PD957 BP220 Flashcards
PD 957
regulating the sale of condo lots and subd
primary purpose of this decree is to protect buyers of condo and subd
PD 957
act authorizing the ministry of human settlement to establish economoic and socialized housing
PD 1216
Defining “Open Space” In Residential Subd
PD 1096
natl bldg code of the ph
PD 1185
Fire COde of the ph
tract or parcel of land registered under act 496 which is partitioned primarily for resi purposes into indiv lots
subdivision project
any of the lot, wheter resi commercial industrial in a subd proj
subd lot
subd plan of a registerd land wherein a street pasageway or open space is delinenated
complex subd plan
entire parcel of real property divided t=or to be divided primarily for resi purposes in to condo units
condominium proj
part of condo proj intended for independent use of ownershio
condo unit
shall mean an interest in real prop consisting of a separate interest in a unit in a resi commercial indus bldg and an undivided interestin common directly or indirectly
parcel of land bounded on the sides by streets alleys or pathways
public way width of 2m intended to break a block
side of a lot which abuts a street
housing proj where prices oh house and lot packages are within the suggested price range determined thru HUDCC
Medium OCst and Open MArket
wall that subdivides a bldg to resist fire
a wall used jointly by two parties under easement agreement
party wall
rfer to areas allocated to: circulation, comm facilities, park playground, easement, courts
open space
bldg designed or used as residence for one or more fam
dwelling for one fam completely surrounded by open space
single detached
dwelling containing two or more separate units
single attached/ duplex
single attached dwelling containing three or more separate units
row house
mean single fam per lot
single-family dwelling
dwelling on one lot containing separate dweeling unitd fore 3 or more fam, usually has common access, services and use of land
Multi family dwelling
portion of subd or any parcel of land inteded as a unit for transfer of ownership
a wall used only by party upon whose lot the wall is located
lot line wall
a lot situaetd at the intersection oft wo or more streets
corner lot
lot fronting on one street andthe remaining sided bounded by lot line
regular lot
lot located at the inner portion of a block
interior lot
lot bounded on two opposite sided of road
through lot
lot which is not rec or square shaped
irregular lot
habitable dwelling unit which meets the min req for a hlusing core
shell house
habitable dwelling unit which meets the min req for a shell house with the ff addtnl components
complete house
TYPE OF HOUSING PROJ provided to ave income fam
economic housing
refers to housing progs and projs
socialized housing
single fam detached dwelling containing three or more separate dwelling unit
cluster housing
max price socialized gousinh
400 000 for h&l
160 000 for lot only
max price for economic
1.2 for H&L
500 000 for lot only
site critera
loc, physical suitablitiy and accessibility
conform to zoning ordinance and clup
shall be located within suitbale sites outside hazard prone areas
physical suitability
site must be served with a road that is readily accesible to public
areas req for subd facilities and amenities
facilities and amenities
natl power corp
BP220 no fix ratio
street or road linking the site and serves as the main traffic artery
main road
street or road that services vehicle snd pedestrian from minor to major
collector road
road that provides direct access to lots
minor road
rowhpuse cluster number of units
20 units
max block length
witha alley 250m