PD syllabus Flashcards
CQ1a measuring health status
- role of epidemiology
- measures of epidemiology
CQ1b identifying priority health issues
- social justice principles (EDS)
- priority population groups
- prevalence of condition
- potential for prevention and early intervention
- costs to individual and community
CQ2a groups experiencing health inequities
(nature + extent, sociocultural/economic/environ)
- role of individuals, communities, governments in addressing health inequities
CQ2b high levels of preventable chronic disease, injury, and mental health problems
- cardiovascular disease
- cancer (skin, breast, lung)
- diabetes
CQ3a health care in australia
- range and types of health facilities and services
- responsibility for health facilities and services
- equity and access to health facilities and services
- health care expenditure vs expenditure on early intervention and prevention
- impact of emerging new treatments and technologies on health care, eg; cost and access, benefits of early detection
- health insurance: medicare and private
CQ2c a growing and ageing population
- healthy ageing
- increased population living with a chronic disease and disability
- demand for health services and workforce shortages
- availability of carers and volunteers
CQ3b complementary and alternative health care approaches
- reasons for growth of complementary and alternative health products and services
- range of products and services available
- how to make informed consumer choices
CQ4a health promotion based on the five action areas of the ottawa charter
- levels of responsibility for health promotion
- the benefits of partnerships in health promotion (gov sector/non gov agencies/local comm)
- how health promotion based on the ottawa charter promotes social justice
- the ottawa charter in action
CQ1b types of training and training methods
- areobic (continuous, fartlek, areobic/long interval, circuit)
- anaerobic (anaerobic interval)
- flexibility (static, ballistic, pnf, dynamic)
- strength (free/fixed weights, elastic, hydraulic)
CQ1a energy systems/pathways
- alactacid system (ATP/PC)
- lactic acid system
- areobic system
CQ1d physiological adaptations in response to training
- resting heart rate
- stroke volume n cardiac output
- oxygen uptake and lung capacity
- haemoglobin level
- muscle hypertrophy
- effect on fast/slow twitch muscle fibres
CQ1c principles of training
- progressive overload
- specificity
- reversibility
- variety
- training thresholds
- warm up + cool down
CQ2b anxiety and arousal
- trait and state
- sources of stress
- optimum arousal
CQ2a motivation
- positive and negative
- intrinsic and extrinsic
CQ2c psychological strategies to enhance motivation and manage anxiety
- concentration/attention skills (focusing)
- mental rehearsal/visualisation/imagery
- relaxation techniques
- goal setting
CQ3a nutritional considerations
- pre performance (carb loading)
- during performance
- post performance
CQ3b supplementation
- vitamins/minerals
- protein
- caffeine
- creatine products