reinforce the importance of Jesus
What is Jesus ascension ?
The resurrected Jesus ascended to heaven after his resurrection
What is Atonement?
Restoring a relationship between God and Humanity
Explain the importance of atonement for Christians
Restored the Relationship between God and Human beings
Jesus died as an act of Love to save humanity
Explain the importance of the Day of Judgement for Christians (4/5)
God will decide the destination of every human soul
Jesus will offer every human the opportunity of salvation( being saved from their sins)
Explain why the resurrection is an important belief (4/5)
Shows that God is Omnipotent
It means that death is not the end
Explain two solutions to the problem of evil for Christians
Story of Job- shows we need to trust in God and he will reward us
Prayer - even if God doesn’t answer, God has a plan for everyone
State 2 reasons for why ‘the creation story is no longer relevant’
-Science and Religion explain the creation
Non-Literalists believe God didn’t create the world as how the bible states
State 3 reasons against ‘the creation story is no longer relevant’
It is a gift showing how he loves us
Christians are stewards of his creation
Proofs God does exist as Christians believe God created the world.
State a reason for the statement ‘ the afterlife is a made up concept
No proof
State two reasons aganist the statement ‘ the afterlife is a made up concept
-Jesus was resurrected and accsended to heaven
God is Omnipotent
Give 3 reasons that support the statement ‘Easter is more important than Christmas ‘
Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus (given much hope of an afterlife with God)
The death of Jesus remembered at Easter time
The resurrection of Jesus provides hope and evidence that God sent his only son to redeem the sins of humanity
Give 3 reasons against the statement ‘Easter is more important than Christmas ‘
- Without the birth of Jesus there wouldn’t be the death and resurrection of Jesus
- The birth of Jesus signifies the start of religion in Christianity
- More people celebrate Christmas showing more relevance in society.
What does Universalism mean?
The belief that all humankind will eventually be saved
Give three points that support the statement ‘Evil exist therefore God does not’
If God cannot prevent evil he is no omnipotent
If God doesn’t know evil he is not all knowing
God’s punishment as a result as a result of our bad sins
Give three points against the statement ‘Evil exist therefore God does not’
God gave humans free will
Gods plan preparing for heaven
Satan makes people suffer not God
Give three points for the statement It is God who is responsible for all evil in the world’
‘God’s plan
Natural evil
Give three points against the statement It is God who is responsible for all evil in the world’
-Free will
Satan causes evil
God doesn’t exist