P.E.: Swimming Flashcards
What do your arms do in the front stroke?
arms alternate pull with “s” pattern and hands cupped, rotary breathing
What do your legs do in front stroke?
flutter kick from hips, legs straight, feet kick up and down
What are your cues for front stroke?
cup the hands, rotary breath, “talk to the fish, listen to the fish”
What do your arms do in back stroke?
arms alternate pull, pinky enters water first
What do your legs do in back stroke?
flutter kick from the hips, legs straight, feet kick up and down
What are your cues for back stroke?
head back, look at ceiling
What do your arms do in side stroke?
bottom arm is straight above head, top arm at side. pull hands meet in front of chest and go back
What do your legs do in side stroke?
scissor kick: top leg forward bottom leg extends, both bent bring legs together
What are your cues for side stroke?
“pick an apple, put in other hand, throw in basket.” or “tie a knot and pull it tight”
What do your arms do in breast stroke?
scull hands outward for a “Y” with arms, bend elbows, pull hands inward, breath, shoot hands out
What do your legs do in breast stroke?
whip kick: bring knees toward chest, kick out until legs are apart, then bring feet together
What are your cues for breast stroke?
“clean the cookie bowl with arms”, kick into a glide
What do your arms do in elementary backstroke?
pull hands into armpits, shoot the arms out to the side, push hands down to your sides, arms are then straight
What do your legs do during elementary backstroke?
inverted whip kick: drop heels, press knees together, flex feet out, have feet meet together
What are your cues for elementary backstroke?
“monkey, airplane, rocket”
What is prone position?
when you float face down
What is supine position?
when you float on back face up
What is a survival float?
when body is face down and you lift your head to breathe
How long is the Maine West pool?
25 yards long
What does reaching assist include?
sheppards hook, poles, arms, legs, noodles, towels
What does throwing assist include?
ring buoys, coolers, balls, kick boards, rescue tubes
What does PFD stand for?
personal flotation device
What does HELP stand for?
heat escape, lessing, posture
What does the HELP position do?
uses a life jacket and keeps you warm
What does a huddle position do?
used to keep people together, to be seen and keep warm
What is the “bob” used for?
breath control and survival using rhythmic breathing
How do you release a cramp?
massage it
Which way is your body when you tread water?
Which way is your body when you float?
Why should you never dive into water of unknown dept?
could cause spinal injury