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> Acute viral hepatitis is a systemic infection that mainly affects the liver, and almost all known cases of acute viral hepatitis include HAV_HBV_HCV_HDV_HEV_HGV.
The disease can be completely mild or asymptomatic clinically, and is sometimes so severe that it can cause death.
1\ Hepatitis B
> It is an acute infection that causes major liver damage
Hepatitis B virus infection is a serious global health problem
About 2 billion people worldwide are infected and 350 million (5%) are chronic carriers of the hepatitis virus
Hepatitis B is the tenth leading cause of death in the world
About 1 to 1.5 million people die each year from the complications of hepatitis B disease.
40% of primary liver cancers and 50-40% of liver cirrhosis have been observed in people with hepatitis B
In Iran, on average, 2-3% of people are infected with the virus
Sexual distribution of infection 35% female and 65% male
Ways of transmission
> Blood and blood products
Transfer from mother to child
Sexual contact
Use a shared toothbrush or razor ڕیشتاشی
Use of contaminated dental and surgical instruments
Getting an infected organ transplant
Chewing food by an infected mother and putting it in the baby’s mouth or sharing in chewing gum
No transmission of hepatitis B through:
> to shake hands
Meet an infected person
Coughing and sneezing پژمین
Play with a child who is a carrier
Kissing cheeks and lips when dry
Food prepared by the carrier
periods of the disease
> Incubation period : 45 to 180 days (average less than 100 days)
Transmission period: The virus is present in the blood one month before jaundice and in the acute phase, and the transmission period usually lasts several months.
Clinical course: No jaundice until jaundice occurs
The risk of chronic hepatitis without jaundice is higher
Jaundice usually goes away within 4 weeks
Resistance: disappears with heat by autoclave for 60_30 minutes.
High risk groups
> Active heterosexual adolescents and adults
Family members and sexual partners of people with chronic hepatitis B.
Doctors and nurses and those who deal with blood professionally
Hemodialysis patients
Gay men
Injecting drug users
Adolescents of correctional facilities and other correctional centers
Residents and staff of care centers for patients with developmental disorders
Adopted children منداڵی بەخێوکراوی from countries with hepatitis B epidemics
2\ HDV
> Infection is common all over the world, especially in southern Europe, the Middle East, India and parts of Africa.
Hepatitis delta infection is always associated with hepatitis B.
The virus is particularly prevalent in injecting drug users and all groups at high risk of hepatitis B infection.
HIV infection may cause the delta virus to reactivate.
It has two forms of coinfection and superinfection.
Chronic cases of delta hepatitis have been reported that can lead to cirrhosis.
Hepatocellular carcinoma شێرپەنجەی خانەکانی جگەر is not common in HBSAg vectors infected with the delta virus.
The transmission, prevention and control are similar to hepatitis B.
Hepatitis B vaccination also protects against delta infection.
3\ Hepatitis C
> Hepatitis C is the cause of 95-90% of cases of hepatitis after blood transfusion
The main cause of chronic liver disease and hepatocellular carcinoma in the world
50% of patients have chronic hepatitis and 20% of them eventually develop cirrhosis
Hepatitis C is the number one cause of liver transplantation in the United States
WHO estimates: خەمڵاندنەکان
> 3% of the world’s population is infected with HCV
> 170 million chronic carriers are at risk for cirrhosis and liver cancer
> About 4 million people in the United States are infected, four times more than HIV
> Almost every year 30,000 new cases and 10_8 thousand deaths from HCV occur.
Hepatitis C statistics ئامارەکان in Iran
> In Iran, it is much less common than type B.
The number of patients is 300,000
The most common way of transmission is the use of shared syringes in injecting drug users
The highest prevalence of infection in volunteer blood donors in Sistan and Baluchestan province is 1.5% and the lowest in Fars province is 0.2%.
Ways of transmitting hepatitis C
> Blood and blood products (the most well-known method of transmission) Contamination rate in blood recipients وەرگران containing HCV has decreased from 30% to 3%
Sexual contact
Transfer from mother to neonatal
Contaminated needles, tattoos and circumcision خەتەنەکردن with contaminated equipment کەرەستە
Transplantation of HCV-infected organs
some notes:
> The probability of contracting HCV due to needle sticking is 10_3%
The probability of getting HBV due to needle sticking varies from 27_5% (average 12%)
The probability of contracting HIV due to needle sticking is 0.29%
Prevention and vaccination against hepatitis C.
> There is no specific form of IG or vaccine.
In cases of infection through the needle head contaminated with blood of a person suspected گومانی of having hepatitis C, it is recommended to inject immunoglobulin.
> recommendations :
Strict observance ڕەچاوکردنی توند of precautionary aspects لایەنە خۆپارێزییەکان for staff and patients
Avoid donating بەخشین blood, organs, tissues and sperm of infected people
Recommended پێشنیاری کرد use of condoms (latex) in people who have sex with multiple people.
Do not share toothbrushes and razors in families where there is an infected person.
> Cover wounds properly
No transmission of the disease through close contact with the patient and eating in a shared container
Do not prevent pregnancy in people infected with hepatitis C.
Do not prohibit قەدەغە مەکە breastfeeding in hepatitis C.
HCV-positive mother refrains خۆی دەپارێزێت from breastfeeding if the nipple cracks or bleeds
4\ Hepatitis A
> Symptoms: fever, chills لەرز , headache, fatigue شەکەتی , general weakness, body aches and then anorexia بێئاگایی لە خواردن, nausea هێڵنج , vomiting, dark urine and jaundice
Benign disease with complete recovery چاک بوونەوە within a few weeks without recurrence
The severity of the disease increases with age
Most cases of death in the elderly
mortality rate of Cases with jaundice is 0.6%
Ways of transmission hepatitis A
> Fecal-oral route: The most common route
Extraintestinal tract: blood, blood products and skin penetration چوونە ناو پێست , rare
Sexual transmission: mainly in gay men
periods of the disease:
> Incubation period: 15 to 45 days (usually 25 to 30 days) depending on the amount of virus ingested
Contagion period: from 2 weeks before to 1 week after the onset of jaundice
Immunity: Lifetime
Tendency to occur in late autumn and early winter
The virus survives لە ژیاندا دەمێنێتەوە for more than 10 weeks in well water, withstands بەرگەی دەگرێت temperatures of 60 degrees for one hour, and is not affected by chlorine at normal chlorination levels.
Formalin has an effective antiseptic effect
Prevention and control
> Observance ڕەچاوکردن of personal hygiene and provision of public health
Exposure بەرکەوتن of contaminated equipment to formalin, UV and heat
Boil water for 1 minute during an epidemic پەتایی
Separation of dishes, spoons, forks, clothes, needles and patient waste by staff equipped with gloves
Cook seafood for 4 minutes at 85 to 90 degrees or in a steamer for 90 seconds.
Wash your hands between changing each diaper دایبی in kindergarten باخچەی ساوایان
Wash hands before eating
Immunoglobulin injection to all children and kindergarten staff in case of hepatitis A
Immunoglobulin injection to travelers to endemic areas
Immunization against hepatitis A.
> Active immunization (vaccination)
People with chronic liver disease
Gay and bisexual men
Injecting drug users
Laboratory personnel who working with HAV
Hospital staff
Food preparation and cooking workers
Post-exposure دوای بەرکەوتن prevention cases
> Family members and sexual contact with the patient should be injected with immunoglobulin within 2 weeks.
Birth of a baby from a mother infected with the hepatitis A virus
Kindergarten personnel, children and their family members
Personnel of institutions دامەزراوەکان and hospitals only in cases where the prevalence of the disease is reported among the patients or from the patient to the staff.
Common reservoir contact (within 2 weeks of last contact with contaminated water or food)